By Siraya thru Johan
The Changing and Correcting Time is Upon You
Sep 24, 2012 - 11:30:09 PM
I AM Siraya,
Representative of Creator Source To Orvonton.
It is my honour and pleasure to bring greetings from the Almighty One I represent and announce that you on Earth are now entering upon the intensifying events, ushering in the 3 Dark Days and all else following, that you have been foretold. As decided by many, it is time for your Mother Earth to turn the corner and start her recovering road to Ascension, to Light and Live.
You received the updates, the info about the incoming energies that are INTENSE and serve to cleanse, to distinguish what and who can join this planet on her path to Galactic Union as Is her Birthright, and what or who is not ready to do so at all.
Also your elements will INTENSIFY, all life forms will intensify without exception. That means, after many warnings and advise to take care of yourself in optimum way, you surely have to be reasonable and kind to your own body that will tell you it is under serious influence of those energies. Listen to your body and communicate with it, it is no stranger to you. Your Lower Self and your Higher Self are connected and while you walk your Mother Earth, learn to balance the two since Unity and Balance and Harmony are most important for you and all now.
你 們的要素也會得以加強,所有生命形式都會毫無例外的得以加強。那意味著,在許多警告及建議去要你們以最佳方式照顧好你們自己後,你們必定會合理而妥當的對 待你們自己的身體,那會告訴你們身體正在那些能量的嚴重影響之下。傾聽你們的身體並與之對話,它對你來說並不陌生。你們的較低自我與你們的較高自我是連接 的,當你們在母親地球上行走時,要學會平衡這兩者,因為合一、平衡與和諧現在對你們和所有一切最為重要。
Your Sovereign, Christ Michael of Nebadon will now see come into fruitition the results of his Unique approach in an Epic Battle that will position those who stood with Him for future progression, the like you have not seen. All have been given the same chances, Few have accepted, and although some are to change their minds due to this Intentifying Display of Divine Energies and Events you entered upon, they will be given opportunity to proof they mean their change of heart and will equally land where they deserve, so will you.
你 們的主權者,內巴頓的基督邁克現在將會看到他在一場史詩般戰役中所採用的獨特方式最終產生的成果,這場戰役會將那些與他站在一起的人們置於未來的進展當 中,你們所未曾看到的進程。所有人都被給予了同樣的機會,少數人已經接受,儘管有些人會因你們所要進入的神性能量與事件的這種不斷增強的展示,而改變他們 的想法,他們會被給予機會去證實他們想要改變心意,會同樣地前往他們應去的地方,你們也會這樣。
Your road to Divine Service is just opening up, after many blockades and diversions of those who thought they controled the way. They did not understand YOU ARE THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE ETERNAL LIVE, if Connected with the Divine. It was a very important advise that sounded : '' Seek yeah first the Kingdom of Heaven, and all those things needed for your Eternal Survival shall be added unto you. '' , and NOW THAT THE CLEANSING IS UPON YOU, it will become crystal clear what the difference will bring or result into.
Many tears will flow, some of sorrow and some of joy. For those whose hearts will rejoice a time of prosperity in Love and Companionship and Knowledge and Divine Union is starting. It will take work and joint efforts, but the heart will never ache again, like you suffered the oppression of darkness too long. That is mainly the work of Your Sovereign who Skillfully and Masterly out-maneuvered the adversary by never giving up and giving in to their relentless barrages of attacks and dirty tricks, Yet still showing Divine Mercy at all time. For eons of time to come, will this Epic Battle that started with rebellion but was ended by Your Creator Son Christ Michael, be the topic of many discussions as few had the vision and courage He displayed so wonderfully well.
許 多淚水會湧出,會有悲喜交加。對於那些內心充滿喜悅的人來說,充滿愛與陪伴、知識與神性合一的繁榮時代就要開始。那需要工作及共同的努力,但心靈不再會痛 苦了,不再會像你們那樣長期受黑暗壓迫了。那主要是你們主權者的工作,他巧妙而嫺熟地智勝敵手一籌,從不放棄,從不屈服於他們數不清的攻擊與骯髒伎倆,而 與此同時仍舊展示了神性的仁慈。在未來許久的歲月中,這場起始於反叛但最終被你們的造物主聖子基督邁克所結束的史詩般戰役,將會成為許多討論的主題,因為 很少有人有著他所完美展示的前景與勇氣。
Time is of great concern to you, since ' time is money and money is god ' in your society, but time means nothing where not having things done as fast as possible but as Good and Perfect as Possible and toward the benefit and Highest Divine Purpose of ALL involved, is the standard. That is the vista you are entering upon, and remembering THIS EXPERIENCE YOU ARE PART OF NOW, will give you much headway in your own Creations one day.
Rejoice, Rejoice my Beloveds, for this Changing and Correcting time IS UPON YOU.
Greeting You Warmly and Sincerely, I AM SIRAYA, In Divine Service to Creator Source.
Love and Light,
原文地址:【09-24-2012】【第七超級宇宙主聖靈】轉變與校準的時刻就要來臨作者: 鳳凰涅槃