【昴宿星九人議會】 7月11日資訊:《事實和光即將擺在你們面前》

2012/07/19 23:25

【昴宿星九人議會】 711日資訊:《事實和光即將擺在你們面前》

2012-07-12 13:16

As you grow as a collective and newer stridesare reached, so do planned events change in minute or bold ways. There are manyplans that have been set forth and some of these plans have been discussed butdear souls, not everything has been set in stone.


We should explain that we have been closelyfollowing every possibility and scenario that has been brought forth by theAngelic souls who are Guiding us in our endeavors in assisting Earth, and wehave been convening with many different Councils over the best possible plansof action in relation to the neutralization of the elites on your world, whowould otherwise continue to wreak havoc if our intervention would not takeplace.


Either way, bold and uprooting change is to betaking place on your world and currently, this change is occurring at apersonal level within your cores as many of you are finding the intenseuprooting of your former selves. The Light-holding that has been taking placeon your world by so very many incarnate starseeds who have incarnated on yourworld for the very purposes of holding the Light, is seeing the collectiveconsciousness shift in very profound ways and in ways that we have beenanticipating for some time.


There are now millions of incarnate wanderersand starseeds upon your beautiful blue world, and those of you who are openingup to your true and full, higher selves in many pure ways are also the ones whoare going through the most intense and uprooting lessons at present.


The lessons that you are going through, whilein many cases being intensely difficult and bringing you to your cores in manyinstances, are literally shifting the collective perception and consciousnessand since there are millions of you who are holding very pure Light whilesubsequently going through very intense Life lessons, the overall collectiveconsciousness is shifting in a way that the [seemingly] bolder and lessforgiving physical actions on your world are less and less becoming anecessity.


We have intended to let you dear souls in onas much information as possible in relation to the unfolding events on yourworld but there is indeed much that cannot be disclosed due to the sheer naturein which our plans can change, in quite bold ways, in accordance with therising Light energies and the continually pure Light-quotient of the majorityof humanity.


Many unawakened souls on your world arefinding themselves going through much more difficult Life lessons as they arepushed toward discovering the distorted nature in which they have beenexperiencing your beautiful world and the beautiful consciousness thataccompanies third dimensional Life.


The crucial balance that is needed for thecollective whilst much energetic uprooting and subsequent collective andindividual learning is taking place, [sees that] we must be extremely carefulas to how we proceed with the events which are to take the elites on your worldaway from their positions of influence while subsequently informing humanity ofall that has happened on your surface for nearly a millennia.


The Light quotient is seeing these eventsable to manifest in the time windows that have be hoped for and as has been endlesslyexpressed, there is indeed a set time and date for the complete removal of thedark souls on your world, in whichever way it is to be specifically broughtabout.


We say that at present, there is no concretedecision and [again] nothing is set in stone as to how the ultimate removal ofthe influence of these souls is to take place. The scenario of these soulsbeing arrested publicly in mass numbers was one that was widely weighed-on andheavily considered to the point that we and many others began to becomecomfortable with expressing this scenario unfolding through channels, but whatwas perhaps missing from some of the communications was the truth that eventhat scenario was not as set in stone as many of us within our Councils of theGalactic Federation had anticipated.


This entire endeavor has been an immenselearning experience for us, as we are helping you to ascend to the states ofconsciousness we currently exist in and enjoy quite immensely, while at thesame time receiving Guidance and continual advice from the souls Guiding us whoare further along their paths, and these would be the souls whom you know bestas the Archangels and Angels, Ascended Masters and such.


We say that there is not one set group ofascended souls who are further along on their paths and who assist us, andrather there are very many ascended souls coming from all throughout thisbeautiful Creation to assist us in the ascension of Earth in their own specificand needed ways, and we are meeting new Guides every ‘day’ who have come now toenthusiastically help us to help you to help your planet to ascend into the wonderfullypure states of consciousness that you all deserve to exist within.


We have learned so very much whilst workingwith your world and one lesson that we are absorbing currently with thebringing-forth of alternate possibilities in the removal of the influence ofthe dark, is that nothing specific [in relation to the elite’s exposure] has yetever been as assured as we had assumed was so with the possibility of the darksouls on your world being arrested in mass numbers, as we have been discussingmany different possibilities while assuming in no uncertain ways, that the‘Mass Arrest’ scenario would always be the most likely scenario to be broughtforth.


