

By John Smallman


Time is like an infinite slowing down of reality

Waiting, as the anticipation and excitement builds, is hard for you. Your patience ha
ѕ been well tested over the last few years as you have been looking forward to and preparing for humanity’s awakening, and as the moment for this marvelous event draws ever closer, your stress and tension levels mount. That is unavoidable, but keep focusing on its inevitability. God has promised it, and so it will occur, precisely as planned.

正 當你們建立起期盼和興奮,等待對你們來說是一件很困難的事。在過去幾年中你們一直期待和準備著人類的覺醒,你們的耐性已經被充分地考驗,而這非凡的大事持 續地接近中,你們的壓力和不安水平正在爬升。這是不可避免的,但是請保持專注在這大事的必然性。神已經承諾了它,而它將會發生,完全在計畫之內。



Your spiritual evolution haѕ been advancing slowly but steadily for eons, with occasional missteps and diversions, but over the last three or four centuries your rate of progress has been accelerating exponentially, although it may not seem like that to you, and you are now approaching the level from which you will awaken and discover what marvels you have achieved. From almost total ignorance, aligned with just basic reactive behavior, you have moved forward to an awareness of love, compassion, cooperation, and kindness and have started to use those concepts to engage with one another more and more frequently, and are delighting in how incredibly effective they are at dealing with every kind of problem and situation that you have to cope with in your daily lives. As you demonstrate this by living it, others learn to do likewise, and so these extremely effective concepts are literally exploding into humanity’s awareness all over the planet and are being put into practice to bring about the essential changes that will enable and bring about peace and prosperity for all on Earth.


自 古以來你們靈性的進化緩慢但穩定的前進著,偶爾走錯道路和被其他事物分散了注意力,但在這三至四個世紀以來你們的進程以指數方式加速,即使它對你們來說看 似不是這樣,而你們現在正接近一個階段,你們將會覺醒和發現你們所能夠達成的奇蹟。從幾乎全然無知,只與最基本反應性的行為對齊,你們向前邁進到對擁有 愛’同情’合作及善意的意識,並且開始越來越頻密地使用這些思想去接觸其他人,這種意識在你們日常生活需要處理的問題及情況中產生難以置信的有效性,讓你 們感到喜悅。當你們透過生活展示這種意識出來,其他人便會學習去做同樣的事,所以這些極有效的思想在整個星球爆發出來到人類的覺知中,而且正被大眾實行, 為了所有地球上的人的和平及繁榮帶來必要的改變。


It has taken humanity a long time to reach this stage or level in its ongoing development, but it is a stage from which retreat or backsliding is impossible, and the vistas that will open up to you are magnificent indeed. Awakening into your divine and natural state of being fully conscious will expand your awareness and knowledge beyond all recognition as compared to the limited state in which you are presently able to avail of them. In your awakened state even the abilities of the most intellectually gifted and brilliant among you, as you now experience existence, will be seen to be of absolutely no consequence, in fact without any merit at all except for the help they have given you on your path to wakefulness when you occasionally chose to use them for that mighty purpose.


人 類花了很長的時間不間斷的發展去到達這個階段或水平,但這是一個退避或倒退都不可能的階段,而這個將會揭露給你們的遠景實際上是巨大的。覺醒到你們神聖和 自然的狀態至全意識中將會擴展你們的覺知及知識,超出你們目前(在利用的)被限制的狀態的認知。在你們覺醒的狀態時即使是最知性的才能及天賦的能力都會在 你們之內,正當你們現在體驗著生存,它將會被看成是完全沒有重要性的,事實上除非你們偶爾選擇為了那有力的意圖去使用它們而受到它們給你們的幫助去覺醒, 不然那是沒有任何價值的。


In your awakened and natural state the Love in which God’s embrace holds you eternally will fill you with His Wisdom and the infinite abilities that He possesses so that you co-create with Him for the everlasting joy and pleasure of all. There will be no problems with egoic urges attempting to seek attention by being first or best, because knowing that you are all one – and eternally experiencing that state, and it will be infinite and ecstatic – joy will be constantly created for all, in a delicious state of cooperation that defies any description that could have meaning for you while you remain limited by the confining nature of the illusion.


