Greetings dear ones. We come again to wish you a happy Ascension process.
Although many of you are saying it hasn’t been very happy lately. We see the Light of earth increasingly changing very quickly and it will not be long before the many changes you anticipate begin to appear.
Try very hard to let go of any and all concepts of how Ascension should appear. There are many telling you that the changes are going to happen this way or that or that you will feel and experience in a particular way. Every person is individual and each has their own past life energies to clear and balance. Every person’s experience is going to be somewhat different from the next person’s although there will be some similarities.
請 盡己所能拋棄所有對於揚升會如何發生的概念。許多的資訊不斷的告知你們大轉變將以這種,那種,或者你將感受和體驗到的特殊方式發生。其實每個人都是獨一無 二的,每個人都擁有著自身過去的生活能量需要去清理和平衡。每個人的體驗與其他人來說都會有某種不同的,雖然會有一些相似性。
The clearing of old energies can leave you feeling sick, tired, and discouraged. Much of what you are experiencing is old heavy energy from the long past; energies that you have carried from lifetime to lifetime. As this old energy releases, it is possible to re-experience some of it.
Your job is simply to let it go in your understanding of what it taking place. Do not claim it back with words like; “I am so depressed”, or “I am so sick” etc. etc. Actually, it is fine to talk about this with like minded friends, we are saying be careful not to give it “life” again.
Trust dear ones that all is proceeding according to plan. Go within more, and try not to be overly influenced by what is presented to you by those who pretend to know everything. This is an important part of reclaiming your power dear ones, for in ignorance you have given it away believing that you didn’t have any power or a right to it. External influences include new age teachers as well as religious ones. Some new age channels are not clear within themselves. Trust your intuition and if something does not resonate with you, simply do not go there.
請 相信,親愛的,所有一切都順利的按照計畫那樣進行著。請更深的走入內在,請嘗試不要讓自己被那些假裝自己知道一切的人所說出的話語過度影響自己。重新聲明 你自己的力量是很重要的,親愛的朋友們,因為愚昧無知的話你就把力量交給了別人,並相信自己沒有力量或者權利去做。外界的影響包括新世紀導師,當然也包括 那些宗教徒。一些新世紀的通靈管道對自己都不太瞭解。請相信你自己的直覺,如果某些事情與你不產生共鳴的話,就不要介入其中。
As the frequencies of Light resonate on higher and higher levels and the veil thins, many are starting to see and hear the higher dimensions, but if an individual choosing to channel is not clear and resonating at the level of Light, he will bring through messages colored by his own state of consciousness. His fears and beliefs will be a part of his message, so do not believe that everything you read or hear is truth. For those of you who wish to channel, it is imperative that you voice your intent to communicate ONLY WITH BEINGS OF LIGHT.
由 於聖光的頻率共振在越來越高的層次,帷幕變得稀薄,許多人開始看到並聽到更高維度的展現,如果某個選擇通靈的個體內心不清晰,沒有與光共振,那麼他帶來的 資訊就會包含自己自我意識的狀態。他的恐懼和信仰將成為資訊的一部分,所以不要盲目相信你讀到或者聽到的聲稱是事實的事物。對於那些想要通靈的人來說,非 常有必要的一點就是在你的意圖中聲明,只有光的存有能夠與你進行交流。
You are manifestations of Source–that Infinite and omnipresent Divine Consciousness that embodies within Itself everything real . Everything within Divine Consciousness is governed by law and therefore can never be changed. That is why we think it very humorous when wedding ceremonies state; “What God hath joined together, let no man put asunder.” Whatever God has joined could never be put asunder for it would be governed by Divine Law.
你們都是源頭的顯化---那 無限與無所不在的神聖意識把自己棲身于每件現實的事物中。每件內在屬於神聖意識的事物都被宇宙法則所掌控,這點從未能被改變。所以我們認為在結婚典禮時的 陳述就非常滑稽可笑;“神所結合的兩個人,不要讓任何人拆散。”不管神有沒有加入都不可能拆散,因為由神聖法則所掌控。
Remember this, for it will help you to understand yourselves; that all that is true about the Divine is true about you right now, always has been true, and always will be. This is mysticism, the journey of awakening that you are making right now.
What is embodied within this Divine Consciousness that I also am, you may ask. Abundance, completeness, wholeness, intelligence, wisdom, life, and infinite qualities of Source that mankind is not yet able to comprehend. All is consciousness, for it is omnipresent, and there is nothing separate or apart from it. Every outer manifestation is the material concept of a spiritual reality, a facet of Divine Consciousness. Now understand that all the qualities of God are also your qualities because It is all there is. If Source is omnipresent, where would something come from that could be separate from it?
你 們也許會問,這種神聖意識的具體表達是什麼,而我也是如此。豐富,完整,全體,智慧,智慧,生命,偉大源頭的無限特性還不是人類所能夠領悟的。一切都具有 意識,因為祂無所不在,沒有什麼能夠與祂分離。每個外在的顯現都是一個靈性現實的物質概念,一種神聖意識的面向。現在請理解神的所有品質也是你的品質,祂 無所不在。如果偉大源頭是無所不在的,那麼又有什麼能夠真正與之分離呢?
You say that life certainly doesn’t seem that way. No it doesn’t, because your state of consciousness is still resonating with the false beliefs of duality and separation. You are creators and are perfectly manifesting your beliefs about yourself and the world. That is why we encourage you to take back your power, decide for yourselves what is right for you based on your new state of awareness, and let go of all that would hold you in bondage to what is finished be it friends, relatives, organizations, or whatever.
你 們說生活看起來根本不是這樣。是的,它沒有,這是因為你們的意識層次依舊與錯誤的二元性分離的信仰相共鳴。你們都是創造者,完美的顯現著關於你自身和世界 的信仰。這也是為何我們鼓勵你們取回屬於自己的力量,去決定基於你新覺知狀態來說什麼是正確的,讓所有會束縛你的,來自朋友,親戚,公司,或者其他任何已 經完結的一切消逝。
It is time to stand on your own two feet and declare “I am that I am.” and mean it.
You see dear ones, that is all there is to evolution–the awakening and movement into the realization that I am, that I always have been, and always will be, but I forgot for awhile.
This a profound planetary shift dear ones, and most of you are doing a fine job of it in spite of the often painful issues that have been brought up for you to release.
Go within more, rest in your center, and know that all is proceeding according to a plan that you cannot fully understand as of yet. Pull back from anything and anyone that no longer resonates with you, spend more time in quiet contemplation and in nature. Let go of all that feels old and finished, and trust, because once you have given permission to evolve and ascend, you are on your way.
請 更深的進入內在,根植在你的中心,並且明白所有一切都按照計畫進行著,只是你還不能完全領悟。把自己與所有不再與你共鳴的人和事中拉回來,花更多的時間在 靜寂沉思和大自然中。讓所有讓你感覺陳舊與已完結的一切消逝,並充分信任,因為一旦你給予了自己許可去進化與揚升,你就已經上道了。
譯者 U2覺醒
轉載自-- http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e22c.html