It is a lesson that we are learning andsuffice to say, we quite appreciate the opportunity to learn it.


It is a collective lesson for humanity aswell and for all who are reading and absorbing the many communications whichhave predicted this possibility of the dark heads on your world being publiclytaken away in handcuffs, and suffice to say dear souls no matter which way theinfluence of those souls is taken from your world, they will answer for whatthey have done to your world through the natural Laws of Karma and as a resultof the strong and immense desire of so many awakening souls on your world tosee the dark heads answer for what they have done.


With this statement, we do not refer to thosewho may take to vengeful or violent mindsets when learning about all that hasbe done – we mean instead those who have known what the dark heads have beendoing on your world and who have taken to Peaceful and Lighted means to get thetruth out and spread awareness of all that has been done.


Many of you have been working so very hard tosee these end times come about and while we understand fully that it can beunnerving at times to follow our continually-changing plans and to have to betold when such plans could or could not be changing; this is wherein thedifficulty in sharing every bit of unfolding information and development lays.


We do not want to frustrate, aggravate or unnerveyou dear beautiful souls who have been waiting and working for so long towardthis inevitable conclusion, which is why we must express that again, no matterhow these details play out there are still a few key and crucial elements thatwill remain.


Such elements are:


1. That the influence of the dark heads andof the lower astral entities alike who employ them will be completely removedfrom your surface and from any and every other realm throughout Gaia’sbeautiful structure.

1. 黑暗頭目以及低星光層次實體的影響會被從你們星球的表面完全移除,從美麗的蓋亞表面的的任何其他領域移除。

2. The aims and agendas of the dark souls aregoing to be discussed, and humanity will have much to soak-in and much truth toabsorb as you are all let know of your true history and of the nature to whichyour true history has been distorted.

2. 黑暗靈魂的目標和計畫會被討論。人類會獲得大量真實的資訊。真實的歷史會被還原。你們會很清楚地瞭解哪部分歷史曾經被扭曲過,篡改過。

3. The dark heads on your world will indeedundergo trials. These will be Peaceful trials which will be carried out underthe authority of the Galactic Federation, the Universal souls [and Councils]whom have always overseen Earth’s Creation and the balance and sustainedfunneling of Logos to all of Her realms, as well as the Highest Councilsoverseeing the Earth and [overseeing] all whom take Lives upon Her beautifuland marvelous surface.

3. 在你們世界的黑暗群體頭目確實會受到審判。在銀河聯邦的授權下,會以和平的審判過程發生。參與人員會包括長時間以來一直呵護地球發展平衡的,保持星球各個領域平衡的高層次靈魂。還會包括曾經降生在地球美麗表面的人們所組成的最高議會。

The collective of humanity will haveexplained to them, the extent to which forgiveness of the dark heads and elitefamilies is needed. It is to be explained that there are many within suchfamilies who have incarnated for Lighted purposes, to spread Light in suchfamilies from some of the darkest corners of the Earth experience. Some of suchsouls will choose to step forward with their experiences and help to exposemany of the most devious inner-workings of the Illuminati rituals and of thefalse doctrines that are forced onto every soul within the Illuminati.


It should be expressed, dear souls, that afew very important and key arrests have indeed already been [privately] made,and the Angelics and the higher Earthly Councils who are deciding what is tomanifest next in relation to the exposure of the aims and agendas of theelites; such souls are to make the final decisions as to how the specificbringing-about of the exposure of the elites is to manifest.


They have been convening with us to garnerour assistance in any ways that we can help with such a decision-makingprocess, and they have as well been convening amongst themselves to discuss therepercussions and such that we could not yet be able to understand for indeeddear souls, there is again much [we are learning] about the Earth experienceand about the sensitive nature in which your world must be kept in completebalance as these events are manifested, as this balance is crucial to theevolution of innumerable realms throughout this Creation which we all existhappily within and as.


Gaia is ready to see the exposure of thosewho have kept Her in the most pain and this is why She is calling for theexposure of these souls, yet in the most compassionate ways possible.


You are to see in the immediate period ahead,many souls whom could perhaps be recognized as being in the pockets of theelites, who will choose to enact Lighted change and measures within theirrespected spheres of influence. You will recognize these souls as workingdirectly with the Archangels who have been imploring many of them to jump shipfrom their Illuminati counterparts and join the Light, which is ever-becomingthe dominant energy and decider of the events to manifest on your world.


