(2012-12-29 06:43:46)
原文地址:(非常重要:) 眼鏡蛇接觸日報告20121226作者:Rebecca_林琚月
Day of the Contact Report
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
The activation of the Portal on December 21st was a partial success.
20121221日的星門開啟只有達到 “部份的成功”.
Our core group in Egypt was extremely successful, managing to anchor Light in the face of all physical and non-physical opposition from the Cabal. During the timeframe of our activations, a Illuminati freemason group from the United States has locked itself into the Cheops pyramid, doing one ritual after another, fanatically trying to prevent the opening of the Portal. Needless to say, the Cabal has no idea about true occultism, as they have chosen the wrong pyramid. We did our activation inside the Kephren pyramid, which was always considered the true Great Pyramid. Kephren pyramid is the stargate of Love and the actual Alpha point for the whole planetary energy grid. There is an Atlantean underground passageway directly linking the Kephren pyramid with the Sphynx:
我們在埃及的核心小組非常的成功的將光瞄準了 --- 而且是在 “陰謀集團”從物質面與非物質面所攻擊而來的反對力量之下所完成的.
在我們啟動 (星門) 期間, 一個光明會的美國共濟會員組織把他們自己關在Cheops金字塔裡面舉行了一堆儀式, 瘋狂的想阻止星門的開啟. 不用說 ---從他們選擇錯誤的金字塔就可以知道 “陰謀集團” 對真正的 “神秘學” 根本就不瞭解. 我們是在Kephren 金字塔做的 “開啟儀式”. Kephren 金字塔一直都被認為是真正偉大的金字塔. Kephren 金字塔是愛的能量的星門, 也是整個地球能量柵欄真正的阿爾法點. (觀測點)--- 在那下面有亞特蘭提斯的地下道聯通Kephren 金字塔與 Sphynx獅身人面像.
Nothing could stop us. Not one month of constant energetic attacks on me and other key people in our group, not two false flag attempts by the Cabal to close down the Giza complex, one with a terrorist bomb and one with a man with knives, trying to sneak into the Giza plateau, not all spies and agents of the Muslim Brotherhood which have received instructions from the government to immediatelly stop any group attempting to meditate.
沒有什麼可以阻止我們. 雖然他們用能量轟炸了我個人和其它幾個主要成員一整個月, 雖然有兩個 “陰謀集團” 成員錯誤的嘗試了兩次要關掉整個 吉薩金字塔高原. 一次是用恐怖份子的炸彈; 一次是一個拿著刀的男人想偷溜入吉薩金字塔高原. (注: 另一個參與成員報導有提到此事被埃及警方攔下來. 目前金字塔那邊的人都密切保護著參加冥想的人的安全. 恐怖份子所收到的命令是砍下所有參加冥想的人的人頭.) --- 並非所有回教兄弟會間諜與特工都收到政府命令去立即阻止所有企圖參加冥想的人.
We opened the Portalin the face of all darkness and this is the true Victory of the Light. Our small group of 50 to 60 people inside the Kephren pyramid was the only positive group that was doing any activations inside pyramids on that day. Details of how we managed to do that will one day make a great novel that will surpass the Da Vinci Code, except that it is a real story. Unfortunately I can not tell it yet because that could endanger many Light warriors, some of them belonging to White Nobility, some to Resistance and some to Guardians that are keeping the mysteries of the pyramids safe for generations, that helped us along the way to achieve the impossible. I would also like to add that we were physically safe all the time.