在 你們已覺醒和自然的狀態中,永恆地保留在你們身邊的神的愛將會注入他的智慧及他擁有的無限才能到你們中,所以你們會與他共同為了全部人創造永恆的喜悅和滿 足。對於自我的催促讓你們去成為第一或是最好,自我嘗試尋求你們的注意力,那將不會產生任何問題,因為要知道你們都是一體的-以及永遠地體驗那種狀態,而 它將會是無窮及狂喜的-喜悅將會持續為了所有人被創造出來,在共同合作中那種怡人的狀態會挑戰任何你們保持在幻象(本質上受限制的)中所產生出來而對你們 來說有意義的描述(自我的觀點)。


Those of you who think about it wonder whatever could have persuaded you to attempt to separate yourselves from your loving Creator in the first place. Life in the illusion, to put it very mildly indeed, is not terribly satisfactory, and all the information you receive from the spiritual realms tells you that the divine wonders of existence in Reality, at one with God, cannot possibly be explained to you because to actually experience that state is the only way that it can be understood. Nevertheless, you have the indwelling sense that it exists, that it is Heaven, and that it is a truly magnificent state, and so you ask yourselves, and one another, “Why on earth would we have chosen to leave it and be separated from God?” And that is indeed a most reasonable question.


起 初你們想知道是什麼說服你們好讓你們嘗試從愛的創造者中分離自己。幻象中的生活,實際上用溫和的方式來說,它並不令人滿意,而你們從靈性領域接收到的資訊 告訴你們,關於在真實中生活的神聖的奇蹟,與神合一,這些事實並不可能完全地向你們解釋,事實上要體驗這種狀態才是明白它唯一的方法。然而,你們擁有內在 的感知,它就是天堂,而且它是一種高尚的狀態,所以你們問自己或是其他人,"為什麼在地球上我們會選擇去離開它及體驗與神的分離?"實際上這是一個最合理 的問題。



In your natural state you are infinite Wisdom, infinite Knowledge, and infinite Love. You have everything and you need nothing. But the thought occurred, “What would it be like to be separate from God?” And instantly you experienced that weird and lonely state because thought produces instant results. Yes, it is an imaginary state because separation from God is impossible, and outside of Him there is nothing because there is no outside. However, the result was – the illusion. And here you are but a moment later, and about to return to Reality.


在 你們自然的狀態中你們是無限智慧,無限知識及無限的愛。你們擁有任何東西而你們沒有需要的東西。但是一種想法產生了,"與神分離會是怎樣的?"當下你們就 會馬上體驗到怪異和孤獨的狀態,因為思想會立刻產生結果。是的,這是一種虛構的狀態,因為與神分離是不可能的,而在他之外不會有任何東西-那裏沒有任何東 西是在他以外的。不過,結果就是-幻象。你們就在幻象中,不過再過一陣子就會回到真實之中。


Time is illusory; it seems real, and without it you would be unable see, hear, taste, touch, smell, and generally interact with one another and the environment that the illusion contains. Time is like an infinite slowing down of Reality, enabling causes to have effects, and as a result chains of events unfold, completing the experience of the illusion for you. An illusion lasts no time! But when you are apparently caught up within it, it seems interminable. It appears to have all started many billions of years ago, and yet it is but a momentary aberration that cannot last. You are to awaken, you have been asleep for but an instant, and your joy will be ecstatic. So relax, be loving, open yourselves to your Father’s Love so that It can dispel the illusion, and allow yourselves to awaken. Remember, you do have free will, and to open yourselves to His love is to choose to awaken.


時 間是幻象的;它看來是真實的,沒有它你們將會無法看見,聽見,品嚐,觸摸,嗅,以及與其他人或外界接觸,而它們都是包含在幻象的。時間就像是真實無限的放 緩,容許因果的發生,結果其他事件以連鎖效應展開,為你們完成在幻象中的體驗。幻象沒時間延續了!但當你們表面上被它抓住時,它看似是無止盡的。它以千億 年前就開始發生的狀態呈現著,然而它只是短暫的突變而不會維持很久。你們是將要覺醒的,你們已經沉睡了很久,而你們的喜悅將會是令人入迷的。所以請放鬆, 保持愛,對父親的愛開放你們自己,讓它去驅散幻象,容許你們去覺醒。記住,你們擁有自由意志,對他的愛去開放自己就是選擇去覺醒。

With so very much love, Saul.



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