【天使團與神聖本我】解除 ‘療愈’ 迷思! 所有‘療愈’都是自我療愈!(I)

2013/02/17 15:27




RL: 此文給出的是 ‘絕對真理終極真理”的 “靈性法則”:

1)“真正的治療師是你自己的 ‘高我!


3)“真實” 就是=== “無條件的愛”!

Channeler: Simon NightStarr Divine Self and the Angels Speak: The great mystical traditions teach that you must heal thyself, simply because you never actually heal "another." This is a major myth among humans, that somehow you can heal someone else. You have no such power. Jesus himself healed no one.

神聖自我與天使們說: 偉大的玄學傳統教導你們,必須治療你們自己!原因很簡單 --因為你從來就不是‘真的’被‘別人’治好的! 這是一個人類之中最主要的 ‘奧秘’就是, 不知為何,你竟認為你可以治療任何別人! 事實上你沒有這樣的能力! 耶穌基督祂自己也沒有 ‘治好’ 過任何人!

The metaphysics of healing is understood by extremely few people, and even when it is plainly seen that the observer is the one who creates his own personal reality and never someone else's, as has been demonstrated numerous times through quantum physics, it is still not fully accepted!

‘治療’ ‘形上學’只有非常少數的人理解,即使擺明‘觀察者’ 就是那個創造了他自己的現實, 而不是別人時, 就像量子物理學已經證明過無數次的, 仍然許多人無法接受這個事實!!!

Dear ones, you generally have a very difficult time accepting what is most obvious when you actually take a clear, microscopic look at what your own mind-your own thoughts, beliefs and expectations-is creating. Even those regarded as the most brilliant physicists are hesitant to fully accept their own findings, for fear of what "the establishment" will think of them.

親愛的一們, 你們通常有困難接受,這最明顯的事實 --- 當你真的, 好好的, 仔細的用顯微鏡看清楚你自己的心智裡的想法, 信念與期望所創造出來的東西時!就連那些被認為最傑出的物理學家也會遲疑著去完全接受他們自己發現的事實 --- 因為害怕 “別人會怎麼 ‘想’ 他們?

The Rubber Ball Analogy Let us explain some of the mechanics of healing for you, if you will. In any given moment, the world that you see around you is literally a projection of your own consciousness, your own soul.

“皮球理論”請容許我們來為你們解釋一下‘療愈’的機制! 在任何時候, 你眼睛所看到的身邊的世界,直接的, 就是你自己 ‘覺知意識’ 的投射 --你的靈魂的投射!!!

Yes, there is really but One Universal Mind; each one of you as "individuals" are simply specific viewpoints of this One Mind. Using an analogy, imagine that Universal Consciousness is a rubber ball, and when you (as consciousness) place your "finger" (representing your FOCUS, your CONCENTRATION) upon a specific point on the ball, that point represents what you may call an Oversoul.

是的, 事實上(這宇宙中) 就只有一個 “宇宙心”而已!你們每一個人-- 所謂的 ‘獨立的個人’(individual)其實就是 “宇宙心”的一個 “觀點”而已!拿個比喻來說 --假如我們把‘宇宙心’當成是一個‘皮球’! 當你(這個‘覺知意識’) 伸出一隻指頭(代表此時你心思正在專注的那個點) --- 碰觸到皮球上的一個點時 --這個‘點’其實就是你的‘高我’!

Now, imagine that this Oversoul also has the ability to pinpoint a specific location on the ball, yet only from its "individual" perspective, and this point is what you may call an individual Soul fragment. Now, Souls are multidimensional, of course, and this analogy is a limited 3D explanation, but it gives a good, basic idea of "As above, so below."

現在, 想像這個 ‘高我’也有能力去觸摸這皮球上的一個特別的點,而事實上從祂的 ‘個人觀點’這個 ‘點’ 可以稱之為‘一小片靈魂碎片’! 現在, 請記得靈魂都是‘多維度的’!當然! 而這個比喻只是一個受限制的三維解釋而已! --- 但祂給出了一個很好的, 最基礎的觀點,就是“在上亦如同在下!

Everything that appears to exist is but a point,a perspective, on this infinite ball, the One Universal Mind. Rotating this ball (moving from one perspective-point to another) is what creates the illusion of time! The ball, the Universal Mind Itself, doesn't actually move, nor does It ever change. It is totally Self-contained with all of creation. Now, what does that have to do with healing?

所有‘看起來’存在的每一件事都只是‘一個觀點’而已!存在於這無限的球上!這“宇宙心”!而當這個球轉動時(從一個觀點轉到另一個觀點) 就創造出了 “時間的幻象”! 這顆球,這個 “宇宙心”祂自己其實是‘不動的’!祂也不會改變!只是所有的“創造”都被包括在祂之中!, 這些事與‘療愈’有什麼關係呢?

Be patient, we are getting there. :) Remember, in this analogy each "individual point" can only create its own perspective, its own "personal reality." To further illustrate, let us imagine that each "individual point" is itself a ball. (By the way, each "individual ball" within the infinite rubber ball can also rotate in its own cycle, which creates cycles within cycles, all of which work together in a Grand Design of "Kairos," which is Perfect Divine Timing.)

