
Be greeted beloved ones.
I am delighted, that this vehicle offers me the opportunity to give voice to my message of love on this auspicious day of the return of Venus and resurrection of the Goddess on planet earth. This is Mary Magdalene, also known as ascended mastress Lady Nada.
Today I speak as the daughter of Venus that I am.
I and my beloved twinflame beloved Jeshua came to planet earth in times of great darkness to assist our beloved brother Sanat Kumara to guide our younger sister Lady Gaia thru her birth into a radiant star of oneness. This has been a long journey and many of you beloved hearts came along with us as venusian starseeds to anchor the paradisean codes of unconditional love on this planet, as well as many other starseeds from other ascended star systems such as the Pleiades, Arcturus and Sirius which are all 5 dimensional.
我是摯愛的約書亞的雙生火焰,在地球上最黑暗的時刻降臨地球支持我們摯愛的兄弟Sanat Kumara ,指引我們年輕的姐妹蓋亞女士通過並進入合一閃光之星的旅程。一直以來這是一個長期的旅行,你們中許多摯愛的心靈們與我們一 起來自金星文明的星際種子,錨定無條件之愛的天堂編碼傳達給這顆星球,當然還有來自其他揚升星星系統的星際種子,諸如昴宿星,大角星和天狼星,它們都是第 五維度的天堂世界。
We agreed a long time ago to bring this planet back on its orbit, as she had got out of tune and lost sight of her destination after the fall of awareness, that took place in Atlantis.
Every single being on this planet carry the seed of paradise, the seed of unconditional love in their heart. And thru this long awaited Venus transit this seed will be brought into full bloom now like a beautiful rose. It is the return and resurrection of the goddess within your heart.
This venus transit is also a trigger to remembering the androgynous being that you are and it will indeed catapult you into great change now. Not only in your relationship with yourself but also in your relationship with others. You will transcend the limitations of gender, you will transcend the limitation of separation from your godself and remember your androgynous nature. And with these changes you will start to remember not only who you are, but why you came here and naturally act upon it as your monadic godself. You will be propelled and initiated into your divine purpose and planetary mission. And trust beloved one, if you are supposed to be here on this planet according to your souls plan, there is no way, that you will miss any hint given to you by your soul as to how, when and what to do.
這 次的金星淩日也是一個觸發契機,讓你們回憶起雌雄同體的本質,它將把你們快速移動進入偉大的轉變中。這不僅僅是你自我關係的改變,也包括你與其他人之間的 關係。你們將超越性別的限制,超越與自我神性本質的分離限制,回憶起你雌雄同體的本質。隨著這些改變你將不僅回憶起你自己是誰,還有為何來到這裡的原因, 並自然而然的跟隨你一元性(合一)的神性本質行動。你們將被推動並加入到你神性目標和行星任務中。請信任它摯愛的親人,如果你註定來到這裡,來到這顆星球 以完成你的靈魂計畫,就不可能讓你丟失任何一個被給予的暗示與線索讓你的靈魂如何去做,什麼時候以及該做什麼。
This will simply happen without you having to give any thought to it. You will no longer consider IF you should change your job, IF you should leave your relationship, IF you should move to the destination of your heart… you will simply find yourself there, even before you have decided to make the necessary change. Because the universe will cater for these things to take place by connecting you with the divine blueprint of that exact reality of your soul plan. And everything will manifest with ease and grace…. that is… if you allow it by trusting, that whatever is happening in your life, whatever changes that seems to be forced upon you, are according to your souls plan and in coherence with your deepest heart desire and mission on this planet. By being fully present and available to this present moment these changes will happen within a very short window of time and actually you will hardly be able to resist or doubt, as the dominos of your soul plan picks up momentum and propels you into your new life, destination and mission.
