聖哲曼大師涵意深遠的新訊息:關於 “改變”20121222 !
關於 “改變”20121222 !
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Master S.Germain : About Change - Sat, December 22, 2012通靈: Channeled by Aruna
- 中文翻譯: 林琚月
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Now that all the misunderstandings are out of the way, my dear ones are getting the latest channeling about ascension. We will call when the dross of non-aligned energies are absent. Today there was a major heart contact made with all who have been acting out the dross parts in your movie. Now we wait and see how they change, or don't. Choice will always be in the world drama, so we cannot coerce anyone to become more caring. When we are able to determine their answer to this latest contact, whether that will be ending current conditions or changing into the dynamics of new beginnings. we will decide on what to do about the next days' concerns.
現在所有的 “誤解” 都去除了! (注: 沒有世界末日) --- 親愛的, 所以我們要給你們關於 “揚升”的最新訊息. 我們會召喚你們的! --- 當所有 “不協調的能量浮渣”都消失了以後. 今天, 有些一直在清理自己人生電影中的 “浮渣”的人, 都收到了一個大大的 “心的接觸”! 現在, 我們要等等看囉! --- 看 “他們”要怎麼改變或不改變囉! --- 在這世界的戲碼中永遠存在著 (自由)選擇權力 --- 所以我們無法強迫任何人去成為 “更有心的人”! (a more caring person) 當我們能夠知道他們對這最新接觸的回答的時候, --- 不論是決定結束目前的狀況, 或是轉換到新的開始的動態裡去. --- 我們將做一個決定 --- 關於接下來幾天該如何安排處理的決定!
As soon as the drama about the Mayan calendar clears the lands of man, a new flow of human domination must begin. Will it be ascension and days of darkness OR conscious beings caring about others? Today's efforts to complete the caring change were grand, and much opening has been done. Instead of calling now on the dear ones who are to ascend, we will await another day for more, before we give the call. When the dense ones make their decision between heart or death and destruction, we will close the door on destruction with an ascension. Not today. Keep the faith, it will come—when it will make the most impact. But not before the data has been collected about what has been done today (and the day before) towards closing the door on death and destruction. When we have that data we will again consider the next approach.
當 “瑪雅日曆” 所造成的 ‘戲劇’ 從這個地球上解除了之後, 一種新的 “人類管理方法” 狀態--- 必須開始!!! --- 到底是要用 “揚升”法, 或者是 “黑暗三天”法, 還是人類會主動成為開始互相關懷友愛的 “有心人種”呢??? 到今天為止 --- 大家在互相關懷友愛上的改變是巨大的! ---所以有很多東西(機會)已經打開了!!! --- 所以, 與其現在召喚那些該揚升的人, 我們將再等等, 也許一天也許幾天, --- 在我們給出通知之前. 當那些腦袋還很硬的人決定好了要 “本心” 還是要 “毀滅與死亡”的時候, 我們會把該揚升的人從毀滅中帶走. 不是今天!!! 保持好你的信心! --- 這事會發生!!! --- 而 “它”將會製造出一個最大的震撼!!! --- 但 “它” 不會發生在我們收集好資料關於 “大家今天(自我處理)的成果” (大家今天做了什麼事?) --- 以及昨天(1221)做的事? ---我們才能下最後決定關於 “死亡與毀滅”部份. 在我們收集好資料(統計資料)之後, 我們會再重新考慮下一步驟!
May the days of darkness not be the cause of an ascension. All can move to ascension by opening their hearts to delight as they free themselves from mind's disturbances. All humans have the ability to ascend. Now we have an opening to do it with more of you when the time actually comes. Many more are opening their hearts and deleting mind's control.
但願! 如果 “黑暗(三天)的日子” 發生的話, 不會是 “揚升”的原因而發生! 希望所有人都可以揚升! --- 只要人們能放下障礙他們心智的 “所知障” , (回頭是岸), 打開心胸來迎接自由的快樂的話. 已經有許多人已經打開他們的心胸, 並去除(被別人和恐懼)所下的 “心智控制”了! (注: 用真理反洗腦自己恢復自由與清淨的心智了!)
Having a world of awakened awareness is what we've always wanted on our end. With this now a greater possibility, we will ask that things continue in this direction. Face your fears and delve into the dross now, and when ascension time comes we will contact many more who were not ready yesterday.
在我們這邊我們一直希望的 --- 也就是整個世界都擁有 “清醒的覺知”!!! 而現在事情已經成為一個巨大的可能性了! ---我們就會讓所有該發生的事情發生! --- 現在, 面對你內心的恐懼吧! 走入你心中漂浮的垃圾渣中(處理掉它們)! --- 當 “揚升” 開始時, 我們會通知更多昨天沒準備好(揚升)的人!!!
I AM THAT I AM 我是我所是!!!
Ascended Master Saint Germain
回返大師: 聖哲曼
Channeled by Aruna
Q: Was there a dimensional shift?
問: 地球維度揚升了嗎?
A: Yes, the next attempts to control in the same ways will fail.
答: 是的! (地球已經揚升了!)
Q: Will the controllers become defunct:
問: 那些(黑暗)控制者會全部 “被無效化” 嗎?
(注: 死的客氣說法)
A: No, but they can be overcome with caring decisions that come from the masses.
答: 不! 但他們的問題可以 “被克服處理掉”!
要看群眾的 “悲憫”決定了!