Lek-Lai (A Magical Metal Amulet)
分類:要玄的 (Myth)
2010/11/18 10:31
從深山中召喚大自然力量,化成物質「流鐵」,保護主人刀槍不入……如此天方夜譚的故事,或許你會覺得只能出現在電影中。然而,當這疑幻疑真的事情發生在充滿神秘的泰國時,即使是一場「怪談」,也可能會令人著迷,甚至令一位香港商人,在緣分的牽引下,難以自控地尋覓這種稀世奇珍。 第1級鎳萊(似鐵但無磁性.表體汎紫光). 第2級鎳萊(跟磁鐵一樣.具強磁性.表體汎黃綠色光).效力略遜於第1級鎳萊.但可包金.銀殼佩戴.惟防水殼內應與蜂蜜併同置放.因為第2級鎳萊要用蜂蜜來養.不可用其他油類. 第3級鎳萊(具有弱磁性.表體黑色汎光).效力較遜前2級.品級也有高低.一般等級磨成唸珠.較高級的通常磨成戒面.鑲成戒指.或磨成膠囊狀.外觀很像台灣市面常見的健康磁石.聖鐵傳說 在泰國,對佛學稍有研究的人,都會聽過流鐵(泰文譯音為「力泥」)之傳說。相傳流鐵是來自地球底層的自然物質,經過得道高僧唸經及施法後,能保護主人的人身安全,是一件極具靈性的護身物。 它來自地心 流鐵的傳說雖在泰國流傳甚廣,但對不少當地人來說,它仍是一個謎,別說得到它,甚至一睹其真身,也不容易。筆者從玄學家司徒法正口中得知流鐵的歷史: 「相傳流鐵是一種大自然的物質,該物質是經過幾千年積壓於地底中形成,當火山爆發,地層移動時始能凝結。這種包含地心內各種物質、具生命力的流鐵,被灼熱之溶岩溶化後,流出地面的途中,亦同時與其他礦物質混在一起。據說,這是保護地球土地的女神之物。」 具無窮威力 流鐵在當地被視為一種聖鐵,泰國人相信它具有令人難以置信之威力,甚至因其重量十足,令人抬不動。司徒師傅說:「由於它隱藏在山洞、危崖或埋於山底,所以少為人見。」有關流鐵事?[,極之複雜,難於探索,只能從上一輩人之中得知,流傳下來的版本也有不少。 其中一個版本,遠溯至人類有文字記載之前:話說很多萬年前,有一位法力高強的修行者,把一種堅硬而可溶解、似鐵非鐵(即流鐵)的物質,聚集於大西洋,大西洋因此變得繁榮,但經過一次全球性的大水災之後,流鐵便消失了。 司徒師傅說:「其後,不少具深厚功力的高僧,以其高深法力從地層中召喚流鐵浮出地面,整個過程須頌經作法,表達誠意,目的是令它成為神聖的法鐵,始能發揮其無窮的威力。」 神效待證 問身為香港人的張先生,為何對別國的怪異傳說,有這麼濃厚的興趣呢?他說:「數年前到泰國公幹,跟幾名華僑聊天,談起佛牌的價格,謂一個重量級高僧的佛牌,往往索價數十萬元,有位朋友卻說,『數十萬值得甚麼錢,相傳力泥(流鐵)才是無價珍寶』。後來,我便對流鐵展開探索,四周搜尋有關它的消息。」 傳植入體內變流質 泰國寺廟宇眾多,張先生也曾到過一所以流鐵藏身的大石作鎮寺之寶的寺院參觀。「當時我見到一位和尚,法號叫拉立,他說曾跟隨師傅左石成功取得流鐵,並親眼目睹整個過程。這時,我開始相信有流鐵的存在,並向拉立和尚提出尋鐵請求。我說,可以與朋友集資一筆金錢,捐給貴寺,不論成功與否,只要你肯試,這筆錢也同樣捐出。但最終也被拉立拒絕,原因是他功力尚未足,對尋找流鐵毫無把握。」 現在,張先生終於得到心頭好,流鐵的靈性真的可以保護主人嗎?「過去幾個月,我的生意的確較前順利,這可能由於經濟好轉,或是流鐵的幫助。健康方面,也沒有出現大病。但由於相傳流鐵能保護主人,令人刀槍不入,它的真正效用,是要在身處危險時,方可得知,所以我暫未能印證。有人會把流鐵植入身體,當它進入身體後,亦會變成流質,這樣做便可二合為一,永遠貼身跟隨。」 主人氣色強可分裂 如果流鐵既是無價寶,又如此難求,擁有者為何會拱手相贈給張先生?「其實流鐵是有生命的,當我把它放在水裏,水面上會生出白色的物質,還有泡泡。而我所得的,是由一粒流鐵分裂出來,由一變二。