轉載自 http://hi.baidu.com/cvn717/blog/item/5acafb04329cabddc2ce7961.html
Greg Giles 通靈傳遞
What is excitement and what is relaxation? What we would like to discuss with you today, dear ones, are your choices to engage yourselves in either activities and leisure that will lead to feelings of excitement, raised blood pressure, a raised pulse rate and raised awareness of your bodily senses, or will you seek refuse in activities and leisure that will allow your body to rest , to heal and to remain quiet and calm while you soak in energies that are so vital to you for healing, for growth and for the strengthening of your physical vessel which includes the mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of yourself as well as the physical compounds of your vessel.
什 麼是令人興奮的,什麼是使人放鬆的?今天我們想與你們討論的,親愛的一們,是你們選擇參與的將令你們感到興奮,血壓升高,心跳加速和提高身體感官靈敏的活 動或休閒,或者你們會拒絕這些將令你們的身體放鬆,恢復健康和保持安寧與平靜的活動與休閒,拒絕沉浸在對你們物質載具,包括對你們心智,情緒,精神方面的 療愈,成長和強壯如此至關重要的能量中。
We see so many of you running here to there, hustling and bustling, trying to make the most out of and squeeze the most out of every moment of your every day, and we suggest to you that these patterns are not conducive to what will bring out for you your higher good and your healthier bodies. We suggest to you to instead seek more quiet time, seek more periods of rest and relaxation where your bodies can remove themselves from constant stimuli and better heal themselves and rebuild themselves, better strengthening themselves for the next steps on your journey. This is what we like to see more of. We would like to see more of you reading books rather than watching television, as television and its constant bombardment of visual and sonic stimuli leads to a diffusion of your energy and leaves tattered holes all throughout your being, through each layer that is your combined vessel.
我 們看見如此多的你們從這裡跑到哪裡,急促而又繁忙,嘗試在你們的每一天完成最多的事,擠出最多的時間,而我們告訴你們這些模式是不會為你們的更高利益和你 們的身體健康帶來任何助益的。我們建議你們,相反去尋找更多安靜的時間,尋找更多的休息與放鬆的時間,這樣你們的身體就能脫離持續不斷的刺激並更好地自我 療愈和自我恢復,為你們在你們旅程中接下來的步伐更好地強壯自己。這是我們希望更多地看到的。我們想要看見更多的你們閱讀書籍而不是看電視,因為電視機以 及它在視覺與聽覺刺激上的不間斷轟炸會分散你們的能量,在你們身體的多個層面上留下破爛的孔洞。
Seeking shelter from this storm that you call television is something that we of the higher realms sincerely recommend, as there are serious and hazardous effects accruing in you from watching this device that plays upon addictions and sometimes mind control techniques to get you to remain watching it. This tool of the cabal's has been carefully honed by very devious and very intelligent and cunning minds to keep you sitting in front of it while it is used to control your thought patterns, your habits, your tendencies, and feeds you input of what they, the dark ones, wish you to believe, believe you need, you fear, and is your reality. We wish for you, dear ones, to muster the strength and the determination to get up and walk over and turn this destructive device off. If you could find a way to get this task done you would be doing yourself such a tremendous favor that in many ways is unclear to you at this time, but you can be assured that we will share what we know about this device and the techniques employed through it by the dark ones once we get better acquainted in the days ahead.
尋 求避免受到這個你們稱為電視機的事物的影響是更高實相的我們真誠的建議,因為觀看這個使人上癮並且常常運作著腦控技術從而令你們一直觀看它的設備,已經在 你們中間造成了嚴重和危險的影響。這個陰謀集團的工具是由一些非常險惡,非常聰明而又非常狡猾的頭腦精心打造的,為了維持你們一直坐在它的前方並同時使用 它來控制你們的思維模式,你們的習慣,你們的性格,向你們餵食他們,黑暗者,希望你們相信的,相信你們的欲望,你們的恐懼,和你們的現實。我們希望你們, 親愛的一們,鼓起勇氣與決心起身並走上前去關掉這個有害的裝置。如果你們能夠找到一個方法完成這個任務,你們就會在許多當前你們還不清楚的方面中極大地幫 助你們自己,不過你們可以確信在前方的日子裡當你們更好地熟悉我們的時候,我們就會與你們分享我們對於這個設備以及這些黑暗勢力通過它而運用的技術手段的 瞭解。
This is one of the simpler tasks we have before us, but on the same hand we feel this will be one of the more difficult tasks to successfully accomplish for many of you, as this addiction of television runs deep and runs wide throughout your societies all over your world. Our plan is to uproot this weed of your society and replant in its place a flower of higher education and development on the spiritual, as well as academic level. We intend to share with you entertainment of a different type. Entertainment for your mind that is not entertainment based on drama and violence, murder, lust, fear and destitution, but instead will entertain you through the means of self growth and strengthening of every part of your vessel. The improvements that you will experience are great, and we feel your television sets will become an exercise program for you while at the same time you rest and enjoy quiet times of relaxation.
這 是我們面前的簡單的任務之一,但同時我們卻也覺得這是你們許多人需要成功完成的比較困難的任務之一,因為這種對電視的上癮在你們全世界的社會中都湧動地深 刻而又廣泛。我們的計畫是根除這根你們社會中的雜草並將一隻更高教導和靈性發展的花朵種植在那個位置上。我們打算與你們分享一個不同類型的娛樂方式。是為 了你們心靈的娛樂而不是基於戲劇與暴力,謀殺,貪欲,恐懼與匱乏的娛樂,而是自我成長以及強壯你們的身體每個部分的娛樂方式。你們將體驗到巨大的提升,我 們認為你們的電視機將為你們播放鍛煉的節目並同時使你們休息並享受放鬆的寧靜時光。
Do you see the difference here? Do you see that as it is today in your world, although you feel you are relaxing in front of your television sets, your body is hardly at a state of rest and relaxation that will allow it to better heal, grow and strengthen its many layers? Instead, every part of you is being worked out significantly and stressfully, yet unlike one of your exercise programs, you receive no benefit or reward from this work out. What you do receive are the negative effects of sitting in front of this device which includes stress, heart problems, mental and emotional difficulties, and damages to your eyes, your ears and to your senses of emotional feel.
