【獵戶座高級議會】2012年6月26日資訊 《恢復你的造夢能力》

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High Council of Orion message for 26th June

26 June 2012 - 11:03am | onecalledk

Channeler/管道: Karen Doonan

We come to guide and support as many are now beginning to see the light at the beginning of their journeys. The light is increasing tenfold across the planet and we guide this will continue to build and increase in due course. We are the High Council of Orion and we come to guide and support ALL who are able to embrace our energies and hear our words.


The new energies will now begin to affect the human energy system that is YOU. We guide for YOU to move through the process in harmony with the human vehicle that YOU inhabit in this YOUr human life journey. The ability to dream will increase dramatically across the planet within the coming days. KNOW that this is the natural state of BEing for YOU and that this is the key to YOUr life journey. For those who can dream in colour they will be rewarded tenfold, do your resonate dear ones?

現 在,新能量將開始影響到人類的能量系統,那就是你的本質。我們引導你在通過的整個過程中,能夠與你的身體和諧統一,身體是你在這次生命旅程中居住的地方。 人類做夢的能力將在未來的日子裡在整個地球上急劇增加。要知道,那是你存在的自然狀態,那也是你人生旅程的關鍵。對於那些能夠彩色夢想的人,他們將被十倍 的回報,這能和你共鳴嗎,朋友們?

For those who are unable to dream or cannot remember theirdreams we ask for YOU to anchor into planet earth, the ability to dream is connected to the ability to anchor the human vehicle and resonate with the frequency of mother earth. She is a living, breathing entity, how can she know how she can help YOU if you do not engage with her? We guide ALL to be mindful of this TRUTH. Strength and nourishment energetically comes from the bond that YOU have with the planet YOU are incarnated on at this time in YOUr SOULs expansion and growth.

對 於那些無法夢想或不記得做的夢的人,我們請求你把自己穩穩地紮根於地球(到大自然中去接通地氣),控制夢的能力與錨定身體和地球母親共鳴(接通地氣)的能 力有關。她是一個活生生的能夠呼吸的實體,她怎能知道怎樣去幫助你,如果你不與她緊緊在一起?我們引導所有人銘記這個道理。力氣和營養的能量來源就是你與 地球的緊密聯繫,要知道,在你的靈魂壯大與成長中,地球是你這一次投胎化生之地。

Many are holding on to the teachings of distortion that teach that working more hours and by pouring more energy into the physical world this will bring them the dreams that sing within and we guide ALL to detach from this teaching. The dreaming is the key to the dream dear ones for many are still not awake within the dream landscape. KNOW that the dreaming YOU do is not the processing of the day that YOU are taught by the teachings of distortion. The human race has been taught that dreaming is the processing of the day to keep them in the lower level frequencies of the sonic scales. This is distortion dear ones, that which YOU dream, YOU CREATE. We ask ALL to be mindful of this TRUTH and to actively dream that which makes the heart sing.

許 多人正緊抓著一些失真的教導,以為工作更長時間以及通過傾注更多的能量到物理世界,就可以帶給他們內心所唱的夢想,我們引導脫離這種教導。做夢才是夢想的 關鍵,朋友們,因為許多人仍然沒有對夢境有個認知上的覺醒。要知道你的做夢不是對白天的處理,這是一個被扭曲的教義。人類一直被灌輸,做夢是對白天的處 理,從而把他們保持在聲波尺度的較低水準的頻率上。這是失真的,朋友,你夢到的那些是你創造出來的。我們要求所有人要用心記住這個道理,並積極地去夢那些 使你的心歌唱的東西。

The communication that is apparent during the dreaming landscape will now be revealed to those who are ready to hear and to see. For many walk in YOUr dream landscape and come to guide and support, do you hear and see them? do you recognise the symbols that are placed within this landscape to help guide and support YOU at this time? Many cry out for companionship and to find other humans who are on the same frequency and we guide for YOU to dream, to pull those who are YOUr SOUL family into the dream landscape by sending out YOUr note clearly and conscisely. ALL ARE CONNECTED, ALL ARE ONE dear ones.