若要它分裂,主人的氣色要很強,而我朋友是一個很有福氣的貴人,所以他的流鐵能分得其氣,而成功分裂。不過,無論怎樣有福,分裂也需一段長久的日子。」 雖然有人能作見證指真有其事,但流鐵傳說的神效性,仍是一個謎。流鐵與西藏「天珠」的故事十分相似,只要你是信有此事,不論所得之物是真是假,總對心靈有一點安慰吧! 高僧尋鐵 雖然流鐵價值不菲,且遙不可及,香港卻有人有機緣擁有一顆。那是營商的張先生(假名),數月前從一位泰國朋友手上得到的。 為遂建校願 代尋流鐵 據他說,數年前有位泰國高僧,自知時日無多,遂發大願,希望能在圓寂前建一所學校,貢獻世人,於是公告可幫人取得流鐵,但求鐵者必須捐錢建校。之後,十多名泰國富商合資了近千萬元港幣,一圓高僧心願,高僧便守諾到深山代尋流鐵。 整個尋流鐵的過程中,除了該位高僧和有份捐錢的人外,當時尚有其他和尚作見證。張先生說:「流鐵愛藏在深山,而師傅感應到有一座山有流鐵存在,遂與眾人前往。相傳流鐵身處之所,都會有野豬出現。所以,尋鐵的第一步,是用食物誘野豬現身,並緊隨牠們回巢,由野豬引路尋找流鐵。」 大石從天降 力弱者喪 找到流鐵可能藏身之地後,高僧開始頌經作法。過了一段長時間,高僧感應到流鐵將會從天而降。其後,他走到那「降落點」,如果法力不高者,那顆流鐵寄生的大石將會擊中高僧,故要冒喪命之險。果然,正如高僧所言,大石的確從天而降,掉在他的身旁。於是,他向大石施法唸經,慢慢地,那流鐵就以流質的形態,從石隙中流出來,隨即便凝結成長形的固體。 由於有份捐錢的人眾多,高僧用蠟燭將流鐵切成多份,隨心地分送各人一份。而張先生由於與其中一位富商相熟,於是也有緣獲贈一顆。 據張先生所說,當日有份捐錢的人之中,有位當地和尚本來並不相信流鐵的存在,但親眼目睹後,便不由得不相信了。 後記 究竟流鐵(力泥)是否有無窮力量?筆者就曾得張先生首肯接觸流鐵,儘管外貌毫不起眼,與普通石頭沒多大分別,但將其放在掌心時,筆者的確感應到其磁場。而在流鐵的外面,亦可看到高僧用蠟燭切割時留下的痕跡。 在採訪結束後,筆者本想為張先生拍照作見報之用,然而,張先生卻一口拒絕。筆者這才醒悟到,如果流鐵的傳言是真的,它是無價之寶,或許會有人欲不擇手段得之。為了被訪者的人身安全,在此不公開他的身分和樣貌,也是合理的吧。 高僧最後避開從天而降的含流鐵大石,成功引導流鐵從石隙中流出,遂了建校的心願。
Lek-Lai (A Magical Metal Amulet)
The fact that we cannot see or cannot prove the existence of something does not mean it is not real. Supernatural phenomena such as traces of a naga slithering down some places in the north-eastern provinces or photographs or video tapes that accidentally recorded an image of something like a ghost are what people doubt but cannot utterly deny. In Thailand there is a substance that cannot be explained by the laws of science. Yet, some people have great faith in this amulet's protective power. It is lek-lai, which literally means fluid metal.
