大天使麥達昶: 2013寶瓶座時代的提升

Lord Metatron〈大天使麥達昶〉20121230 指導:


Lord Metatron 2013 ~The Aquarian Shift & Anthropocene Radiation ~ via James Tyberonn ~ December 30th, 2012

通靈傳導: James Tyberonn ~ 20121230

R\L: Anthropocene” 是地質學家和環境學者們新創造出來的一個新名詞--- 它代表了一個人類學與環境學的轉變時期\新紀元! 因為在這時期中太陽的日冕幅射與運作, 太陽風暴, 太空中不尋常的電磁幅射加壓 …造成了人類與地球“質”的變化, 更顯現在地球氣候與人體構造上. ---所以這是一個“人類\地球量子進化新紀元”!

11 Oct 2012
Geologists have proposed the term Anthropocene, or the Age of .... scientific articles on solar activity, solar wind, radiationin space,

'Anthropocene' as Environmental Meme and/or Geological Epoch
As channeled by James Tyberonn

中文翻譯: 林據月20121231

Greetings Masters ! I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I greet you in a vector of Unconditional Love !

大師們好! 我是 Metatron, 光的帝王, 我用無盡的無條件的愛跟你們問好!

It is 2013 , and we assure you that there is a new sun dawning, and it is indeed the sun of change. It brings the coherent crystalline light of the magnificent New Earth. And we do mean magnificent.

現在是2013年了, 而我們向你們保証確實有一個新的黎明到來, 而且它確實是個“改變一切的太陽”. 這個太陽為我們帶來了我們華麗雄偉的新地球的連貫水晶光. --- 而且它真的是華麗而又雄偉的!

Dear Ones, we tell you again the Ascension of the Planet did occur, and humanity made it so. Even if much of humanity does not recognize it in 3d consciousness, the Earth has indeed changed, graduated into a new paradigm. The savant among you realize this.

親們, 讓我們再次告訴你 --- 地球的揚升 “真的” 有發生!!! --- 而且是人類讓它發生的. 即使大部份的人類在3D的覺知中無法感知這件事情, 地球確實真的改變了, 而且進級到一個新的實相中了. 你們的學者專家們了知這件事情!

And so we speak on the Aquarian Shift...


The Aquarian Shift / Anthropocene Radiation

水瓶座時代的提升 \ 人類\地球量子進化新紀元

Your scientist are aware of a unique phase of the earth in which most of your present biological life emerged. It is called the Cambrian Radiation. The Cambrian phase was one of great plasmic influx onto your earth, and it brought new life forms to your planet. Darwin, the renowned evolutionist, admitted that the Cambrian Radiation was the most valid argument against his theory of evolution. ( Darwin, the renowned evolutionist, admitted that the Cambrian Radiation was the most valid argument against his theory of evolution.)

你們的科學家們知道地球翻新了一頁非常獨特的新頁 --- 一個新的階段 --- 而在這時期中所有生物都受到了串聯性的影響! --- 這個 ‘影響’ 叫做 ‘the Cambrian Radiation (寒武紀輻射?). --- 在這時期地球承受了非常大的 “電漿”能量的匯集, 也因此制造出了許多的新的生命\生物型式. 達爾文, 這最著名的進化論學者, 承認 Cambrian Radiation (寒武紀輻射?) 是所有反對他的理論當中論點最有效的一位.

Definition: The Cambrian Explosion (570 to 530 million years ago) refers to an unprecedented and unsurpassed period of evolutionary innovation in the history of our planet. During the Cambrian Explosion, early organisms evolved into many different, more complex forms. During this time period, nearly all of the basic metazoan body plans that persist today were established. Groups such as the Arthropoda, Brachiopoda and Echinodermataoriginated during the Cambrian Explosion and diversified quickly thereafter.

: 定義: 在五億七千萬到五億三千萬年前, 地球發生了一個前所未見, 無可超越的大爆炸--- 造成了地球歷史上一整個時期的演化繁衍發展. 經過這個大爆炸, 早期的生物有機體進化出了許多不同的, 更複雜的形式. 在這時期, 幾乎所有多細胞後生動物的生物原型都出現了, 並持續至今! 生物群如靈長類(節足動物\猿類), 貝類和海星類動物都產生於 Cambrian大爆炸, 並且又快速的繁衍出更多品種族類.

