
2013/07/05 12:25


原文地址:地球母親 20130703 學會放下--我已為你準備妥當,親愛的人子們作者:NickChan原文:http://soul4free.wordpress.com/2013/07/03/learning-to-let-go-i-am-ready-and-set-for-you-my-beloved-humans-mother-earth-gaia-through-m-gamma-03-07-2013/

通靈:M. Gamma翻譯:Nick Chan


Beloved Humans on Earth, It is I Mother Earth you have various names for me and thus consequently I respond to all differing names. Since it does not mean anything to me how you call me. Much more important is that you safeguard and honor me for what I do to you and I am safeguarding you each day of your life.




I am trying to support you with each and every of your doing by surrounding you with my energies and all my possible ways of grounding you. Such notifyings I have given to you already before through this special channel and others too.




It is quite important to comprehend that your bodies are being exposed to quite a bombardement of light and love so that your bodies are in constant labor and tiredness in order to integrate such huge influx of energies. This again is leading to yours bodys capacity being fully occupied and your feeling of tiredness.  This is why I recommend for your relief as already mentioned before several times to ground and connect yourselves with me as much as possible. This will not use up much of your time however is of some essential functioning and I can assure you: it will make your days much more pleasant.




Today Id like to deal with a topic completely new and which I never mentioned before.




I Mother Earth have ascended into the 5th Dimension and have already been firmly anchored here which you are still have to face and undergo.!




Please, learn to let go of all previous matters affiliated to the past matrix and dimension and you will have the same experience I had you will be floated into the 5th dimension. I am already here expecting you and you cannot imagine at all what is in waiting for you here. I don want  to torture you but it is simply wonder- and beautiful and words are missing as well as any explanation what is expecting you here. It simply is Paradise on Earth as you used to express it.




I am, looking forward to your arrival which is  soon to come. I know you do not like hearing this soon but I can assure you that there is light on at this side and you will be able to enter this New Earth. She is waiting and is willed and prepared to take all of you up here.




I when it comes to me I have done my part and now it is your turn to follow my beloved ones! Be prepared to let go of the old Earth and you will be able to come here to me. Come to me to the New Earth expecting you so longingly.  Be willed and prepared because that is what I am too, my beloved humans !




Your Mother Earth, Gaia




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