
Beloved Ones,

The lessons you have been experiencing in the days past now come into alignment with the higher aspects of your Divine essence. Each day will bring a greater acceleration of your spiritual growth and understanding than the one before. You are moving into fast forward in terms of greater comprehension and remembrance of the mission you have come to this Planet to implement. This mission requires that you have learned mastery of your human operating system and the foremost among these is mastery of the mind, the mastering of your thoughts as you go about your daily lives.


在 這些日子裡你們所體驗的課程現在進入到一種與你更高神聖本質面向的校準中。每一天都會給你帶來比起過去來說,在靈性成長和覺知發展上更大的加速度。你們正 不斷的快速向前,依照著對於自身神聖任務更高層次的理解和記憶去行動,而這也是你們來到這顆星球註定要實現的。這個任務需要你們已充分的精通你們人類的作 業系統,以及精通在意識層面最前沿的個人態度和情緒,在你經歷每日生活的時候充分精通如何去實踐自己的想法。

The energies of these times are helping in this work and your human operating system is integrating with your multi-dimensional operating system to bring a greater integration and wholeness of your true nature. This is facilitating a releasing of much tension within your system and more comfort and ease will become noticeable as you move through each day. The resistance you once felt within you is now beginning to dissipate as you each accept the truth of your Being. You are now connecting with your true power that is within you and it is glorious indeed!

在 這些時刻所湧現的能量正在這次的工作中起到幫助的作用,而你們人類的作業系統也正在整合著你們多維度作業系統,帶來一種更完整的集合與你們真實本質的完整 性。這就是在你們當前系統中許多緊張氛圍的一種釋放的促進力,更多的舒適和輕便會在你們通過每一天的同時變得越來越顯而易見。在你們內在曾經感受到的阻力 現在正開始消散中,因為你們每個人都在逐步的接納你本質的真相。現在你正連接到你自身的真實力量,它就在你的裡面,它同時也完全充滿著榮耀!

Your consciousness is expanding into more wholistic thoughts of peace, love and unity, for this is the new consciousness of the Earth. The new era opens before you and your new consciousness and its infinite possibility is yours for the taking. You are stepping up to the next level and that is learning how to use your energy by thinking higher thoughts. Step into the frequencies of love and joy and radiate this from your very Being. This can be accomplished without the need for words or explanations, it requires just Being all that you are.


Spend more time going within to align with your greater Self. It is most important that you give yourself the time and space to do this, even if only for a few moments at a time. Feel your heart chakra pulsating and expanding with love, with joy, with empowerment. No matter what situation you are facing, these qualities will help you to understand that all is well and everything is working for you in Divine order, and in Divine timing, that all that is required is for you to just BE, in peace, in calm and equilibrium. By allowing this, more profound experiences will become a normal occurrence in your daily lives.


The higher aspects of your true Being are available during your times of the silence within. There will be more information, guidance and knowledge given to you and dialogue with your Great I AM is becoming a normal activity. No matter what occurs, always come back to your heart and make your decisions from there. By following your heart and speaking your truth with courage in a calm and peaceful manner, you will find that solutions to any pressing issues come forth in a graceful flow for the highest good of all. You have more influence on the people and situations confronting you than you realize. Speaking your truth is being supported by the new energies coming in and much ground can be gained by all. Your Angelic guides whisper softly to you to guide you upon your Path.

你 們真實本質的更高面向在你每次進入內心靜寂的時刻就可以體現出來。將會出現更多的資訊,指引和知識授予你,那麼與你最偉大臨在本質之間的對話也將變成一種 平常的行為。不管發生什麼,請總是回歸到你的心靈中,讓你的決定都由此而生。通過允許你的心靈包含著勇氣去述說你的真相,在一種平靜與和平的氛圍中,你將 會發現對於任何緊急問題的解決方法以一種優雅的方式來到你身邊,同時流動著對於全然良善的最高指引。對於你所遭遇的人群和各種境遇你都擁有著超出你瞭解的 更多影響力。不斷述說你的真理此刻便受到全新能量的支持,那麼許多根植的效應就能夠被所有人所獲得。你們天使指導團體總是細語輕聲的對你呢喃,在你自我的 覺醒道路上提供指引。

Until next week…
I AM Hilarion

譯者 U2覺醒

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