有 關在夢中景象裡出現的與別人的交流溝通,現在可以揭示給那些願意去聽和想瞭解的人。對於許多人出現在你的夢境裡來指導和支持你,你聽見和看到他們了嗎?你 認出了夢中景象的象徵意義了嗎?這象徵就是此時被放置其中來指引和支援你的。許多人哭求同伴,並搜尋其他在相同的頻率上的人,我們指引你去做夢,去把那些 屬於你靈魂家庭的人拉進你的夢境,通過清晰簡明地發送你的邀請來實現。一切都是相互關聯的,一切都是一體的,朋友們。

That which YOU have been taught is not possible IS possible, the ability to connect to others through the etheric and the dream landscapes IS possible and the ability will now unfold across the planet. There are many who are dreaming this moment and who are now calling in those who are here to help guide and support .


We ask those who wish to connect with our channel to call to her in dreamtime and allow her to reply for that ability is open to ALL across the planet. We ask the human race to embrace that which they ARE.


We wish to guide further on the dream landscape and the ability that many have to stop and move around within their dreams, practice dear ones, practice mindful dreaming where YOU are able to move around and create landscapes within the mind. This is the start of the process of remembering for the human mind is capable of so much more than YOU as a race have been taught, do not allow the teachings of distortion to fence off areas of creativity as impossible. We are aware of the need for experience in all that we guide and we guide for YOU to experience the dream landscape. There are those in human form who attend the dream councils but ALL can dream and ALL can CREATE, why were the human race given the ability to dream if it was not to create?


We ask for YOU to question, question that which appears in your waking life and tells YOU impossible, sit with it and dream around it and through it. The new earth is NOW dear ones and the picture is now being created from ALL who dream. The new earth is a beautiful earth, with wonderful colours and we ask for YOU to continue to paint the new landscape within your dream time. For to dream is to create is to experience, does this resonate dear ones?


Many are now able to feel the energy surges through their physical human vehicle and we guide for YOU to anchor regularly, excess energy may leave YOU feeling overwhelmed and we guide this serves no one. It is not important that YOU have to rest more often, honour the body and become in tune with SELF dear ones. We ask for YOU to drink more fresh water and to breathe more fresh air, by this we do not mean just breathe but really fill the lungs dear ones, BREATHE, deep, long breaths dear ones and allow mother nature to replenish and recharge YOUr energy signature.

許 多人現在能夠感受到能量洶湧通過他們的身體,我們指引你有規律地錨定它,過度的能量會讓你感到不堪重負,我們指引這是對你沒有幫助的。重要的不是你必須要 更多更頻繁地休息,而是尊重你的身體並與自我協調一致,朋友們。我們請求你們飲用更多新鮮的水和呼吸更多新鮮的空氣,這裡我們不是僅僅指呼吸,而是讓新鮮 空氣充滿你的肺,朋友,深深地,長長地呼吸,讓自然母親煥發你的精神,給你的能量信號充電。

To be of the land is to walk on the land dear ones and we guide that many are now craving the outdoors and to walk away from buildings. This is the natural part of SELF seeking the balance that has been distorted by the teachings that have taught the human race that nature is to be avoided, that it is dangerous and that it can be enjoyed indoors. We guide for YOU to look at the shapes of the buildings that YOU spend the most time within and we guide for YOU to anchor the effect of the geometry of the buildings to SELF. We guide for YOU to be mindful of how long YOU spend in sunlight, for YOU live on a planet with a central sun, why? Ask dear ones and it will be shown to YOU in glorious technicolour.

成 為大地的一部分就是要行走在大地上,朋友們,許多人現在對戶外活動上癮,渴望遠離建築物。這是自我尋求平衡的自然天性,而過去人類被灌輸避免接觸自然,野 外是危險的,在室內一樣可以享受。我們指引你去注意那些你花很多時間所處的建築物的形狀,注意到建築物的幾何形狀對自我的影響作用。我們指引注意一下你花 多少時間在陽光下,你是住在一個有中央太陽的星球上的。為什麼?問一問,朋友,那麼太陽就會顯現給你絢爛的華麗色彩。

We ask for ALL to look at that which is ingested in the form of food and drink and we guide for ALL to be mindful. The resonance of what is consumed must match the resonance of the human vehicle that YOU inhabit. Any mismatch will lead to what many term
ascension symptoms, we guide these are to be addressed, for the human vehicle gives the signs that it is not balanced as way of addressing the balance. To continue is to be out of balance dear ones. We wish to guide for clarity that each individual human vehicle has different needs and that the teachings of distortion play to the one size fits all. Why would this BE dear ones if not to contain and suppress?