Lek-lai at their source before being cut
According to the Thai dictionary of the Royal Institute, lek-lai is a type of metal said to melt at candle temperature. It is also regarded as a rare magical metal that forms naturally and possesses biological properties.
The legend of lek-lai is described in ancient sacred books as follows. In the time as old as the Atlantis continent, there was an ascetic named Kalaikot, who attained a high state of serenity via meditation. This ascetic caused an element which could become either solid or liquid and could disintegrate or cohere to gather on the wall of the cave where he was inhabiting. Another ascetic, who reached the same level of meditation and whose name was Kassapa did the same thing.
Cut pieces of lek-lai
And after both of them transferred their power into this element, it became magical. Other ascetics later followed this practice as a tradition. That is why many pieces of lek-lai have been found in remote caves.
Categories and Shapes
Lek-lai comes in various shapes, like a capsule, a tiny ball, a turtle, etc. According to gurus, this magical amulet can be divided into twelve categories. For example, Lord of the Jungle lek-lai has a glossy black colour, particularly when under light. It has the ability to contract and expand. Oozing lek-lai has a greenish black colour. It exists in narrow spaces of some caves. This type of lek-lai is sometimes dubbed "the King of Metal" because it contains a strong protective might which is ideal for police or soldiers who are always at risk of being killed. Other kinds of lek-lai are different in appearance and properties. However, almost all of them can protect the owner from the danger of weapons. Followings are some magical qualifications of lek-lai in brief.
- To be able to stay motionless and to move itself
- To give a fragrant smell
- To burn itself
- To cool hot water off in the blink of an eye
- To make a gun or explosive substance duds
- To soak in water to make it holy
- To loose or gain weight by itself
Where to Find Lek-Lai
It's not easy to discover lek-lai as there is no scientific means to indicate its location, and even worse, most people never know what it looks like.
On the way to find lek-lai
Some ancient sacred books mention that to find lek-lai, one must search for a cold, peaceful and clean cave without any animal dung.
Or one can ask for guidance from an experienced hunter or roaming monk. Or one can practise meditation until gaining the insight of the habitat of lek-lai. Or one can use a medium to guide the way to the hidden place of lek-lai. When a discovery is made, the ritual of cutting lek-lai must be held by a guru with a complete set of necessary equipment.
How to Prove an Authentic Lek-Lai
People believe that if it is the real thing, a gun will not be able to fire in three consecutive tests. Moreover, it is impossible to trade a piece of real lek-lai because lek-lai itself will decide with whom it will stay. Even though one locks lek-lai in a safe, it will miraculously get outside.
There are some restricted qualifications for a lek-lai owner:
The person must be born with the holy power to possess lek-lai. He or she must have great faith in it and wholeheartedly wish to receive lek-lai and must strictly observe the five Buddhist precepts. It always happened that when the owner behaves unethically, his or her lek-lai will disappear.
The best way to preserve lek-lai is that one should not make weapons from it nor perform a magical ritual to insert it into a human body because it can cause illness and even death.
The atmosphere during the
ritual of cutting lek-lai
Because of the magical power of lek-lai, many people fall victim to con artists. It is reported that some contracts of purchase of fake lek-lai stipulated a price as high as 600 million baht. A swindler has numerous fraudulent ways to deceive his victims. It is easy for him to malfunction the gun e.g., by soaking the ammunition in alcohol, disabling the firing. Thus, the victim will trust that the lek-lai is real.
Those who want to purchase this amulet should bear in mind that real lek-lai cannot be traded nor made into a required shape. So it means that what they got is only a sham amulet of a coloured stone, but not lek-lai.
The words Lek Laï may be translated "Fluid Metal", an allusion to the ability of certain Lek Laï to assume the liquid state. In many tales, one is assured that Lek Laï is not a simple mineral but a kind of metal-animal , capable of "swimming across mountains". One of the foremost powers of Lek Laï is to render its wearer invulnerable, and to prevent any fire arms from going off anywhere near him.
