Revelations of Truth by Master Saint Germain
Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 30-06-13 http://www.omna.org/30-06-13-SaintGermain.html娜塔麗.格拉森 6月30日傳導
To discover your space of freedom and expansion, allow yourself to meditate upon both freedom and expansion within your being asking to discover a haven within you that holds both vibrations. You may discover an area of your body or a sacred space such as sitting before the sea or in expansive woods. This is then a space for you to retreat to when the truth of the Creator is required within your reality. The process that I share with you encourages your empowerment and the divine flow of the Creator within your being, raising your energy vibration and dissolving all limitations from your reality, as all your actions and understanding are drawn from the abundant fountain of the Creator rather than the mind.
Every soul upon the Earth and the inner planes draws upon the same truth, wisdom and consciousness of the Creator bringing this sacred energy into creative expression and interpretation. The vibration of truth within each being is also the same; it is interpretation of the Creator that allows for so many different teachings, expressions and discoveries of the Creator’s wisdom. Your interpretation is born through the predefined goals of your soul, the dimension of anchoring for your mind and the beliefs that you hold onto. This means that there is no wrong or right answer or expression when it comes to truth but only vibrations and inspiration that are appropriate in the present moment. It is important to be mindful that you are constantly interpreting and expressing the will of the Creator in new ways as you recognise the great expansion of the Creator within you.
In 2012 there was a great focus placed upon unity and oneness, encouraging all to recognise themselves as united with all aspects of the Creator. There was a very powerful and essential purpose for this; it was to build the connections of light or networks of light between all aspects of the Creator, consciously strengthening the greater whole of the Creator. Each soul and aspect of the Creator is then able to draw upon the great wealth of divine consciousness, wisdom and truth to serve them in the new era. This in turn offers to you more responsibility because you have a greater access to the divine fountain of energy, wisdom and sacred knowingness of the Creator. It also means that all you experience and create flows into the fountain of the Creator and the consciousness of the dimension you exist within. Each soul becomes an expression of the Creator but also a decipherer or energiser of the Creator. Your ability to consciously feel the vibrations, energy and consciousness each and every soul especially within your dimension becomes magnified. No longer are you just pleasing and serving yourself but you are magnifying and nurturing all aspects of the Creator especially within your dimension through your physical reality. If you experience a deep seated love and peace during meditation, these sacred vibrations flow into the consciousness of all who you are connected to and all that is the Creator. If someone else experiences pain in their reality this vibration could be sensed by you on an unseen or seen level.
Many of you may have been asked by your guides to detach from the general consciousness of humanity expressing instead deep love, this means that you have connected into another consciousness pool often of a higher vibration or maybe your focus has been placed upon a different dimension within the Creator’s universe. There will always be an element of influence upon you from the consciousness pool that you are connected into and your vibrations will also serve and fuel the consciousness pool. Often people connect into certain consciousness pools because specific truths are held in different consciousness pools, through connection and the focus on unity one can merge with the truth that is needed while also sharing valuable wisdom.
During meditation you can ask to become aware of the vibration of the beautiful higher frequency consciousness pool or
consciousness dimension you are currently connected with. Ask to only experience love and divine truth of the highest appropriate vibration. You may also ask if there are certain truths held within this consciousness that need to be revealed to you. Allow yourself to sit in meditation with this focus being aware of any vibrations, inspirations or sensations that may enter into your awareness. With every moment souls are bringing to light the truth of the Creator from the consciousness pool you are connected with, enhancing the knowingness of the truth within your being. Allow yourself to be open to revelations of truth.
With this understanding it is also important to be conscious of your own thoughts, judgements and actions. With the acceptance that everything and every aspect of the Creator are united in oneness and that you are also connected to a consciousness pool which is fuelling your spiritual awakening, any negative energy you create can have an impact upon all. Imagine you were judging someone, the vibration of the judgment you create would not only be sent to them but would impact upon all souls. This may be hard to understand but imagine that every time you have a negative thought, emotion or expression from your being for another person or yourself, your loved ones are being attacked by the energy you are experience. If this was to occur and you noticed the suffering of your loved ones you would most probably place great focus upon altering your thoughts and actions. I say to you that all of humanity are your loved ones and with the desire and focus for greater energetic unity between souls there is also a need to take responsibility for the energy you are creating and putting into the world, as it impact not only you but all. This is why we ask you to focus upon love as often as you can. Energetic unity upon the Earth is and was needed in order to create the era of love of the Earth.
Unity allowed for all energetic networks upon the Earth and within each being to be healed so that all could with divine timing open up to the divine flow of the Creator. With more and more energy networks on the Earth and within your being opening the vibration of love can flow with greater abundance, building momentum for creation and the experience of absolute love on the Earth.
Let us all exist in a space of freedom and expansion to allow for the Creator’s revelations of truth.
With love,
Saint Germain