【阿塞班迪亞飛船】 7月15日資訊:《選擇的時刻》

2012/07/20 00:05

【阿塞班迪亞飛船】 715日資訊:《選擇的時刻》

2012-07-16 11:55

Greetings: I am Adrial, celestial of this universe, and Iam Bren-Ton of Andromeda. We are most pleased to be communicating with youtoday.


For several years now we have been saying to you that thetime of choosing would come. Now is that time. We have been telling you thatEarth would be transforming herself to a lighter density. We have been sayingthat all that would remain with Earth are required to raise their vibrations tomatch hers.


At this moment there are three choices before you. First,you may raise your vibration to the point that you ascend to a higher/lighterdensity thereby removing yourself from the Earth plane. Second, you may chooseto remain in the 3rd Density that currently holds the majority of Earth humansin a fear-based paradigm. Or third, you may choose to remain with Earth as shetransitions herself to a higher/lighter density.


A fundamental law of the universe is that you can onlyexist in those vibrations with which you are compatible. If you are surroundedby vibrations that are dissimilar to your own, you will find yourself in asituation that you cannot tolerate. That is happening to many at this moment.They are feeling incompatible with the prevailing density of fear, violence,separation, and self-focus. They are removing themselves from those situationsthat are incompatible with their higher vibration. This leads some tophysically relocate to a situation more to their liking, more compatible withtheir higher vibration. Others find retreats at their existing locations.


We wish to remind you that it is not enough to merelywish that you reside in a certain vibration, you must attune yourself to it atevery moment. If you are now vibrating in the 3rd Dimension, you are constantlyreinforcing your existence in that vibration by giving your consent to holdthat energy. If you are in a fear-based environment you are telling yourselfthat this is where I wish to be. Oh, you may have moments of desiring somethingdifferent, but in the end you settle for what you have, and accept it as yourlot in life.


On the other hand, if you are living in a love-basedvibration, you are constantly reinforcing your existence in that environment.So you have a choice of two vibrations, a higher love-based one and a lowerfear-based one. How do you choose?


If you are settled in a fear-based existence, know thatyou will not continue with Earth, nor will you ascend to a lighter way ofbeing. Both paths are incompatible with your lower vibration. Those of a lowervibration will either choose death and reincarnation, or they will betransported to another location where they may continue their fear-basedexistence until they eventually awaken to the light. We make no judgment ofthem; they are merely making a choice.


Those who are vibrating at a higher/lighter density –notice we did not say those who “choose” to vibrate at a higher/lighterdensity. Those who are actually vibrating in the light have two choices beforethem: They may choose to ascend to an existence without form, what you mightcall a spirit form where they will be embraced by those of a similar resonance.There they will choose their next step on their upward journey toward unitingwith Source.


An alternative to this path is what we have been callingthe path of the Caretakers. The Caretakers of the new Earth will be a specialbreed of humans never before seen in this universe. The Caretakers will enjoyphysical form but with bodies infused with lighter densities. These new humansof Earth, endowed with crystalline bodies that are youthful, healthy andvibrant, will exist for hundreds of years. These new humans of Earth will enjoytelepathy and manifestation, and will resonate as citizens of the cosmos. Theywill create a new civilization on Earth, a glorious civilization that willbecome the destination for many star system visitors to admire and to interactwith.


So we reiterate that you are now in that moment ofchoice. How are you living your life? Are there things holding you frombecoming all that you can be? Now is the moment to discard them, for you cannotexist in a higher/lighter density if you are stuck with the baggage of thelower density. Do you have habits, addictions, beliefs, attachments, orresidual emotions and thoughts that do not serve you? Rid yourself of them. Doyou have fears of taking the next step of your progress? Move beyond thosefears, for they serve you not. Do you have distractions in your currentexistence, detach from them.


Now is the time of your choosing. Do not worry about whatsurrounds you, the news of the day, the actions of others, or your establishedbeliefs. Rise above them. Look to the glorious future that awaits you. Your newlife is just beyond your next decision. You do not have the luxury of delayingfurther. Your personal transformation is at hand. “Business as usual” is thereto lure you to continue without change. Act for what serves your long-terminterests, not what is a retreat into established patterns.


If you believe that you will be able to cling to thehigher/lighter vibrations when the chaos of the transformation is about you,you are sadly mistaken. You will be able to maintain the higher vibrations onlyby looking forward to what is before you, not by running away from your oldlife out of fear.


It will require practice to maintain these highervibrations. Practice until the higher vibrations become a second nature,practice until you can easily maintain the higher vibrations in the face ofwhat you now encounter as 3rd Dimension, and practice so that your conventionallife, whatever it might be, is left behind. Begin this very moment to engageyourself in the higher vibrations. Practice this day.


It has been our pleasure to share our understandings withyou.


Adrial and Bren-Ton




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