


(2012-12-15 19:34:14)


We are the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light, encircling you all in these days of Love and happiness. This is truly a fantastic time that all of you are experiencing. You may genuinely feel grateful for this for it is really a very exceptional process, and a great one at that too! We feel thyoud your expectations in all Love and in mutual respect.


We feel a greater sense of connectedness between humanity in these times and that is a very desirable feature to usher in this fantastic time and we are most pleased to announce from our standpoint that something really big will come to pass in the coming times. You can count on even more efforts from our part to effectively establish the first contacts with your civilizations.


We wish to arrive at that in all calmness and serenity; it isnt required to link this event with big festivities, that really is not necessary. According to our monitoring, the best way to proceed with these first contacts is in all tranquility with groups of your civilizations. The one who is ready will be most suitable to communicate with us and, eventually, will be granted a conscious encounter. Lets first and foremost establish these proceedings with the highest possible serenity, since the wrong approach, in which things are not properly handled, could still cause too much panic.

我 們希望在到達之時大家都處於安寧與平靜之中;不需要為了這個事件而大肆慶祝,這真的沒有必要。根據我們的監測,與你們文明的第一次接觸最好是以平靜的方式 來開展,有些人已經準備好了非常願意與我們交流,最終,將會有一次清楚的邂逅。首先讓我們在『高度』平靜的原則下展開這些行動,因為如果用錯了方法,沒有 妥善處理好的話,將會引起巨大的恐慌。

We radiate serenity and our intentions testify to this. We, as the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light, have already been able to accomplish much on your world and beyond thanks to our harmony and our cooperation. The co-emissaries of the Galactic Council of the Light are fully ready and in stand-by to actually begin establishing contacts after our contacts went smoothly, indicating that our first contact mission was a successful one.

我 們所放射出來的平靜以及我們的意圖都可以被證明,我們,作為昴宿星光之使者,已經在你們的世界上做了很多事情『數不勝數』、這都歸功於我們的和諧與合作。 代表著銀河光之議會的使者們都已經完全的準備好了並且正處於待命狀態、事實上只要接觸一開始就確保其順利的進行,而我們的第一次接觸任務只能算是成功的一 部分。(譯者:因為之後的任務會更多!)

All in all we are dealing with a highly sensitive project and it requires a devised and well thought-out plan coupled with a careful execution in all Love and serenity! We would really appreciate your assistance and cooperation in the matter by being and remaining calm at all times and, if need be, calming down others around you. We absolutely have no ill intentions towards you, we come in peace in order to have you recognize who you really are : you are our family!

總 之我們正在處理一個高度敏感的專案、它需要深思熟慮的設計和計畫而且還要用愛和平靜小心翼翼的去執行!關於此事我們將會非常感謝你們的幫助與合作、在任何 時候都要保持鎮靜,如果有需要的話,請説明你周圍的人保持鎮靜。我們對你絕對沒有惡意,我們是為和平而來、是為了讓你想起你真正是誰而來;你是我們的家 人!

We come because we Love you, thats the only reason. Many of our emissaries and many of our family of the Light are incarnated on your world and despite that fact they do not differ from you, so there is nothing to fear! All is well.


We would like to take this opportunity to divulge over the last biggest shift of this calendar year.


This conclusion will be one never to forget. It will be the start of the most beautiful world and the most wonderful change ever. It is a magnificent conclusion of duality and the start of your own gorgeous Being. This shift heralds a new era of Light in which the Christ consciousness will be yours, for all of you. It will be your renewed collective state of being, which will entail its growing pains as every evolution goes hand in hand with them.

這 個結局會讓任何人都無法忘記,這將會是美麗新世界的誕生而且會是有史以來最美妙的轉變。這是一次二元性的宏偉結局並且將是你們華麗新生命的開始。這種轉變 預示著一個光的新時代、你們都將擁有基督意識,你們所有人,都將呈現出新的集體狀態,因為每一次的進化都必須伴隨著『成長的煩惱』。

Ultimately you should keep your focus on the end result which is within your grasp now.


Everything will evolve much quicker than ever before. It will be difficult to keep up with how fast everything will change as to the processes, the changes, the creations, the consciousness and the enlightenment involved. All timelines will converge into one point and all of a sudden everything could very well shift in 1 second: thats how fast it can go.


Time will no longer exist, only the moment of NOW will remain and in that specific NOW moment you will BE in that higher state of BEING, the only one you will embody and radiate out.


That is the Christ state of Being towards which you are evolving now on a collective scale and Mother Earth has never ever been surrounded by so many beautiful Light Presences, on Earth as well as beyond.


We are all present, and that is an understatement in itself, to witness you succeed in your realization of your own creations and of your own Ascension. Accomplish what you have fought so hard for, what you have toiled towards and see that becoming real before your very eyes and in your hearts.


We are here to see to it that everything works out well and ends well ; we come to assist our family on Earth in their specific missions here. We feel exhilarated, so do you and with reason! What you have accomplished has never been done before in any history whatsoever, and certainly not on the level that you have reached now. Enjoy the astonishing continuation of your creation and release everything during this shift!


Enjoy, go with the flow and bring your heart to a degree of pure Love. And keep hovering in this Love and indulge yourself for it will have a liberating effect.


We are the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light and we would like to meet you next time in your newly born New World. Take good care of this new world and take good care of all your brothers and sisters : that will be the new way of life on this world and not otherwise.



通靈:Méline Lafont



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