我 們請求所有人看看那些以食物和飲料形式被你們消化下去的東西,我們指引所有人關注這個。與食物的共鳴必須和與身體的共鳴匹配。任何不匹配都會導致所說的 “揚升症狀”,我們指引這些需要被解決,因為人類身體顯示出這些不平衡的症狀來作為解決平衡的途徑。繼續這樣下去就會打破平衡,朋友們。我們希望清晰指 導,各人的身體有不同的需求,扭曲的教義是某種方法能“適用所有人”。如果這還不是控制和限制,那是為什麼,朋友們?

We guide for YOU to take responsibility for YOUr health and to be mindful in relation to YOUr human vehicle. YOU would not try to fine tune anothers car based on the car YOU have if they were different makes so why would YOU do this with the human vehicle?


We wish to guide for clarity that responsibility for this human life journey rests with SELF, that which is YOU is YOU and we guide for ALL to anchor this TRUTH. The ability of the human race to negate responsibility is huge for YOU have been taught for aeons that YOU cannot do so much, yet TRUTH shows that YOU can DO ANYTHING YOU DREAM, we guide for YOU to dissolve the teachings of distortion that lead to containment of SELF, it serves no one dear ones.


We are the High Council of Orion and we will guide more as needed. We ask for ALL to TRUST and RELAX for this is a human life journey like no other. We ask for YOU to grow and expand at the rate that is dictated by SELF not by the teachings that appear within YOUr reality for many are teachings of distortion. There is no race dear ones for there is only NOW, YOU exist in many timelines and dimensions and we guide this is a TRUTH that will be shown to ALL across the planet. We endeavor to guide and support to allow YOU to expand and grow and be supported.

我 們是獵戶座高級議會,我們將按需求的指引更多。我們請求所有人信任和放鬆,這是個你自己的人生旅程。我們指引你聽從自我安排的速率來成長和擴展,而不是按 照你在現實裡聽到的那些扭曲的理論來進行。沒有什麼競賽,只有當下,你存在於許多時間線和維度,我們指引這是一個將要在全球顯示給所有人的一個真相。我們 努力指導和支持,讓你能夠在支持中壯大和成長。

As the expansion and growth of the human race and human consciousness unfolds then more and more will move from BEing supported to supporting, do YOU resonate dear ones? The new earth is one of support and of LOVE, for LOVE just IS dear ones. As we move from support to harmonisation then more will be revealed for the clarity of YOUr vision will increase. Soon we will walk amongst YOU and YOU will recognise us for YOUr vision will have cleared and YOU will be in harmony with ALL.

隨 著人類的壯大和成長,以及人類意識的打開,將會有越來越多的人從被支持移向提供支持,同意這個嗎,朋友們?新地球就是一個支持和愛的星球,因為愛本如此, 朋友們。隨著我們從支援移向和諧,將會有更多的被揭示,因為你的眼光會更加明晰。很快我們將行走在你們當中,你將會認出我們因為你的視覺將更加清澈,你將 處於與萬物和諧之中。

We are here to help YOU to see that ALL is perfect. Detach from that which is now dissolving for serves no one, we ask for ALL to join in the LOVE that IS to pour the LOVE that IS through the planet earth and beyond for YOU are the LOVE that IS.


Until we guide again we bid YOU good health dear ones, health is the key to the next part of the unfolding of YOUr life journey. Health is something that IS dear ones, it is an act of balance of the energies and frequencies that YOU are. Detach from the teachings that try to tell YOU that it is something that it is not. Health is where YOU shine dear ones as the vast beacons of light that in TRUTH YOU ARE. We shine brightly and we are reflected in ALL that YOU do for WE ARE YOU.

在 下次指導之前,我們為你的健康投標,朋友們,健康是你下一步人生旅程打開的關鍵。健康是一種存在狀態,朋友們,它是你作為能量和頻率而存在的一種平衡活 動。脫離那些試圖告訴你一些似是而非的東西的教導。健康就是你閃耀之處,朋友們,作為你所在真實之光的巨大指向標。我們明亮地閃耀,我們反射於你所做的一 切之中,因為我們就是你。

Copyright Karen Doonan, all rights reserved
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