【揚升大師Hilarion】1月8日--15日資訊更新 【推薦閱讀】

【揚升大師Hilarion】1月8日--15日資訊更新 【推薦閱讀】

Beloved Ones,

You may have noticed that as your bodies - mental, emotional and physical, transform as you daily walk upon your Planet, that even though you still experience challenges of the opposing forces within you, that there exists also, a lightening of your spirit, a lifting of the denseness that has kept you chained to the old paradigm patterns. It will seem much easier to step around the pothole of repeating thoughts and patterns rather than falling into it again, and you will realize that you are gaining in Mastery of these.


你們也許已經發現了,你的三具身體-情 緒體,精神體和肉體在你每天行走于星球之上時一直被轉變著,即便這樣,你依舊在體驗著內心反面對抗的力量,但是也存在著一種你靈性的昇華,一直在束縛著你 的舊實相的模式鎖鏈正在不斷的松脫。這會變得更容易,遊刃有餘的行走在重複的思維與行為模式的壺穴周圍,卻不至於跌落到洞中,你就會發現自己正在贏得大師 的資格。

Life will seem more joyful and good humor will surface and want to be expressed in many delightful ways. Allow this, Dear Ones, for it is time to feel the release of the heaviness of Being and to seize the joyful moment as they spontaneously rise up from within you. This is the lightness of your Soul, newly cleansed and purified that now comes forth to lead you into a new adventure into uncharted realms. You have done the work and are now aligning with your highest aspects and this will become more clear to you as you move into the year of 2012.

生 活將變得更加的愉悅人心,善意的幽默也將不斷湧現,期待著以許多可愛的方式被表達出來。摯愛的親人們,請允許它發生,因為現在的時刻是去感受這種沉悶的存 在感得以釋放,同時在喜悅的時刻由你內在自然出現的時候,專注於它們。這是源自於你靈魂的輕盈感受,重新的清理與淨化,現在來到了你的面前,引領著你進入 一種新的冒險之中,進入未知的領域。你已經完成了工作,現在正調整著自己進入最高的面向,這將變得更加的清晰,就在你更加深入的進入2012年的時候。

You will be a shining beacon of Light to those who cohabitate with you and to those in your community. Your feelings of joy will be contagious and your calm in the midst of the storm will be greatly appreciated and looked up to. Even though many of you have felt unseen and unnoticed for being the Light and truth of your Being, what now transpires is a loving response from the Universe. Look for wonderful synchronicities, signs and symbols in your lives, these will be the validations showing you that you are on the right path and that all is well.

你 們將變成閃閃發光的明亮燈塔,照亮你周圍的人,照亮你的社區。你喜悅的感受將成為一種感染力傳遞給其他人,你的平和將在暴風雨中變成巨大欣慰與期待的情 緒。雖然許多人已經感覺到存在於自身的真理與光芒中,有著不確定與無法預知的情況,對於現在來說,從宇宙中彌散出來一切都是對你們的愛的回應。請在你的生 活中去尋找奇妙的同步性,跡象與標誌,這些將確認生效並展現給你,而你也處於正確的道路上了,並知道一切都很好。

Daily affirm that you are the Light and that you are Love. This helps to set the intention to be living your highest potential in all that you do. You ARE the ambassadors and living examples of the Christ vibration and this will become evident as this year unfolds. Stay true to yourselves at all times and honor your inner knowing for this is the truest guidance from the deepest part of your Divine knowing, you will never falter or be led astray. There will be much that will try to capture your attention to move you away from this guidance and distract you from your path but you are equipped to discern and overcome these energies as they happen.

每天都肯定你自己處在聖光中,你就是愛的本質表達。這會幫助設定你的意圖存在於你自身最高的潛能當中,不管你在做什麼都是如此。你 們都是大使們,基督振動的生活表率,這會由於今年的不斷揭示而變得顯而易見。停留在你自身的真實之中,任何時刻都如此,並且尊崇於你的內在知曉,因為這是 最真實的指引,來自於你神性覺知的最深處,它從來都不會把你引入歧途,也不會把你弄得步履蹣跚。當然,還是會有許多誤導的事物一直嘗試著吸引你的注意,把 你拉出內在的指引,從你的道途上分散你的注意力,但是你已經裝備了識別的技能,可以在這些事情發生的時刻克服它們。

You are each firmly on your Ascension path and the changes occurring within your bodies on all levels of your Being will seem miraculous to you. It will require adjustments in your acceptance levels but these adjustments will be happy and satisfied ones and not something to be feared or avoided. That which you have worked so diligently towards is now here. The Ascension is ON! Focus, focus, focus!



Until next week….
I AM Hilarion



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