
2012/07/03 07:02


2012-07-02 14:53

Many of you are feeling quite depressed as time passesand you get no personal sense of progress on your individual paths toawakening. In fact, everything seems to have come to a grinding halt. It has not; it just seems like that. Very many of you are on Earthto be energy conduits to assist humanity and the planet in the awakeningprocess. Being an energy conduit is very hard on your human bodies andsome of you are experiencing this as extreme tiredness. You are not alonein this, but it may well be that you have no one with whom you can talk aboutit, and maybe you wonder if you are not, perhaps, going a little crazy as theworld around you seems to be going on as normal – crises everywhere! Andeveryone is operating as though nothing untoward is happening!


Behind the scenes an enormous amount of progress has beenmade, while the western mainstream media continue to focus on the economictroubles, the political shenanigans, and the unusual weather that many areasare experiencing. So you are getting a sense that something is up, but you wantmore — preferably dramatic evidence that the necessary and essential changesfor your awakening are happening. Rest assured, they most certainly are,and the physical evidence is beginning to show.

在這些表面的幕後是,每天都有很大的成就不斷被完成著。儘管主流媒體仍舊將人們的注意力導向經濟問題,政治間的勾心鬥角,以及很多地區正在經歷的反常的天氣。這也引起你們有種感覺,感覺有什麼事會發生,但是你們需要更多證據- 某些完美的,戲劇化的必要的確鑿的證據,證明覺醒確實在發生著。請放心,覺醒確實在發生著,物理證據正在開始顯現。

Your expectations have been raised; the Golden Age is supposedlyalmost upon you, and yet. . . . It is difficult for you to maintain a positiveattitude as you experience this sense of uncertainty, but if you will turninwards and ask for help, youwillfind some peace and a reduction inyour stress levels. The big push is on, and as a result the divine energyflow enveloping the planet is very intense, and all you energy conduits are inflood, hence your tiredness. You are doing great work for which you arehighly honored. So hang in there — all is divinely taken care of.


A flood of divine energy is of course totally cleansing,and the cleansing that is going on is the cleansing of all the negativeattitudes and behaviors with which humanity has been engaging soenthusiastically for so many eons. Those of you who can sense or seeenergy can indeed become aware of the cleansing. Focus on it, and observehow effective it is. You will be able to see the shining auras of thosewho have released all or most of their unloving baggage as they move forwardstowards their awakening, demonstrating to all around them the immense power ofthat divine energy flow, and encouraging all to engage with it.


This is indeed a time of great change, great upheaval. Changes that humanity has needed to make, has been implored to make, andhas avoided making are now occurring anyway, because they can no longer bedelayed. These upheavals are essential, and are an extremely positivesign that you are moving forwards towards your divine and heavenly destiny.


Your human condition is quite strange, in that you oftenknow that something needs to be addressed, taken care of, resolved, and youspend much time discussing possible ways to deal with the situation, and thenanother situation occurs. You then move on to discuss the new one,leaving the previous one forgotten, or at least put on the back burner. And so issues mount with no sign of resolution. Tempers becomefrayed, and the blame game starts. Strange indeed! But now, withall the spiritual assistance flooding the planet, that is changing.


It is amazing how quickly ingrained and unlovingattitudes are being released all across the world. Humanity has beengripped by a sense of urgency, an increasing awareness that attitudes andbehaviors must alter drastically or human existence will become unsupportableon Planet Earth. This awareness is growing rapidly, and quite soon evenyour politicians will start to become aware, as their constituents demandchange more and more vociferously. All is moving forward verysatisfactorily as this awareness of the oneness of humanity – for one to livewell, all must live well – spreads and spreads. The divine outcome, whichwas assured at the moment of separation, is coming to fruition beautifully andperfectly, just as divinely intended.


With so very much love, Saul.


資訊來源:John Smallman




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