It can just as easily be used as a weapon of attack, at once reverting to the liquid state, flowing toward the victim, invading his body by the nostrils and ears, poisoning his blood and immediately returning to its guardian in its usual state. The consequences of putting Lek Laï into action varying so greatly from one person to another, I insist that clients coming to this site use their intuition and discernment in their resolve to purchaseLek Laï and especially not to employ it as a substitute for medical treatment or putting it to work as a bullet proof vest. Lek Laï is a gift of Nature; one cannot change it, one cannot improve it in some artificial way. Healers report that it lends its power to theirs, thus increasing their efficacy, as well as lending greater strengths to their medicines. One should keep in mind that each kind of Lek Laï has its own special powers and one should NEVER disrespect and put these powers to the test, either bringing about its disappearance or creating a serious "accident" (for example, no way will Lek Laï do its work if its wearer is dumb enough to be shot voluntary). It is urgent to appreciate that a very, very special substance is being discussed here, that it is known to be lived in by a "spirit", capable of making its own choices and to do damage if not shown respect.
The most common types of Lek Laï should be "fed" at least once a week by putting them in contact with honey, preferably in moonlight. The rest of the time they should be kept either in a reliquary worn about the neck or in a wax capsule. If one doesn't bother to take proper care of one's Lek Laï, it will vanish unexpectedly, no matter what obstacles one attempts to put of to thwart its escape. (For instance, forget about closing it up in a strong lock box - it's useless.)
Nowadays there still exist rare masters capable of going about the harvesting of lek lai, among them the Venerable LP Watchara Ekawano (only disciple of the Very Venerable Ajarn Sarmlit) of the Wat Thamfad temple is the most renowned. He is also the only master in this world capable of insertingLek Laï bits under the skin of his disciples' arms for their protection! This venerable is also known for his practice of an unusual sort of exorcism and also his "Blessing of the long wax".
The following information has been translated by a text of the very venerable Acharn Boon, itself, a translation of a fragmentary ancient text. The passages do not always follow a logical sequence and I have done my best to make the text understandable all the while staying faithful to the original - nonetheless I must excuse myself in advance for any error arising due to my ignorance. These writings are not available anywhere else in French and I thank you in advance for not copying and/or pasting them except for private use. It is evident that the prayer texts recorded in these writings are for informational purposes on and IN NO CASE are they to be taken up and used by a person not qualified to undertake the harvesting of Lek Laï himself!
Acharn Boon Distinguishes the Two Major Lek Lai Families:
(1) Using for ingredients the minerals "Plaï Dhum", "Khamin Kaew" and "Mae Perng" (note: these are ancient Thai names for unidentified minerals ), some forest monks can put at work their transcendent powers during special ceremony to purify and commingling these mineral bases, making them become extremely hard, then changing them into a kind of Lek Laï green in color, which will be indestructible, even by the master who brought them forth! (Note: this strongly brings to mind and ancient version describing the technique of making Mekkapat)
2) The ancient Lek Lai, "Kod Lek Lai", which one finds sometimes hanging from cliffs and which those who go deep into the jungle may find and bring back. If the person who finds has much merit and pure heart, he will be able to cut the lek lai from the cliff with an ordinary knife (note: Acharn Boon seems to be speaking here of a plant or at least some sort of organic substance, not mineral). This sort of Lek Lai can change color from black to dark green if one humbly so requests of it, and it will be able to carry and will always protect the one who is carrying it. WARNING: in no case ought the powers of Lek Lai to be put to the test!
Acharn Boon Distinguishes the Two Major Lek Lai Families:
(1) Using for ingredients the minerals “Plaï Dhum“, “Khamin Kaew” and “Mae Perng” (note: these are ancient Thai names for unidentified minerals ), some forest monks can put at work their transcendent powers during special ceremony to purify and commingling these mineral bases, making them become extremely hard, then changing them into a kind of Lek Laï green in color, which will be indestructible, even by the master who brought them forth! (Note: this strongly brings to mind and ancient version describing the technique of making Mekkapat).
(2) The ancient Lek Lai, “Kod Lek Lai“, which one finds sometimes hanging from cliffs and which those who go deep into the jungle may find and bring back. If the person who finds has much merit and pure heart, he will be able to cut the lek lai from the cliff with an ordinary knife (note: Acharn Boon seems to be speaking here of a plant or at least some sort of organic substance, not mineral). This sort of Lek Lai can change color from black to dark green if one humbly so requests of it, and it will be able to carry and will always protect the one who is carrying it. WARNING: in no case ought the powers of Lek Lai to be put to the test!
