大銀河中心總理 --- Lord Salvington揚升訊息(下)
大銀河中心總理 --- Lord Salvington
大銀河中心總理 --- Lord Salvington20121228揚升訊息(下)
Many may be saying that ʻnothing happenedʻ on December 21st 2012. That is a misunderstanding. If you have been scanning the front pages you have noticed that everyday a new obituary of the dark Ones has been there. These are like candles being blown out. These lives cannot hold the Higher Vibrational frequencies of Love pervading every cell on Earth. Your media holds back other direct clues to Ascension which are popping up all over the Globe and often presented in ʻweird newsʻ with no proper explanation. These include sudden appearance of Sacred Holy Sites being uncovered under the sea and in the desserts as new pyramids near StarGates. These include phenomena of Zero Point and the Earth Grid illuminating for our Collective use.
許多人可能說20121221日沒有事情發生. --- 這是一種 “誤解”! 如果你有在注意報紙頭條的話 --- 你就會注意到每天都有黑暗份子死亡的訃文. 就像在風中熄滅的蠟燭一樣. 這些生命無法承受目前流通到地球每個細胞之中的高頻率的愛. 而且你們的媒體也掩蓋下了其它 “揚升” 的直接證據. --- 這些事在全球各地此起彼落的發生著. --- 而經常只被當成 “奇聞異事”被報導出來而不給予正確的解釋. --- 這些故事包括了有些 “聖地”突然跑出來了, 突然在海底被發現了, 以及沙漠中靠近 “星門”的新金字塔被發現了. --- 這還包括了 “零點現象”, 以及 地球柵欄發出了光亮而且可以被大家所使用的事實.
As Earth approached Galactic Center within the Cosmos the dark Ones fearing their demise, their snuffing out, then they made a last ditch effort to hold you Great Light Warriors in their grip. They have launched phishing schemes promising you awards of money and have posted about it on websites which are considered trusted and are very dark. Think about it. Have you been there requesting pre-NESARA funds? There is no such thing. This is a Black Ops scheme. People have been removed from their homes and taken out after providing all their details to these dark Ops. Those promoting these payouts, these Freedom Funds and Peoples Trust will be invited to pay the price for this misinformation. Lightworkers grow weary and feel they want to give up and so join in on this self-indulgent fantasy that this is the real thing we have all waited for! It is wise today to go inside. Reconsider all of your relationships and be honest with those around you. Reconsider your authentic Self. Reconnect with your Twin Flame. Call to your Guides to help dissolve your ego longing for lower base needs.
隨著地球接近宇宙的 “銀河中心”, 黑暗份子們害怕他們的死亡, 他們被扼殺, 所以他們嘗試了他們最後的手段來將你們這些偉大的光的戰士們控制住. 他們做出了一些煙幕彈 --- 承諾你們金錢的獎賞 --- 而且刊登在網路上 --- 看起來好像是可信的 --- 其實是非常黑暗的. (最近網路上有請求大家伸請NESARA款項的博文其實是黑暗份子的手段.) 請問你有送出 申請NESARA款的 申請書嗎? --- 這全是騙人的! 沒這回事! --- 是黑暗集團的陰謀! 有一些人在填送完個人詳細資料之後從家裡被帶走消失了. 這些 “自由基金會” (Freedom Funds) 與 “人民基金會”( Peoples Trust), 這些答應付款的人, 都將會為他們的欺騙而付出代價! 許多開始擔憂的光工們, 想要放棄的人們, 加入了這個為自己製造的幻想中, --- 把它當成是大家在等待的 “真實事件’. --- 今天做個明智之舉吧! --- 走入你的內心! 反省思考一下你與所有人所有事情的關係, 對自己和他們誠實吧!!! 思考一下那個 “真實的自我” 的存在!!! 與你的 “雙生光靈魂”連接吧! 呼喚你的 “保護天使” 來協助消除你 “膨脹的小我”對所有低級的需求的渴望.
Due to these new schemes there was a postponement of activities bringing us into Ascension. Mother Sekhmet called for meetings to consider alternate options where the dark Ones could no longer interrupt completion of details required to raise the vibration of each cell on Earth. Father Alcyone looked into the Whole to find a solution which would work. This called for the two of them to work together from their incarnate Avatar forms on Earth. This was very dangerous work which spanned form and non form to bypass roadblocks in the form Realm and allow the Higher Frequencies to penetrate the moving and nonmoving bodies of Earth.