這 會簡單的發生而不需要你送出任何的想法給它。你將不再需要去考慮是不是應該換工作,是不是該離開當前的人際關係,是不是該走入你內心的目的地。。。你將簡 單的在那裡尋找到自己,甚至是在你已經決定做出必要的改變之前。因為宇宙將提供這些事情的發生,通過連接你與神性的藍圖來確實的符合你靈魂的計畫。每件事 情將帶著恩典輕易的實現。。。就是這樣。。。如果你【信任】它,不管在你的生活中正在發生著什麼,不管看起來是什麼樣的改變被強加在你身上,都是在根據你 的靈魂計畫,根據你內心之中最深層次的意願和這顆星球的意願發生的。請完全臨在於當下,讓當下時刻的改變發生,那麼它們將以很短的時間視窗到來,你將確實 難以去拒絕或者質疑,因為這是你靈魂計畫的多米諾骨牌獲得了動量,推動你進入自己的全新生活,目的地和使命中。
You have come a very long way. Many of you feel worn out and tired, which is due to the pivotal changes taking place within your body and within the planetary body itself which in truth is ONE. In this last phase of the mayan cycle you are literally transmuting thousands of years of distorted energies within a very short timeframe increasing exponentially month by month as time is non-linear and the avancement of the light quotient within these last months and the next to come is catalysing this immense changes on all levels of your being.
你 們已經經歷了漫長的旅程。許多人感到疲憊不堪,這是因為這些關鍵的改變在你們的身體中發生著,同時也伴隨著星球本體的改變,真相就是你們都是【合一】的。 在瑪雅週期的最後階段你們正逐步的轉變幾千年來扭曲的能量,在一個非常短的時間範圍內以指數方式增加,夜以繼日,因為時間並不是線性的,光商層次的進展在 這最後的幾個月裡,以及接下來的時刻就是偉大改變的催化劑,顯現在你存在的所有層次。
And soon you will no longer see yourself as human beings, but as multimensional eternal beings beyond any limitation… something that some of you can barely dream of now. However there are those who still live in denial and resist with all their being these great changes coming upon them. Do not worry for those, because everyone has their own individual timing for their awakening and thru the enhanced light quotient those who are destined to be here, will awaken, when the mass quotient needed for mass awakening and ascension is reached. So there will be no one left behind, no one who will miss out on anything. Because everything will happen according to divine plan.
很 快你們將不再把自己視為人類存有,而是多維度的永恆存有,超越所有的限制。。。一些事情使得你們中的一些人現在就能大膽夢想了。不過依舊有著那些生活在拒 絕與否認中的人,否認所有即將發生在他們身體所有層面的巨大改變。請不要為這些人擔心,因為每個人都有著自己獨特的時機覺醒並通過這不斷加強的光商,那些 註定在這裡的人。所以不存在誰會被留在後面,沒有誰會錯失任何事情。因為每件事情的發生都根據神聖計畫來進行。
So please be patient with those who still resist, do not put any pressure on those still in resistance, as this will only increase their fear and resistance to change. Encourage them thru your example of living thru your heart and going with the change and flowing with what is presenting itself in the now.
Let silence speak thru your heart to those who resist to hear.
The coming weeks up to the solstice will present you with enough opportunities to make the needed changes and release all that, which you deeply know does not belong in your life anymore, all that which is no longer in alignment with who you are becoming. So you may use these weeks to honor that which needs to be released with ease and grace… not to say that this is the last opportunity, there are always more opportunities, however in this period of time you are offered smooth waters and calm balancing energies to clearly see where you need to make the changes. And when the great portal of the solstice opens whatever has still not been released, will simply be flushed away… likened to a tsunami that takes everything with it, that no longer belongs in your life.
在 距離夏至的接下來幾個星期內,將提供你們足夠的機會去做出必要的改變,釋放所有在你內心深處知道不再符合你生活的一切,所有不再與你即將成為的全新自己共 振調諧的一切。所以你可以利用接下來的幾個星期遵從那些必要的需求去帶著恩典輕易的釋放掉。。。並不是說這就是最後的機會,而是總是有著更多的機會,不過 在這段時期內你們被提供了平滑的水流和平靜的平衡能量,使得你們能夠清晰的看到自己要在哪裡做出改變。當夏至這個偉大門戶開啟的時候那些依舊沒有被釋放掉 的殘留物,將簡單的沖刷開去。。。就好像洪水帶走每件事物一樣,帶走那些不再符合你生命要求的一切。
So it is indeed your choice beloved one, whether you want it in the soft way or whether you prefer the swift rough tsunami to capsize your life, because that is, what it will do. But as already mentioned, it will only remove that from your life, which you on soul level already has decided to let go off to move into your souls mission here on earth and only that which is according to your divine plan will happen. So please take this opportunity beloved ones and let the waves of change come into your shores and remove all that is no longer in alignment with who you are becoming and which is not belonging in your new life.