How to seek out Lek Lai:
The ancient texts spell out that, if one wishes to find Lek Lai, one must take into account the following factors: a proper cave must be utterly free of bat droppings or those of any other of animal; its temperature should be cool (a rarity in Thailand!) and this cave must be in a deserted place, seldom or never intruded upon by humans. Take a gun and shoot at the area where you suspect the presence of Lek Lai – no bullet will issue forth no matter how many times you try! (Note: I was startled to find a reference to guns in a text set forth as ancient but, hey, I’m only the translator!)
After having found the place where the Lek Lai is, you will have to make offerings to the forest spirits, the spirit(s) of the cave and/or the local divinity who guards this place.
The offering should consist of the following:
- A pig’s head
- A duck
- A chicken
- A fish
- A piece of meat
- Two fresh coconuts
- Two bunches of bananas
- A desert bowl full of red and white sticky balls, and nuts (Note: only those who have been to Thailand will know what he’s talking about: a local desert, very special…)
A handful of assorted nuts
- Black sesame
- White sesame
- Food
- Other sorts of deserts
- White alcohol
- Betel
- Betel wine
- Cigarettes
All this should be offered to the local spirits and divinities if one is sure they’re non-vegetarians. In the case of a vegetarian divinity, offer only vegetable offerings, vegetarian food, alcohol and cigarettes. (No, I’m not joking! Some local spirits are known vegetarians!)
It would be good to wrap the leftovers in banana leaves and leave them on the ground so that the lower spirits might also be fed…
You must place all this food atop a table in two equal heaps, then light nine incense sticks and nine white candles,
If there should occur a dispute over the possession of Lek Lai between monks and people of a high spiritual level, and they don’t know whom the Lek Lai spirits have decided to back, these people should take the following vows in a loud voice: “I, (name, first name), I want to have this Lek Lai and if you are the divinities protecting this Lek Lai say the word “hai” (in Thai, this word means “give”). The one must stand by and repeat “Hai” if one hears it. A person of
little merit will never be able to attract Lek Lai, not even be able to see it, not even an image!
How to protect oneself during the harvest of Lek Lai using Saï-Sin cord: (Note: Saï-Sin cord is made up of nine white cotton threads which Buddhists monks use, among other things, to make bracelets for their faithful and also to protect places from evil spirits.)
At the moment you want to call forth the Lek Lai from the stone in which it lives because sometimes the power of the spirit or of the divinities which inhabit the Lek Lai an accident or problems during the ceremony. Sometimes this can even end up in deaths, thus one must be prudent and to the greatest extent possible, wear amulets and protective talismans. It is good to string Saï-Sin cord around the rock where one expects to find the Lek Lai and to keep oneself about two meters away from it.
How to place the Saï-Sin cord:
You will need 9 or 19 pieces of wood, which should come from this part of the forest and have the form of walking sticks. (Note: a little word play on a Thai phrase meaning “Can I have it?” which one can say in nine different ways.) The tenth stick should be bigger than the first nine and must absolutely be carved from a hard wood engraved with the Pali word “Lerh” (“to retain “), Then, taking in hand the biggest of the walking sticks (which signifies that this is the one who wants the Lek Lai),
The protective cord being in place, the Master in charge of the ceremony and all his helpers should be clothed in white, have a clear spirit and do a short meditation before the ceremony itself.
If the spirit of the master or the monk conducted the ceremony is higher and stronger than that of the spirits protecting the Lek Lai, then the Lek Lai will slowly melt and flow outside the rock toward the top of the cave (one can also use honey to attract more Lek Lai). When the Lek Laihas come forth from the rock and is in the midst of taking sustenance from the honey, but before the cutting, the monk must conduct a ceremony tying the Lek Lai to the base of the rock with Saï-Sin cord – or the Lek Lai will flow back into the rock!
While attaching the cord, one must have ritual knife Meedh Moh at hand。
- Nov 19 Fri 2010 16:15
Lek-Lai( A Magical Metal Amulet )泰國流鐵