Dear ones, again we come to wish you a very happy time in your journey toward the new and higher consciousness of Light that is so profoundly becoming apparent now.
We see many changes taking place within the light of each person. Even those who up to this point have refused to consider any truths other than what they were taught even as children, are beginning to question the ways of the world and see the irony of continuous war.
You are beginning to see how the people’s money has been and is used to finance the activities of those who would have the money and power for themselves and not for the good of mankind in spite of declarations given you that everything you see is necessary for your safety.
It is a huge step dear ones, from believing everything you are told to questioning and making choices for yourselves. This is the taking back of your innate power and is a vital stage in your journey of enlightenment.
All is proceeding according to plan, never doubt that many changes are indeed taking place each day even though you continue to ask yourselves where is this or that I was expecting to see by now. All is proceeding according to plan.
Never forget that it is you, the people, who are creating the light of transformation and not those of us who watch and offer assistance where needed. Because you are free will beings, every individual wishing to evolve must personally choose to move into deeper awareness and enlightenment, but know that this choice is not always done on a conscious level.
There is much we would tell you but cannot at this time for this must be your journey, your choices, and your actions otherwise your time on earth would be wasted. All are on earth by choice in order to evolve and we would be harming you as well as ourselves should we ever interfere with your free will.
Mankind in ignorance of his true identity as spiritual being has throughout the ages looked for a savior; someone who will save him from the trials the tribulations of life in third dimensional energy. The enlightened being Jesus, came to tell the world that the “kingdom of God is within you” but they did not hear and continue to this day to worship the messenger instead of the message.
愚 昧無知的人類其真實的本質原本是充滿靈性的存有,在歲月的長河中一直被看作是拯救者;一些人將從第三維度能量的生活苦難的枷鎖中解放自己。已經開悟的存有 耶穌,就曾經來到世間告訴人們【神的國度在你們的心中】不過人們並未真正明白,一直到今天依舊只盲目崇拜這位信使,而不是他提供的真理資訊。
In enlightenment you come to understand that because you are the manifestation of the One Divine Consciousness, you are in charge of you and you are the power you seek. You can then begin to take back that which you in ignorance gave away to the many who convinced you that they had all the right answers and information about everything.
There is a new wave of light coming to earth, a light of information and understanding in which you will begin to understand the oneness of all life within the ONE life. With this new enlightenment will come the understanding that all you see, hear, taste, touch, and smell is a material concept of the spiritual reality. This is why nothing real can ever be lost.
There are many who feel that the shift and individual enlightenment will remove all that they love and this brings them great sadness . Know that nothing real can ever be lost for all that is real is governed and held in place by Divine Law. These things will simply manifest in higher and better forms–health, relationships, entertainments, joys etc.
Mind is the the substance of matter. Ask yourselves what you entertain within your mind. That is why we say to be careful of your words and thoughts for they carry creative energy. Because you have not realized who you were, you did not realize that you were creating with every thought and word. Everything is energy, and the energy you imbue your words with represents your state of consciousness. Your state of consciousness, interpreted by your mind, then manifests as your experience.
意 識才是問題的實質。請問問你自己,在你的意識中你懷抱著什麼。這也是為何我們要說,請小心你的話語和思維,因為它們攜帶著創造性的能量。因為你還沒有瞭解 你曾經的樣子,你也完全沒有瞭解你曾經是通過每個詞彙和思維在創造。一切事物都是能量,而這能量就滲透在你的話語中,代表著你意識的狀態。你意識的狀態通 過你的顯意識來體現,隨後顯化在你的經驗中。
This realization is a step in the taking back of your power. In ignorance and over many lifetimes, you allowed current popular beliefs to become your truth. You are now physically, emotionally, and mentally, releasing those beliefs first accepted in these life times of many different belief systems.
Mankind, through blindly allowing their state of consciousness to represent only the concepts and teachings of others, has forgotten their own ability to hear, understand, and know what is real. Always examine every message, book, sermon, or channel within your heart as to whether or not it resonates as truth for you and do not be afraid to disregard that which no longer speaks as your truth.
人 類,通過盲目無知的允許自身的意識被那些僅僅代表著其他人的教導和觀念所侵蝕,已經忘卻了自己擁有著能力,可以去聽,去理解並弄明白什麼才是真實的。請總 是去檢查每一條資訊,書本,訓誡或者源自于你心靈的開導,檢查它是否符合你自己作為真相的共鳴,不要害怕去忽視那已不再以你本質真相共鳴的一切。
Evolution is a process that changes as you grow and unfold deeper. Information that was true for you at one stage will become obsolete as you are able to grasp the deeper levels of these truths. You must be willing to graduate at some point regardless of the fun and games you knew and loved in the old schools.
進 化就是由於你更深的揭示與成長所經歷的改變而得到發展。曾經在你某個階段視為真實的資訊由於你已能夠領會這些真相更深層次的理解而變得過時而需要淘汰。你 必須有意願在某個階段予以畢業,而不管在舊學校裡你所認知和珍愛的遊戲依舊有多麼大的樂趣。(譯者:抓住過去不放手的人,其實並不瞭解,未來的美好將帶給 你比今天十倍甚至是百倍的樂趣)
As you grow deeper in spiritual awareness, your Higher Self will continue to give you more as you are ready. Trust your intuition, knowing that you are being guided each moment of every day in this sacred journey of enlightenment for you can do nothing else.
Even those choosing at this time to deny the truth, will at some point in some other lifetime awaken, because it is who and what all are, always have been, and always will be and none can ever be separate from it, no matter how hard they may try.
We are The Arcturian Group.
譯者 U2覺醒
原文地址 http://the2012scenario.com/2012/07/the-arcturian-group-july-14-2012/
轉載自-- http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e3cd.html