Beloved Ones,
A great many of you are experiencing fear in ways that did not bother you before. Know that you are picking up on the fears of the mass consciousness field and that you have control over your mind and your thoughts. At such moments all you have to do is remember that you are always surrounded by a legion of Angels. There is no place upon this Planet that you walk alone. As you have trodden upon your spiritual journey in this lifetime, you have amassed a greater following of Light Beings who watch over you so that at this point in time, you each have a veritable army of Light to protect you.
To counter the chaotic energies that are prevalent in these times, look closely to find the beauty all around you – in people, in places, in your surroundings, in every small vignette of physical perfection, and make this your focus. You are holding the vision of a beautiful and pristine World for all of Humanity and you are making a difference. Too often, you allow the projections of others to influence your consciousness instead of imprinting your conscious intent into each situation. You are the creator of your reality. Train your thoughts to always hold the highest vision and intend the highest outcome for the highest good of all.
These current times call for greater discernment and lightning quick decision making while assessing each event as it occurs. Always trust your first impression and take note of it, for invariably this is the correct assessment and it comes from your Higher Self. Trust in this guidance and act upon it in whatever way is most appropriate for you. This guidance is unique to you in every situation you encounter and requires that you detach from the seeming appearance that is before you so that you can make the correct choice for you.
在 當前的時刻需要更高層次的識別力和以閃電般的速度做出決定來評估每個正在發生的事件。請總是信任你的第一印象並注意它,因為這總會是正確的評估,而它是來 自于你更高的自我。請信任這份指引並以它的指引採取任何必要的適合你的行動。在你當前的每個情形中,這份指引都是獨一無二的,你所遭遇的和需要的,從看似 混亂的顯現中抽離出來,這樣你就能夠做出對於自己來說正確的決定。
You are all in the process of connecting to your own power in a greater capacity and this sometimes requires stepping into the unknown, which can take on the appearance of a void, a stuckness, as you re-orient yourselves. This void is as nothing if you but remember the Light that you are, for your Light cuts through the deepest darkness and can truly be a beacon to guide others. It requires confidence in your own ability to shine. You are your own greatest treasure.
你 們所有人都處在對於自身更高容量的力量的連接過程中,而這有時候需要敢於步入未知之中,它有可能呈現出一種【空】【焦灼】的顯現,因為你在重新使自己適 應。如果你完全的記住自己就是純然的光,那麼這份【空】就什麼都不算了,因為你的光可以剪斷最深層次的黑暗,並且能夠屹立為一座光的燈塔去指引他人。然而 它需要你對於自身閃耀光芒的能力充滿信心。你是自己最大的寶藏。
Sometimes being fully in your mundane life is the most powerful place for you to be and on a higher level it is exactly right for you, so do not feel that you are out of the loop of higher service. At this point in time, Dear Ones, you are all exactly where you must be. Stand tall, stay strong, stay focused and be in peace.
有 時候讓自己完全的臨在於你自身平凡的生活中,對你來說是最具有力量的,同時在一個更高的層面它對你來說也是十分正確的。所以請千萬不要認為自己已經游離到 更高服務範圍之外了。在時間的這一刻,摯愛的親人們,你們全部都身處於自己必定要出席的地點。所以請昂首站立,保持堅強的心並穩固的駐留在和平與寧靜之 中。
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
譯者 U2覺醒
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