As a result of this happening, you are to seemuch Lighted change finally begin to be brought forth and we must reiteratethat this is as well a steady and slow process as it must be to insure thebalance and stability of the collective and individual consciousness ofhumanity as again, such a stability is very important to the stability andcontinual evolution of many, many other realms and planets whose ascension isnearly riding on the ascension of the Earth.


Expect much truth and Light to be broughtforth in the immediate period ahead through your mainstream media as indeed, atthis moment it is still bringing forth much falsity and many are still beingdeceived by tuning-in to the mainstream propaganda that is continually andboldly passed off as truth, but these constraints are being broken step bystep, little by little as each and every one of you make it your intents toproclaim your willingness to yourselves break away from the influence of themainstream perception on your world, as you realize the true and hollow natureof such mainstream perceptions.


For many of you who are awakening to thesetruths, you are seeing around you at this point a continuation of the old and acontinuation of the employment of all of those former mindsets that you onceexisted within quite happily, grew away from and now recognize as hollow. Forsome, this can be mentally and emotionally painful, especially when seeing andnoticing others falling for the traps that one has long grown out of, and wemust of course stress the importance of never employing judgment when lookingupon the Life experience of another.


You are all on this world experiencingdiffering and varying levels of consciousness, and not every soul who is onyour world currently is here to experience the ascension of your world. Someare Earth-Natives or Natives from Mars who chose to undergo experiences onEarth for various different reasons, and some will not choose to accept andintegrate the energies of your Universal ascension which are being given toyour world in increased acceleration and purity at this time.


As above, so below dear souls and everychange that you enact within yourselves and every discipline you findyourselves bringing forth in your own Lives that will see you ultimately betteraligned with your own continually unfolding ascension process; these happeningsare bringing forth the beginning of the exposure of the elites on your world aswell as their beginning-compliance with the Ascended Masters and various Angelsand Archangels who are working in conjunction with the insider defectors whoare now working for the Light, while they [Masters] work as well with theHigher Councils overseeing the Earths realms.


Indeed dear souls, you are seeing and willcontinue to see many examples of Light and truth brought forth and changeenacted on your world that has needed to be enacted, by those who will clearlydemonstrate themselves as working for the Light. We say that the souls who arenow making those choices to turn away from those who have abused them in manyways and join the Light forces, will be and are finding much protection givenfrom the Light upon using their positions of influence to bring forth Lighted changeas well as truth.


We know each and every soul who has beenexposed to the actions and inner-workings of the elites, and we have Guided ourallies in the various positions they have taken to whilst on Earth, to contactmany people within the [United States] Military as well as many other highlyinfluential and high-ranking souls within establishments such as the Military,in an effort to get such souls to come forth with what they have experienced sothat the collective of humanity can begin to learn such things.


The soul who is known as Bill Brockbrader isa prime example of this happening, as this soul has experienced so very muchthat deep within himself, he has long wished to inform the collective ofhumanity about.

被你們稱作比爾·布洛克布拉德(Bill Wood) 的靈魂就是一個例子,因為他在自己的深層經歷過如此多,他希望將這些告訴人類集合意識體。

He and many, many others will be and now aregetting the chance to do so and we say to those who are still holding out andcontinuing to align with the elites, that such a feeling of ease, of relief, ofgeneral happiness and bliss will rise up within you, having exposed all of thatwhich you have been forced into keeping secret for so very long.


Scenarios and possibilities are being juggledat this point as we are all bringing forth different possibilities as to howthe exposure and removal of the dark souls who have installed themselves intopositions of power on your world for so very long, is to take place. Those who arejoining with the side of the Light are not necessarily being ‘contained’ inthat they are not in any way being forced to bring forth the Lighted changethat many will be choosing to bring forth in the immediate period ahead.


There will be many who perhaps think or feelthat they are being forced into enacting the change on your world that has beenneeded, and we can foresee already that some will be quite curmudgeon aboutenacting this change and will feel that they are being forced to do so becausetheir empires had crumbled without them getting to see the fruition of theagendas that others in their bloodline had planned, generations before them.


