地心阿加森世界的瑪伽莎~愛貫穿始終~ 07/08/2012
原文: Magatha from Agartha ~~ Love through it all ~~ 07/08/2012 Channeled by Méline Lafont.
管道:Méline Lafont
我 是地心阿加森世界的瑪伽莎,我希望前來謝謝你們為代表地球母親和她的全體居民所做的持續的承諾。上一次,我們想給你們撥響了鬧鈴,它真得很響,我們為此而 道歉,但你要理解,現在最最重要的是既不要放棄也不要停滯不前!!不要現在放棄,你已經離你的目標如此接近了。當然,揚升現在已是不可逆轉的了,因為這一 進程進展得已經太遠了。然而,我們希望能夠達到一個更廣泛的“觀眾”,鼓舞他們一起加入,並持之以恆。偉大的,根本性的變化正在醞釀,你現在已經可以品嘗 它們,你以後絕對會喜歡它們的。
因此,我們歡迎你-在你充滿變化的新世界!!這些變化是必需的,它們會打破你們虛幻的舊世界。現在已經到了--把這個最大的謊言和幻象轉變成最精美的光和宇宙的真相--的 時候了。隨著這些變化有效的發生,將會感到有巨大的解脫的感覺,尤其對於光工作者們來說。作為你們自身變化的內在旅程的結果,最終一切都將在你們的世界顯 化它們自己。繼續前行,我親愛的地球弟兄們!因為這是全部的正在展開,這可以通過事實來證明,就是你們在這個進程中所努力工作的--通過簡單地照顧好自己和提高你們的光的頻率。現在,人類和世界的其餘部分將會追隨你們的步伐,感謝你們自身成為一個光輝的榜樣,並繼續前行,因為仍然有許多工作要做。
照顧好你們自己和其他人現在成為最重要的事!作為一個文明要共同努力,你其實也是其中一分子,在必要的時候要互相協助。這種態度有利於進化過程和你的社會--作為一個整體處於最和諧的方式;這 個過程,我們阿加森人很久以前就已經完成實現了。畢竟,你們都是一體的,讓這個事實以通過你們之間互相關懷的方式被顯現出來。一個最輝煌的世界正在等待著 你們,它美麗得無法形容,並如此充滿著愛。它超越了你目前所熟悉的溫暖和愛,還有你們互相之間給與的愛,給與你孩子的,給你伴侶和你的家人的愛。那不是你 真正渴望的嗎?永恆地處於這個充滿了光明與愛,豐盛溫暖的最宏偉的世界,你所能感覺到的是真正地被喜愛和讚賞?把這種感覺的方式當作一種習慣來養成:在你 冥想的時候去感覺這相同的感覺,在你進入更高維度--你的家鄉世界的旅程中去感覺這同樣的感覺。
Greetings, my Brethren of Earth.
I Am Magatha of Agartha and I wish to step forward to thank you for your continuous commitment on behalf of Mother Earth and Her entire population. Last time we wanted to give you all a big wake-up call and for that we apologize, but you have to understand that it is of utmost importance to not give up now nor to come to a standstill!! Not now when you have come so close to your goal. Of course, Ascension is irreversible now as the process has proceeded too far already. However, we wanted to reach a much broader “audience”and incite them to all work together and to persevere. Great, fundamental changes are afoot and you can now already get a taste of them; afterwards you will definitely enjoy them.
So we welcome you in your new world full of changes!! These changes are necessary and they are very pernicious for your old, illusory world. The time has come now for the biggest lies and illusions to convert into the most exquisite truths of Light and of the Cosmos. A great sense of relief will be felt as these changes effectively come to pass, especially for the Lightworkers. Finally all will manifest itself in your world as a result from your inner journey of changes within yourself. Keep on going on, my beloved Brethren of Earth! Since this is all now unfolding which can be evidenced by the fact that you have worked hard on this process by simply taking care of yourself and by raising your light frequencies. The rest of humanity and the world will now follow in your footsteps, be grateful to yourself for being a shining example and keep going on as there still is a lot to be done.
Taking care of yourself and others is becoming paramount now! Work together as a civilization which in fact you are and assist each other where necessary. This attitude benefits the evolution as well as your society as a whole in a most harmonious way ; a process we, as the Agarthans, have already rounded up a long time ago. After all, you are all 1 : let this fact be reflected in the way you take care of each other. A most glorious world is awaiting you all; it is beautiful beyond words and so filled with Love. It surpasses the warmth and Love you are presently familiar with and which you bestow on each other, on your children, on your partner and on your family. Isn’t that what you really yearn for? To spend eternity in this most magnificent world full of Light and Love, abundantly warm and giving you a feeling that you are genuinely loved and appreciated? Make a habit of already feeling this way : it’s the same feeling you get when meditating, when journeying into the Higher Dimensions, your Homeworld.
This can be achieved when working together as you all form 1 big group soul. This group soul of our beloved Mother Earth includes Her pupils, Her children, Her brothers and sisters all of whom She can always count on for assistance to just proceed together and to reach this wonderful Ascension. We of the Inner Earth wish to thank you in Her Name for the countless loving meditations held in Her honor. She, as well as we, became aware of the Love and Light energies emanating from you, which you grounded into Her Crystal Heart. That way She received an enormous energetic force thanks to which She now feels Lighter and more Loving than ever before. This difference is something we can feel tangibly and, just like Mother Earth, we also enjoy this. Keep on doing this, my beloved Earth Brethren ; it is a beautiful gift from humanity for their Mother, given out of Love. We wish you a most successful experience with the novelties and the fundamental changes!
I Am Magatha of Agartha and I thank you for sharing this message. Untill next time.
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