你 們看到了這裡的不同嗎?你們看到了嗎,在今天的你們的世界中,雖然你們在你們的電視機前感覺是放鬆的,但是你們的身體卻幾乎沒有處在一個休息與放鬆的狀 態,可以令它更好地恢復,成長和強壯?相反地,你們的每個部分都是在沉重而又緊張地運作著,不像你們從訓練中可以得到的,你們從這個運作中沒有得到任何的 益處或報答。坐在這個設備前,你們得到的是負面的影響,包括緊張,心臟問題,心理與情緒上的困難,傷害你們的眼睛,你們的耳朵以及你們感情認知。
This is what you are receiving when you turn the television on and sit for a few hours watching your favorite programs, ravaging your body in so many ways that it will take us quite a while to explain this fully to you. Our teams of scientists and physicians have monitored your televisions, its programming, and the effects it has on you, and we have come to firm conclusions that we feel will surprise and even startle many of you and leave many of you in a feeling of great disbelief that this has been going on for so long right in front of you without many of you taking notice of this agenda by the dark ones.
這 就是當你們打開電視機並幾個小時地坐著觀看你們喜愛的節目你們所得到的,從如此多的方面破壞你們的身體,以至於我們需要用相當長的一段時間才能向你們完整 地解釋清楚。我們的科學家和醫師團隊一直觀察著你們的電視機,它上面的節目,以及對你們的影響,而我們驚訝甚至是嚇了一跳地得出嚴密的結論即你們許多人毫 不懷疑地相信了這些黑暗者在你們面前開展了如此之久但你們卻沒有任何人注意到的議程。
These dark ones are quite cunning and they are, some of them, very intelligent, and for what they lack they use the money stolen from you and pay those of your populations to do the work for them that they could not do themselves. Some of this technology that is used against you has been developed and put into being by those of your own people and not of the types of beings that they truly are. These members of your own people, your own races, your own religions, your own countries, your own communities, in many cases have been tricked or conned into doing this sort of dastardly work, though there are a few cases where simple greed and the offer of a few dollars was enough to turn certain individuals against their own kind. We see this choice that these individuals have made with curiosity, as we see this selling out of one’s own friends and family for what is often small amounts of wealth as a choice that none of us of the higher realms would ever make, but we do remind ourselves you are all on a journey to learn and to grow and we do see everything as a learning experience.
這 些黑暗者是相當狡猾的,並且他們中的一些人,是非常聰明的,對於他們的缺乏,他們用從你們那裡偷來的錢去獲取,他們讓你們為他們工作,而他們自己卻不做。 這些技術中的一部分是由你們自己中的人研發出來並用來對抗你們的。這些你們自己的成員,你們自己的種族,你們自己的宗教,你們自己的國家,你們自己的社 區,在許多情況中都是被欺騙或戲弄而做了這些卑鄙的事,不過也有少數例子是出於貪婪以及被給予了足夠的金錢而讓他們對抗他們自己人類。我們看見一些個體出 於好奇心而做出了這個選擇,我們看見一些人常常為了少量的財富而選擇出賣他們自己的朋友和家人,選擇這個更高實相的我們中沒有任何人會做的選擇,但是我們 確實提醒我們自己,你們所有都是在一個學習與成長的旅程中,而我們確實將一切都視為一個學習的體驗。
We hope to see many of those scientists, technicians and researchers who have turned against their own people and who work so hard for the agenda of the dark ones realize what they have done and continue to do and switch sides in the days ahead and help educate their brothers and sisters and shed bright light on everything that they have been doing. We feel this will help us greatly in our task to explain this to your people through a voice of believability, as we feel it is in this area of believability that will be such a great challenge for us as we feel many of your world simply will not be able to find a way to believe what the dark ones and even their own people have been doing to them and their families.
我 們希望看見許多這些轉而對抗他們自己人類和為黑暗者的議程如此努力工作著的科學家,技術人員和研究人員意識到他們做了些什麼,他們正在做什麼,並在前方的 日子裡改變立場,幫助教育他們的兄弟和姐妹,將明亮的光投向他們過去的所作所為。我們認為,由一個更可信的聲音向你們解釋這些事情將會在我們的任務中極大 地幫助我們,我們感覺在這個領域中的可信度將對我們而言是一個巨大的挑戰,因為我們感覺你們世界中的許多人根本無法找到一個方法去相信黑暗者以及甚至是他 們自己中的人已經對他們和他們的家人做出的事。
For today we will only say that you may wish to take our word for this and get up right now and turn your television set off, even if it is just for a few hours more than you would normally have the set off. You would be doing your bodies a great service, as it will begin to immediately heal from the damages that will only begin to attack you again when you make the choice to turn your television set back on.
對 於今天我們只會說,你們或許想要聽從我們在這個問題上的話語,現在就起身並關掉你們的電視機,即便與你們平常關閉它的時間相比僅僅只早了幾個小時。你們會 為你們的身體做出一個巨大的幫助,因為它將立即開始從傷害中恢復健康,而這只會在你們做出這個關閉你們的電視機的選擇時候才會開始。
We are your friends and your family, and we wish you to know that we care so much about you and only want what is best for you. Until tomorrow, we are the Galactic Federation of Light.
轉載自-- http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e2gd.html