有耐性一些!我們快要談到了.記住,在這個比喻中,每個‘個別點’只能創造祂自己的‘觀點角度’那就是祂的‘個人現實’! 再說得更清楚一些,讓我們想像 每個“個人觀點角度”也是一顆球!(順便提一下 --每個顆在‘無限球’中的 ‘球’也會有自己旋轉的圈圈 --這就創造出了圈圈中的圈圈.這種‘交互運動’是一個‘偉大的設計’叫做 "Kairos," 意思是 “完美的神聖的時間性”!

Now, each individual ball can only create its own personal reality, its own timing (within the greater reality and timing of the Grand Design), and whatever it perceives through its focus is LITERALLY an extension of itself-LITERALLY! You cannot create another's reality! You do not have that power, for it is not possible.

現在, 每顆單獨的球只能創造祂自己的個人現實,祂自己的時間性(而存在於 ‘宇宙大設計’的 ‘大現實’與 ‘大時間’之中.)不論這個 ‘點’ 認為自己 ‘理解感應’ 到了什麼,都實際上, 只是祂自己的一個 ‘延伸’ 而已! 你無法創造別人的現實! 你沒有那個‘能力’! 因為那是不可能的!

As an "individual perspective" of God, the Universal Mind, "you" cannot "make" another "individual" perceive what "you" perceive. If you clearly understand the "Rubber Ball Analogy," you will see that each person that you perceive in your personal reality, your world, is LITERALLY a projection of your own consciousness, your own "individual Soul."

做為 ‘上帝’(宇宙心) ‘一個觀點’你無法讓別人‘理解’出你‘理解’出的觀點! 如果你清楚的聽懂了‘皮球理論’你會看到‘在你的現實中’‘你所理解到的每個人’事實上, 就是你的 ‘覺知意識’的投射,只是你 ‘個人靈魂的投射’!(RL: 你眼睛有看到 ‘人’,但他的角色界定是你的 “思想投射”!)

No exceptions! Your teacher, Bashar, was speaking LITERALLY when he explained that when you observe an object, FOR EACH OBSERVER IT IS LITERALLY A DIFFERENT OBJECT! Your quantum mechanics clearly demonstrates and "proves" this, time and time again, yet it will take a little while in your world before this is taught to the masses in classrooms, and taught at home by parents to their children.

沒有例外! 你的老師, 外星人巴夏, 實際上告訴你的,就是-- 當你觀察一個物件時, 每個人(每個觀察者)所看到的都是一個不一樣的物體.你們的量子力學架構理論很清楚的實驗也證明了這件事! 一次又一次, 可是在你們世界的接受力上面仍然會需要一些時間,這些事才能進入你們的教室而被教導給群眾, 或是由家長們在家裡教給小朋友們.

The Nature of Personal Healing An observer is the creator of what he observes, and each creator within any given reality system is a "co-creator" with other creators that are part of that system, participating in a "collective consciousness" that creates what is perceived to be a "shared reality." You may rightfully ask, "But what if I witness a murder?

“個人療愈”的本質就是‘觀察者’本身就是這個‘創造者’創造出了自己所觀察到的事. 而在每個‘現實狀況’ 中每個人都是一個 “共同創造者”共同創造了這個 ‘系統’,由於 每個人都參與在 ‘集體意識’ 之中 --- 所以也 ‘參與創造了’大家共同‘感應到’的‘現實狀況’! 聽到這裡, 你會說: “那如果我看到‘謀殺案’ ?

Does that mean that I am the one who created it, that I am the murderer?" It means that you are projecting a reality of "someone else" murdering "another," but it doesn't mean that "you" are the one who is karmically responsible for the murder.

難道當我看到殺人時, 我也是殺人的創造者嗎?! 那代表 --- ‘投射’ 了一個--- 看到別人殺人的現實!但這不代表你有業障責任來為這個 ‘謀殺案’負責.

You are projecting the murder from a vantage point of witnessing it from a distance, rather than projecting yourself as "being" the murderer. The one who murders is the only one who projects himself as a murderer as he does the act (because he is the one who BELIEVES himself to be a murderer).

你投射了一個 ‘謀殺案’是你會從一個遙遠的距離可以看得見的,而不是 ‘投射’你自己成為那個 ‘殺人犯’! 那個‘殺人犯’ 才是那個 ‘投射’ 了自己成為 ‘殺人犯’的人 --- (因為他‘相信’自己是個殺人犯.)

The one who is murdered has a subconscious BELIEF system that allows them to experience being a "victim" of murder. (That same Soul essence in another lifetime is also a "murderer," since the Soul loves to play and experience ALL PARTS.)

那些被謀殺的‘受害者’都有一個‘信念’系統 --讓他們自己去經驗 ‘做為被害人’的經驗.( 通常, 那同一個‘被害人 的靈魂在別的輪回中也同時是一個‘加害人’因為靈魂喜歡玩 ‘換角色’遊戲, 去體驗各種角色.)