所以我們在黑暗威脅當中開啟了星門 --- 這真是 “光的勝利”! 在Kephren 金字塔的那天只有我們這一團50到60個人的小團體是唯一 “正面的”團體 --- 也是唯一做 “啟動星門”儀式的團體. 我們是如何做到的整個細節過程 --- 將來有一天會成為一本偉大小說的材料 --- 會超越 “達文西密碼”, 而且是真實的故事. 不幸的是, 我暫時還不能說出去, 因為會傷害到我們光之工作同仁們的安全. 他們一些是 “白色貴族團體”成員, 一些屬於 “星際人員地下反抗祖織”, 一些是 “金字塔守護成員”--- 他們幾世代以來守護住金字塔的秘密的安全, --- 他們也因此協助我們完成了這個 “不可能的任務”. 我同時要補充說明 --- 在這段時間之內我們的人身安全一直都沒事!
Here is a photo of orbs at our activation at the Sphynx:
這裡是一張當我們做 “啟動儀式”時所拍到的照片所照到的 “圓形靈光”在 獅身人面像處.
And photos of entrances into the subterranean network of Atlantean tunnels at Saqqara. Those tunnels lead all the way to Giza:
這些照片是在Saqqara所拍到的 --- 進入 亞特蘭提斯地下道系統的地下道 --- 這些地下道可以通到 吉薩金字塔.
There were many dedicated beings around the planet joining us in meditation and at this point I would like to thank them for their effort. However, the critical mass has not been reached.
在此我要感謝全地球在當時參與加入我們的冥想的 “充滿奉獻精神的存有人們” 和他們所做出的努力! 但是, 我們需要達到的人數在當時是沒有達成了!
This is what the activation of the Portal has managed to achieve on the planetary scale:
1. All negative future timelines have been absolutely and completely erased. There is now exactly zero possibility for any of the global destructive plans of the Cabal to come to fruition. There will be no World War 3, no New World Order, no mass depopulation, no FEMA camps.
1. 所有負面的, 未來的時間線已經完全絕對的被 “擦掉” (解除)了! 現在 “陰謀集團”的任何全球破壞計畫都完全只有 “零可能性”來做到任何成功! 絕對不會有第三次世界大戰, 不會有 “新世界秩序”, 不會有 “人口滅絕計畫”的成功, “美國Fema難民集中營的大屠殺” 也不會發生了!!!
2. The positive forces have managed to restrict Cabal's access to biochemical weapons to the extent that they no loner pose a threat to the mass of humanity.
2. “光明的力量” 已經限制住 “陰謀集團” 拿到他們的 “生化武器”的能力 --- 所以他們對地球人口已經不再是威脅了.
3. A virus has been planted into the Black Box: this will result in data translation errors from the etheric Archon's spy network into the mainframe physical computers of the Cabal and that will in turn create many cracks in the Matrix.
3. 一個病毒也被放入了 “黑盒子” 中 --- 這會造成 “乙太體的黑暗執政官們” 在從他們的監視網路轉輸資料到 “陰謀集團”的硬體電腦主機中時 --- 資料轉譯的錯誤. --- 從而也會製造出許多衍生的整個網路系統的破裂與錯誤.
4. Three of the key physical Archons have been removed.
4. 三個人體的 “黑暗執政官”也被移除了.
5. Energy of divine Peace, Love and Eternal Now has emerged from the Portal, touching hearts of many. We are finally beginning to exit the black hole, seeing a tiny spark of true Light of the Event Horizon. This arrival at the inner boundary of the Event Horizon is the actual beginning of the planetary Ascension process. Now that many illusory thought forms and expectations of many Lightworkers around December 21st have collapsed I will finally be given clearance from the Pleiadians to release the true Ascension plan to humanity.
5. 20121221星門的聖愛和平與永恆(eternal now)的能量已經穿越過來而且觸動了許多人的心. 我們也終於 “開始” 離開 “黑洞” --- 而看到了 “大事件” (The Event) 可以發生的一絲真正的光線. 而這個由“大事件” (The Event)的地平線內部的到達 --- 才是真正 “星球揚升程式” 的開始. 現在, 很多 “光行者們” 對 20121221日的幻想與錯誤期望已經傾倒了 ---- 我終於可以收到昴宿星座下達的 “許可令” 來釋放 “真正的揚升” 給人類了