(2012-07-11 18:22:11)
Those who have been victimized must release the emotional polarity of fear, anger, grief and sorrow to find their Center of unconditional love, unconditional forgiveness and unconditional acceptance of a game well played. On the other hand, those who have been the victimizers must find their own wounding that pulled them from their core and into the depths of de-evolution of a being who needs power-over others in order to experience their power within.
那 些曾經是“受害者”的人一定要釋放他們感情上的恐懼、憤怒、悲痛和憂傷的極性(譯注:指二元性的極性)來找到遊戲中的無條件的愛、無條件的原諒和無條件的 接受。在另一方面,那些曾經是“加害者”的人一定要找到他們自己的傷口,那些傷口使他們從自己的核心本質偏離並將他們拉進退化的深淵,為了體驗他們內在的 力量而成為一個需要比其他人有力量的存有,(這是一種退化)。
These deeply wounded ones must go inside their core to find the original wounding in which their own inner power was stolen. They then must forgive themselves for being too afraid to steal their power back from that thief, and instead turning their attention towards those whom they could dominate. The light has made them realize that none of their ill-gotten gains have given them any joy, love, or even power-within, as they are still under the domination of those who stole their inner self and programed them into the dark being they have become.
這 些深深受傷的人們一定要進入到內在核心本質找到傷口起源,在傷口那他們內在的力量被偷走了。然後他們一定要原諒他們自己,為他們太害怕了以至於要從賊那裡 偷回他們的力量(而原諒自己),而不是將注意力轉向那些他們能夠支配的人。光已經使他們意識到任何“不義之財”都不會給他們帶來任何快樂、愛、以及內在的 力量,因為他們仍然處在那些偷走他們內在自我的那些人的控制之下,仍然被程式設計成為他們已經成為的黑暗存有。
We remind all of you, our ascending ones, to KNOW that these broken ones have no power-over you, for they are leaving the system. As information is released as to just how much power-over others these lost ones have taken, and just how much suffering of others they caused, it will be a great temptation for the ascending ones to want revenge or punishment. However, these desires will only serve to lower the ascending ones consciousness. Furthermore, punishment does not alter behavior. It only makes the behavior go underground where is can actually cause damage.
我 們提醒你們所有人,我們正在揚升的人們,要知道這些破碎的人不比你們更有力量,因為他們正從系統裡離開。就像資訊所說的那樣,這些迷失的人們從其他人身上 拿走多少能量,他們就給其他人造成多少苦難,對那些正在揚升的人們來說是一個非常的誘惑想要去報仇或者懲罰。而且,懲罰並不能改變行為。它僅僅使那些行為 轉入秘密進行,實際上也能造成傷害。
Behaviors can only be altered by detached compassion and unconditional love. Punishment of another is a third dimensional concept. Hence, it lowers the consciousness of those who seek it and activates emotions of anger, sorrow and fear. The containment of these lost ones is currently being untaken. Therefore, they will be unable to have power-over any of you again. Consequently, we ask that you do NOT become distracted from your true Mission of being Openers of the Portals and the Trailblazers of the Light.
只 有超然的同情和無條件的愛才能改變行為。懲罰他人是一個第三維度的概念。因此,它使那些尋求(使用)懲罰的降低意識(層次),並且激發憤怒、悲傷和恐懼的 情感。當前,將迷失的人們裝在能量盒(containment)裡(這項行動)正在進行。因此,他們將不能再一次擁有超越於你們任何人的力量。因此,我們 請你們不要從你們真正的任務上分心,真正的任務是作為門戶的開啟者(Openers of the Portals)和光的開路先鋒(Traiblazers of the Light)。
We Hear You Call我們聽到了你們的呼喚
The Arcturians through Dr. Suzan Carroll, Multidimensional News, July 2, 2012
轉載自“xiaohaozi0716 新浪博客”