由於最近的這些新的詭計 --- 我們揚升的計畫被延遲了! Mother Sekhmet有請大家去開了一個會議討論其它可行的方案--- 讓 “黑暗份子” 無法阻撓的方案來完成提高地球每個細胞的頻率的方案細節. Father Alcyone縱觀全域之後, 找到了一個可行的解決辦法. ---這需要祂們兩位元一起從祂們在地球上的神聖肉身一起協力去做到! 這是一個非常危險的工作 --- 它是穿透所有有形的物質以及所有無形的物質的能量 --- 去繞過所有有形物質的障礙 --- 然後讓高維度能量可以穿透所有地球上所有會動的與不會動的軀體物質.
This work was initiated 72 hours after the Cosmic alignment on December 21st. It was like a deft operation with a large team of Intergalactic light surgeons focusing a beam of Energy to Mother Sekhmet as she is the only one capable of bypassing these Higher Levels. This lasted around 12 hours and prepared for the December 28th opening of the Tibetan inner Earth portals and Higher Activations with the Kumaras of Pleiades, Venus and Niburu. Incarnate Rishis and Galactic helpers coordinated their efforts and the operation has been a huge success. In 72 hours on New Years Eve will be a culmination of the Highest Energies from this operation making open doors long closed inviting and invoking Beings from the Higher Realms to bring gifts to Earth of instant manifestation. This operation anchors every cell on Earth into the 7th Dimension. You can feel this truth resonate deep inside as you reflect on the Divine Grace within.
這工作在20121221日宇宙聯星日之後的72小時就開始了. 這就像個靈巧的大行動 --- 是由一整隊星際光之外科醫生大團隊聯合發射出一道光芒到Mother Sekhmet身上 --- 因為她是唯一能夠允許所有高單位能量傳輸通過的人. ---這工作持續了十二小時之久, 是為了20121228日在西藏的地球內部星門的開啟, 以及為了啟動昴宿星, 金星以及Niburu的Kumaras而做的工作. 人類肉身的Rishis以及銀河星際的助理們, 大家整合了所有人的力量 --- 所以此 “大行動” 是一個 巨大的成功.
在除夕夜的72小時之間, 會有一個來自此 “大行動” 的最高能量的 “高潮點”會打開許多原本永久關上的門 --- 來邀請與啟動 高維度的高靈們, 為地球人帶來禮物. --- 一種 “可以立即顯化”的禮物. --- 這 “行動”錨定了地球的每個細胞在第七維度. --- 你可以感受到你內心深處對這個 “事實”的共鳴 --- 只要你在內心回想 “神聖的恩典” --- 你就可以感受到這個共鳴.
Your final moments before changes can be spent wisely and will catapult you forward at light speed to your next task. As an alternative you may choose to spend your last moments unwisely and you will hold yourself back. No One will be able to skip steps in their unfoldment of Knowledge.
所以你在 “改變” 之前的時光應該要 “明智地使用”! --- 做些可以將你的下一個活動 --- 提升到光速的狀況. 當然, 其它選項就是非常不聰明的虛擲你最後的這些時間 --- 而讓自己落後下來. --- 記住! 沒有人在知識的學習上可以跳級!!!
Remaining inside the spiderweb of lies and deceit will hold you back. As an example understand that the U.S.fiscal cliff talks are a giant manipulation by the media. They spoon feed stories about Boehner made a statement, Geithner made a statement, Obama made a statement and Reid made a statement and this is what it means. None of it is true. President Obama will tax the 2% in the end and even that does not matter in the long run. The Grand Illusion is winding down, the dark Ones are dying off, fines are paid, indictments continue. It is all dissolving as our perception fades the old 3D to 5D and perception fine tunes as the 7th Dimension appears before us on the Event Horizon of No Time. Sitting in the corner crying in a fear fetal position about lack of money will hold you back. Continuing in petty discussions of right and wrong, hate and like, back stabbing and holding down the youth of your culture will hold you back. Holding on to power and control will hold you back. Holding on to money and Spiritual Gifts without sharing them will hold you back. Give All You Have Each Day and move forward quickly.
如果繼續停留在謊言和詐欺的蜘蛛網當中會把你綁在後面. 舉例而言, 請明白 --- 關於美國的財政懸崖的那些談話就是一個巨大的媒體操控!