摯 愛的親人,不論你是希望以溫和的方式或者是以洪水般迅捷的方式來顛覆自己的生活,這都是你自己的選擇,因為就是這樣,它也將是如此。不過已經提到過,它只 會從你的生活中清除那些在靈魂層次已經決定放手的一切,而進入你來到地球註定的任務,它將根據你自己的神性計畫來發生。所以請抓住這個機會,摯愛的親人 們,讓轉變的浪湧衝擊你的海岸,清理所有不再與你和諧的一切,那些不再符合你新生命的一切。
You are brave ones indeed and you are all great explorers of the unknown and every single one of you have the needed strength and courage to move thru these unsettled waters of transition to find the calming waters of the new heaven on earth within your hearts.
No matter what happens beloved ones in your life, encounter it with love, encounter it without judgement, encounter it with faith and you need not fear anything that happens to you or to your loved ones. There are no mistakes being made, everything, every single event is happening according to divine plan and is orchestrated by your soul and monadic family of light. Just love with all your heart every single moment of this wonderful journey into oneness, into your christed self. You have already arrived beloved ones, though some of you may feel far away from the state of peace that you are so longing for…. harmony and unconditional love and oneness which is who you truly are. In truth you are already there.
不 管在你的生活中發生什麼都不是問題,請帶著愛去面對它,不帶批判的情緒去面對它,帶著信心去面對它,你不再需要恐懼任何事情,不管什麼發生在你或者你摯愛 之人的身上。被制定的事情不存在錯誤,每件事情,每件單一的事件都根據神聖的計畫發生著,由你的靈魂和合一的光之家族精心安排。僅僅帶著全部的心意去愛每 個單一的時刻,在這個奇妙的旅程中進入【合一】,進入你自身的基督自我中。你們已經抵達了,摯愛的親人們,雖然你們一些人感到離和平國度還很遠,而這又是 你們長久以來的期待。。。和諧與無條件的愛,完美的合一,這些才是你們真正的本質。事實上你們已經抵達了。
You have long past the point of no return. Allow yourself to be there now…. in your vibration…. allow yourself to be nourished by your fully awakened christed self standing beside you within just a hand′s reach waiting for you to merge with it.
On this day I ask you beloved ones to consciously connect with the goddess within, the divine feminine, welcome her return and offer her back her throne, offer her trust, offer her respect, offer her your worship and she will resurrect and in doing so the scale of ying and yang will come into balance. The divine masculine will step back and offer her space beside him and return her scepter and they will embrace in a sacred union, in an alchemical marriage and merge into one. And your kundalini will awaken fully and activate and trigger the opening of the thousandfold lotus in your crown and you will merge with you monad and return home to who you are, to unconditional love and oneness.
摯 愛的親人們,在今天我請求你們有意識的去連接內在的女神,這個神聖的女性面向,歡迎她的回歸,恢復她曾經的王座,信任她,尊重她,對她表示你的頂禮之情, 那麼她將復活並因為這麼做而使得陰陽的比例再次進入平衡。神聖的男性面向將退後,給她提供足夠的空間伴隨身旁,授予她過去的權杖,他們彼此將再次在神聖的 聯合中互相擁抱,進入一種煉金術般的密切結合中,成為一體。而你們的昆達裡尼(靈量)將全面覺醒與啟動,打開你頂輪的千瓣蓮花,你將與自己的單子體融合, 回歸到自身的家園,進入無條件之愛與合一中。
I am Mary Magdalene and I thank you with my heart for listening to my message and for taking the opportunity to love with all your being all that you are and all that is happening in your reality and accepting it all as divine.
You are all jewels of the same diamond in the heart of God. Be blessed beloved hearts.
原文地址 http://the2012scenario.com/2012/06/mary-magdalene-message-to-the-venus-transit/
譯者 U2覺醒