Beloved Ones,
The purification that is required in order to allow a greater connection with your Higher Self is now taking place. This will continue for the next months and you will find yourselves expressing in ways you never have before. You will feel calmer and more peaceful within. The intensity of the energies has been washing away all that has been holding you back from going forward in a confident manner and you will soon be picking up the torch of a higher way of expression.
現 在,為了允許你們與更高自我建立一種正在發生的更深層連接,淨化就是必要的。在接下來的幾個月中這都將持續下去,你們將發現自己以過去從未有過的方式擴展 自己。你會感到更加的平靜與內在的平和。這些強烈的能量此刻就不斷在清掃著所有一切在阻礙著你們以信心的方式繼續前進的腐朽之物,很快你們將拾取這個以一 種更高方式表達的真理火炬。
The issues and situations that have been unresolved in the people around you are coming up to be looked at with greater scrutiny and these issues are being resolved in a peaceful and loving manner. All Beings desire to come together in Love and unity, to reconnect in a more positive and nurturing way and this will be seen to have its effect in human interaction. The mass consciousness field has been undergoing a mass cleansing and as this continues, more access to peaceful ways of interaction will take place.
這 些在圍繞著你們人群之中懸而未決的事件和情形都在陸續的呈現,將以更高層次的審查方式被予以看待,而這些問題也在一種平和與充滿愛的方式中得以解決。存在 的所有一切都希望在愛與聯合中走到一起來,重新在一種更加正面與孕育的方式中連接,它就將被看待以自己的方式在人際互動中產生影響。群體的意識領域一直在 經歷著一種大規模的清洗,由於這個過程的繼續,更多通向交互作用的和平方式將得以呈現。
You, as beacons of Light are playing a vital role as you go about your daily lives. The presence of greater Light around you automatically affects each person’s energy field and this is a role you serve as a catalyst for change. We also see that many of you are taking on and transmuting the energies of others as you meet in groups and interact. This may be a reason why you wonder if your cleansing process will ever end. Your personal cleansing has taken place and you now walk the Earth purifying everything in your Path, for as Light bearers, this is a process that naturally occurs.
你 們,作為光之燈塔,就正在你們每日的生活中在扮演著一種重要的角色。圍繞著你們的更偉大光場的出現會自動的去影響每個人的能量場,而這就是你所參與服務的 角色,成為轉變的催化劑。我們也看到你們中的許多人正在承擔起轉變其他人之能量層次的任務,就如你在團體和互動中遇到的對象。就是這個原因使得你奇怪的感 覺自己的清理過程似乎永無休止。你們個人的清理過程已經發生,現在你就行走在自我道路上對於每樣事物的淨化清理中,作為荷光者,這就是一個會自然發生的過 程。
Take time each day to clear your personal energy fields so that you are aware of the times when the energies of others enter your field. Know that it is a temporary situation and that it is helping to more quickly transmute the very atmosphere in the area where you live and in the auric fields of those whom you encounter. Having this awareness should help you feel more confidence in your abilities to create the changes in your World that you desire. This is what Light bearers do and the exciting part of this is that this is the first time in Earth’s history that so many Beings who hold the Light are shining their Light in this way. Do not stop, Dear Ones!
每 天請花時間清理你個人的能量場,這樣你便可以當其他人的能量進入你的領域的時候以正確的時機去覺察。請明白它僅僅只是一個臨時的情況,同時它正説明著以更 快的速度轉變你所生活的區域內的氛圍,同時也會轉變那些由你遭遇到的人們的金場。獲得這種理解將幫助你對自己去創造意願世界的能力感到更有信心。而這就是 荷光者要做的事情,而這其中最激動人心的部分便是在地球歷史上,這是首次看到如此多的人在持有著聖光力量並以這種方式閃耀自己的光芒。請不要停下,摯愛的 親人們!
It is also incumbent upon each of you to nurture yourselves when necessary and take time out to rejuvenate your inner forces. Being out in nature is becoming most crucial as the elemental Beings are most eager to assist each of you to renew your forces as needed. The energies of the Earth needs to be tapped into and connected with and this can only happen when you are actually out in the outdoors. There is Love all around you from these delightful Beings who desire a greater connection with Humanity. They wish to be acknowledged so that they can be of greater service.
以 現階段來說它也依賴於你們每個人在必要的時候培育自己,花些時間讓你內在的力量復原。身處於大自然中將變成最至關重要的條件,因為這些元素的精靈們是如此 焦急的等待著支援你們每個人,如需要的那樣恢復你們的力量。地球的能量是需要被接入與連接的,而這也只能發生在當你處於戶外大自然的環境中。現在在你們周 遭全都是愛的能量,從這些可愛的精靈的身上發送而出,它們意願著與人類建立更大的連接。它們希望自己能夠被予以接納,以使得它們能夠更多的服務。
Until next week….
I AM Hilarion
譯者 U2覺醒