However, there will be many who will happilychoose to come over to the side of the Light and in any ways they can, be a partof the informing of the collective of humanity and we implore you to realizethat the upcoming period and the period directly following, will be much moreLighted than many of you do perhaps realize.


Yes indeed, there will be collective angerand frustration at first and much collective emotion that has been long hiddenwithin the subconscious is itself going to be uprooted, exposed to andexpressed by the collective of humanity. The tests that you are all to undergoin such times [which have been discussed before] will be preludes to thewonderful and Lighted times in which we speak of; in which many of you will gettogether to inform yourselves and each other.


It has been spoken of as well, the collectiveUnity that is going to be garnered in the immediate period ahead and this willbe a result of you all inevitably passing the final collective tests that youhave all planned out for yourselves – those are, [whether one will] be in fearor acceptance when learning many startling and uprooting truths.


You will likely notice that the theme ofuprooting has been expressed much throughout this message, and you will find aswell that it is an important theme in the upcoming period for this uprootingthat is to take place has the potential to vastly tip the collective balance,were we not here to assist with the energy movements and exposures of theelites in a way that sees this balance able to be attained.


Again, the physical manifestations andrepresentations of just how these events are to come about are both assured andnot yet decided on fully. What we mean by this is that either way these eventsare going to manifest and we have a select and certain few key scenariosplanned out that we and our [and your] Angelic Guides as well, know fully willwork out overall and we are simply working out these last few minute detailsand deciding just which specific events out of these few select possibilities,are going to be those to actually manifest.


The ‘Mass Arrests’ scenario and the scenariowhich has been generally labeled ‘Containment’, are two of such very likelypossibilities and there is one more possibility as well that we are notcurrently at liberty to discuss, as it involves elements of the exposure of thedark heads that they have not been aware we possess or understand in any ways.


We have long informed these souls that weknow everything about them that could be known; there is simply much that wewill not [yet] disclose to channels about these individuals due to theirfreewill choices for the general public not to know such things before theperiod ahead which will expose the actions of these souls.


In such a period, the freewill of the darkheads will be no obstacle in bringing forth such truth as the collective willhave entered such pure planes of consciousness in this beautiful Creation, thatthe exposure of the elites will have been ready to be brought forth andenergetically prepared-for by the collective of humanity.


There is a very unbalanced measure of thefreewill energies of the dark heads because they have very grossly and boldlyinvaded the freewill of so many on your world for so very long, and this is aswell why their freewill will not be an obstacle in the immediate period ahead,in exposing and disclosing many things about them as such truths will as wellbe essential to the explaining of the many ways in which they have controlledyour world for so very long.


In this current moment, there are still manyon your world who would not yet be ready for such truths and so you see dear,beautiful souls, it is a balance of the freewill of the dark heads and thefreewill of the souls on your world alike who would not yet be ready to hearsuch things.


Some of such souls are those who we havespoken of, who may not choose your ascension and who may instead choose to takeLives on other worlds, undergoing the lower dimensional experience.


Until our next communication, dear souls, wewish to express our hope that the aims of this communication have been broughtforth as planned for. Such aims have been to inform you of the existence ofscenarios and possibilities for the exposure of your dark besides those of theMass Arrests, and to again affirm that no matter which way such exposures andclearing-away of the influence of the dark happens, there will be no reason tofear and the dark heads will have their actions exposed in the same, bold waysthat will get the attention of your entire world.


It is to be the single greatest event tohappen to your world and especially to your current society in your history,which has been distorted by the dark heads who have wanted you to believe thatthe Earth is so very much younger than She actually is and that your historyhas been little more than various small and big civilizations that did notfully develop [in the ways modern society has].


Rest assured dear, beautiful souls, that thedark heads are being exposed and the giving of Lighted truth and thetechnologies that are to follow such exposures, are indeed still on full trackto manifest in the immediate period ahead. For now, you are seeing many soulswho are choosing to come forth to the side of the Light, and this is somethingthat has been planned for a long time and is a relief for Gaia [as well as allothers].


Remember dear ones, that your own continualprocesses and the enacting of the disciplines which are to see you betteraligned with your ascension energies, will as well see the Earth better alignedwith these energies and will have an energetic effect so vast, that it willliterally affect how and when any events manifest on your world and within yourexperience.


Thank you to the Pleiadian Council of Nine.




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