Anyone who may observe the murder from a distance is someone who has a BELIEF that essentially says, "I am open to witnessing a murder." This may sound ridiculous to some of you, but nevertheless there are NO ACCIDENTS, NO MISTAKES, in creation.

而任何一個可能會從遠處看到‘謀殺案’的人都是一個有個 ‘信念’ 實質上說著“我願意看見一個謀殺案”這對你們有些人或許聽起來荒謬,但是, 無論如何 --在創造當中一切都沒有意外, 也沒有錯誤!

Everything that happens in the universe is SUPPOSED to happen just as you witness and experience it, however it plays out, or else it would not have happened! "You," the "murderer" and the "victim" are all points of perspective on the infinite rubber ball. You are God dreaming Itself to be separate individuals involved in a drama.

宇宙中每一件發生的事 --都是‘應該’發生的! 就像你們‘見證’了也‘經驗’ 了它一樣! 不管它是如何的一個過程, 否則, 它是不會發生的。“你”--這個 “殺人犯”, 這個“受害者”都只是“無限的宇宙球’中的一個 ‘觀點角度’ 而已! 你就是上帝!做著各種不同角度的夢,演出著不同的角色 ---在同一個戲碼中!

Each person involved in any drama has a Soul agreement with the other Souls that are involved, even if you are just an observer of it after the fact, such as watching it on CNN. There is no separation! Everything that happens is by AGREEMENT, even if it is mostly "unconscious" agreement.

每一個參與任何劇碼的人與別的參與靈魂都有一個 ‘靈魂約定’!即使你只是演出了 ‘觀察者’ 的事後角色,就像看cnn新聞一樣. 沒有差別。所有事情的發生都是依照 ‘合約’來發生的。即使那是一個‘無意識的約定’

The mechanics of this is very simple. Jesus clearly understood these metaphysical principles, but he had to teach them in a way that would make some decent sense to a society that was steeped in denial of their own inner creative power. "Physician, heal thyself." "The Kingdom of God is within you."

這機制其實很簡單! 耶穌基督很清楚的明白這個 ‘形而上學’ ‘原則’ 但祂必須用一個‘大家聽得懂的教導’教導這個‘否認自己創造能力’的社會. “醫生們, 療癒你們自己!”“上帝的王國就在你們內心之中.

When it appeared that Jesus "healed" another, in fact all he was doing was simply holding a psychic image of the person as being totally healed, and if that person had a BELIEF that he or she would be healed by Jesus-and he/she ALLOWED this belief to manifest-then a healing would indeed occur, to whatever degree of health and well-being that the person subconsciously accepted the clear psychic image of perfect health that Jesus held.

當那看起來好像是 ‘耶穌基督’治療好了別人時, 事實上, 他所做的 --- 只是 ‘指出’ 了一個 ‘某人被完全治療好的心理影像’而那個人有一個 ‘信念系統’是他她可以被‘耶穌基督’治療好時,他她就會允許這個‘信念系統’被顯化出來 ---然後,一個‘療愈’就真的發生了。在這個人潛意識中能夠被接受的程度的健康狀態,依照‘耶穌基督’所清楚 ‘指出’ 的一個 ‘完全被治療好的健康心理影像’

You see, the so-called "healer's" beliefs and psychic thought-forms of healing are interacting with the beliefs and psychic thought-forms of the one who seeks to be healed. YOU are responsible for YOUR OWN healing, period! :) This is the nature of personal healing. If you observe what you perceive to be a healing taking place, then by your simple witnessing of it you are actually helping to create the conditions for the healing to take place, because your mind is projecting images that your eyes interpret as a physical scene, for you are AGREEING to be there to witness it.

所以你看,所謂 ‘療癒者’的‘信念’和‘治療’的‘心理思考形式’是與 ‘一個人的信念’ 和‘他希望被醫療好的思考模式’去互動的.(簡單說你必須為你自己的 ‘治療’負起全部的責任!) 這就是 ‘個人療愈的本質’!!! 如果你觀察到你認為的一個療愈的發生 --透過你簡單的觀察,你實際上就是在 ‘協助創造’這個醫療狀態,讓療愈可以發生,因為你的心智在投射影像,依照你眼睛所認定的物理現象 --因為‘顯然’你‘同意’在那裡做‘見證人’!

This is the same in the case of witnessing a murder, UNLESS you were in a high state of spiritual consciousness that chose to perceive the murder without blame, but with deep compassion for everyone involved. In both cases, the AGREEMENT to be a witness still stands. However, the FACT is that you get to CHOOSE how you react!

這與見證一個 ‘謀殺案’是一樣的‘除非’你是一個擁有‘高等靈性覺知意識’的人,選擇來‘見證’一個謀殺而不去做‘責備的批判’! 而只是 ‘保持著大悲心’給所有參與的人員. 在這兩種狀態中“做為 ‘見證人’ 的約定”仍然存在! 無論如何 --- 事實上, 你一直都在 ‘選擇’你要做的‘反應’。

We understand that this is not how most humans want to see these things, but we are not going to stoke the fires of your myths and delusions. We s

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