Beloved Ones,
You are in a period of stillness awaiting the influx of greater energies that are soon to flood the Planet. Be receptive and open to these energies and absorb as much of them as you are able. Set your intention to receive in grace and ease and it will be so. Many changes continue to take place within your physical bodies and your DNA is being further activated. The next six months will bring through many revelations and a greater connection with your inner truths. Much that has been hidden from you will emerge into the light of day for you to ponder and absorb.
Stay connected to your inner core essence and let it guide your way. This will help you to stay in the knowing of yourself and that which is important for you to follow for the highest and best outcomes in all that occurs in your daily living. In dealing with others, always look to meet them in the areas of common interest and endeavor to reflect to them your Light, and in turn, allow their Light to reflect back to you. You are in a period of igniting each other to the unfoldment of greater visions and dreams. It is an exciting period for all as each seeks to merge with their greater aspects.
與 你內在核心的本質保持持續不斷的連接,讓它指引你前進的道路。這會幫助你駐留在自我的覺知中,這對你來說十分重要,在你每日生活所發生的所有事情中去尋求 最高與最好的結果。在處理與他人的問題之時,總是注意帶著共同利益與他們會面,竭盡全力把你的光芒反射到他們身上,轉而,也允許他們的光反射回你自己這 裡。你們處於一個點火期,彼此之間去揭示更廣大的視角和夢想。對每一位在尋求融入自身更高面向的人來說這會是一段激動人心的時期。
This will transpire in different ways for each of you and the outcomes will be wonderfully diverse as each of you express through your Beings that which is uniquely your own essence. Become each others greatest cheering teams, for much joy and laughter will facilitate the moving forward of each of you to your true and rightful place, as the shift of the ages continues to occur. Let go of all remaining fear and doubt, for all that comes through you is the merging of the higher aspects of yourselves. There will be prolonged periods of the feeling of joy that bursts from within you as you leave all that was behind you.
對 於不同的人來說,它將會以許多不同的方式呈現出來,而結果更是多種多樣了,你們每個人都通過自身的存在來表達,因為你本質的存在就是獨一無二的。請讓你們 彼此之間成為最讓人歡呼的團隊,因為許多的喜悅和歡笑將讓你們每個人都能更容易的進入自我真實和正確的地點,而時代的變遷則會繼續的發生。讓依舊存留的所 有恐懼和質疑都消散,因為所有通過你表達出來的情緒都是與自身更高面向的合併。將會出現持續久遠的喜悅感受從你的內在爆發出來,因為你擺脫了所有曾經隱藏 且不必要的一切。
Stay grounded into the Earth each day as she will support you as the metamorphosis within you continues to take place. Drink copious amounts of fresh, clean water to help facilitate the movements of the new energies coming through you and be outdoors as much as possible. Practice deep breathing exercises each day to help move the new pranic energies into your cells. Allow the expression of all that comes through you and observe what comes forth. You are reconnecting to skills, abilities and talents that have lain dormant for a long time.
每 天都保持與地球母親的根植,因為她會支持你,而你內在的變化也將持續發生。請飲用大量新鮮潔淨的水來幫助促進新能量流通你的身體,盡可能的讓自己置身戶 外。每天都練習多次深呼吸技巧來幫助把全新的【普納那】能量送入你的身體。請允許從你身上出現的一切現象自由的表達自己,觀察它們帶來了什麼。你們正重新 連接到各種技巧,能力和天賦,它們已沉睡了很長時間。
We watch over you and walk beside you Beloved Ones at all times. Do not forget to invite our presence into your daily lives and remember that all is well, all is perfect and give thanks for all the wondrous miracles that come to pass.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
譯者 U2覺醒