他們像喂小朋友吃飯一樣 --- 一湯匙一湯匙的喂你故事 --- 一下子Boehner說了這個, 一下子 蓋特納說了那個, 一下子歐巴馬說了這個, 一下子Reid萊特說了那個, 然後這是這意思那意思. --- 全都不是事實!!! --- 歐巴馬總統最後只會扣大家2%的稅 --- 而連這些稅到最後長期來說也都無所謂. 這巨大的幻覺已經逐步的退去了. 黑暗份子們死的死, 被罰款的罰款, 而被起訴的在起訴當中. 全部的事情在土崩瓦解當中, 而人們對 “現實” 的 “理解”已經逐步從3D 提高到5D去了--- 而我們的 “理解力” 還在繼續精細化當中 --- 隨著來自沒有時間的 “第七維度”能量在地平線上在我們面前湧現. 如果你繼續坐在角落裡, 縮成像個恐懼的嬰兒一般哭泣說: “我沒有錢.” --- 會把你綁在落後面. 如果你繼續做那些小心眼小鼻子小眼睛的 “二元性”討論關於 “什麼是對什麼是錯?” “討厭的與喜歡的” “陰險的手段” (如:背後傷人) “壓抑壓迫你們的年輕人”… ---- 這些行為會把你綁在落後段!!!
“繼續搶住權力與繼續控制別人” 會把你綁在落後段!!!
“繼續做守財奴吝嗇鬼, 繼續掌握住 “神通” 而不分享給別人 ---會把你綁在落後段!!!
把你所有的都分享出來! 然後輕鬆敏捷的往前走!
Now it is opportune to take inventory inside. Do the Inner Work. Interview your Highest Form. Your Highest Self. Your Atma. Ask yourself which parts of you are your Authentic Self and which parts of you are Inauthentic? The inauthentic parts are the programming within the matrix. What ideas do you carry about politics, religion, parents, school, sex, children and ecology that are Authentic and from your Highest Form? Which ideas should you trim away and turn your back on? Everything is Consciousness. Where you launch from here into 7D will be determined by the Inner Work you accomplish in a very narrow space in time.
仔細反省自己內在的 “存貨”(價值觀念)正是時候!做內在(清潔提高頻率)的工作! 與你的高我, 更高的自我, 好好談一談! 問一下自己那些部份的自我是真實的? 那些部份的我是虛偽的? “虛偽的你”是 被設計的軟體程式. 在你的價值觀人生觀中, 對於政治, 宗教, 父母, 學校, 性, 兒女和生態學等等… --- 有那些觀念是 “真誠的”而且是 “高級的我” 的觀念??? 有那些觀念是你應該要修改甚至放棄的? 所有的事都是 “覺知”! 你從現在發射到 “第七維度”的路途能停留在那裡? --- 將會依照你 “內在完成的工作” 來決定! --- 這是一段很短的你能修正自己的時間!
Be Awake! Everything you can See, Hear, Taste, Touch and Think About DOES NOT EXIST. Only Consciousness Exists. When you do the Inner Inventory and Clean House radically in the next few days then you open the channel for more Abundance and more Love. Enter Higher and Higher States of Consciousness through Inner Purging. Keep those Authentic core parts of you and allow the Inauthentic parts to float away. Collectively we move forward from a very High vantage point. Remember your Connection to Oneness and the Reason You Came Here : to play your role Ascending Earth and ALL on Her: Namaste! This is Lord Salvington from Galactic Centerthrough Elizabeth Trutwin, December 28, 2012. © All Rights Reserved. www.ElizabethTrutwin.org/messages.html
醒過來吧! 每一件你看得到, 聽得到, 嘗得到, 摸得到, 想得到的事 --- 全都不存在!!! 只有你的 “覺知” 存在!!! 如果你在未來幾天內做 “內在的工作”, 快速的清潔你內在的房子 --- 那你就為自己打開了可以擁有更多 “富足” 與 “愛” 的管道. 通過 “暢通自己的管道” 來進入更高更高的 “覺知” 當中. 你內心的核心的真誠力量將會洗刷走 “不真誠的部份”. 我們可以集體的從一個很高 “優勢地位”往前進! 記住你與集體的 “合一”的 “連接”以及你到地球來的理由! --- 是為了扮演協助地球以及在地球上所有一切存有的揚升的角色!
Namaste! 這是 Lord Salvington 來自 ‘銀河中心” 透過Elizabeth Trutwin在20121228日訊息.
通靈管道: Elizabet trutwin
中文翻譯: 林琚月