This is also happening now. The current solar radiation became turbo-charged in 1989 and will continue. Incredible numbers of coronal mass ejections bombarded the earth with unimaginable radiation, ions and electrons.

而現在又再一次發生了這樣的事情. 1989年的太陽幅射突然變成了強大的渦輪壓力, 而且還會持續下去. 不可思議的數量的日冕拋射物被射出來, 用無法想象的幅射線, 離子和電子炮擊著地球.

The ionic radiation will absolutely up-shift your biology, change your DNA. You will become less dense.

這樣的離子幅射會絕對的提升你的生物體, 改變你的DNA, 你不會再像以前那麼稠密. (RL: 英文dense還有 “笨”的意思. Metraton 可能沒這意思, 但譯者有.)

The primary source of new energy on the earth is the massive injection of cosmic radiation on the planet from solar winds. We will term this the Aquarian Shift, although the channel prefers geologic vernacular , referring to it as the'Anthropocene Radiation'.

來到地球的這些新能量的主要來源是 --- 太陽風所帶來的大量的宇宙幅射的注入. --- 我們可以簡單稱它為 “寶瓶座提升”(the Aquarian Shift). --- 但我們的通靈管道James Tyberonn比較喜歡將它稱為 “人類\地球量子進化新紀元”(the'Anthropocene Radiation')

The Root Catalyst


The Cosmic ionization of the 'Aquarian Radiation' while perplexing to you, is the engine of change, and plays a requisite and benevolent role in the transition of the Ascension. It is not to be feared.

“寶瓶座提升”(the Aquarian Shift)時代的宇宙離子化過程 --- 雖然對你是很難理解的, --- 事實上就是一個 “變化的引擎”, 而且是整個揚升過程步驟裡一個非常必要的, 非常慈悲大愛的一個角色. --- 而不是一個應該害怕的過程!

The radiation has done far more than rattle your magnetosphere and influence the tectonics and weather of the Earth. But we will add that it is this ionic penetration which is the absolute core catalyst for weather change, super-storms, earthquakes and the root cause of global warming.

這個幅射的影響 --- 做到的 --- 遠遠超過把地球的磁場, 地理構造和天氣打亂. --- 但我們必須說明 --- 確實是這離子幅射的穿透作用變成了一個主要的催化劑 --- 讓地球氣候轉變, 造成超級風暴的產生, 地震, 以及地球暖化的真正原因.

Many of your conspiracy theorists may wish to place the cause of weather shift on humanity. We tell you it is simply not the case. Billions of tons of plasma has been bombarding the earth in the past 2+ decades, far more than any time in recorded history. To think the changes on the planet are caused by the relatively small atmospheric heater called HAARP is illogical. The technology to do so is simply not there. It is Solar Plasma ! It has shifted your earth and its biology previously, in that era termed the Cambrian Radiation.

你們許多的陰謀論者想要把氣候改變怪罪到人類頭上. --- 我們告訴你 --- 根本就不是這麼一回事. 幾十億萬噸的電漿被轟炸到地球來--- 在過去這二十年來 --- 超越所有歷史紀錄. 而如果認為地球這麼大的改變是被小小的一個氣候烹煮機, HAARP的所造成的 --- 也是不合乎邏輯的. --- 你們沒有這種科技存在. --- 這是 太陽電漿\離子漿(Solar Plasma) 所造成的. ---它就是在(寒武紀輻射?) (the Cambrian Radiation)大爆炸時代改變了你們以前的生物體並提升了地球的東西.

We tell you that the ionic inrush is also going to affect your biology. It is the catalyst that will shift you from carbon base to silicon base beings.

我還要告訴你 --- 這離子的穿透也將影響你個人的生物體. 那是一個催化劑 --- 會把你從 ‘碳基肉體’進化成 “硅質體”的人體(silicon base beings)

DNA & New Life Forms

和 新生命型式

The Aquarian Shift, or Anthropocene Radiation will bring about new life just as radiation did so in the Cambrian Radiation some 580 million years ago.

寶瓶座時代的提升 和 人類\地球量子進化新紀元幅射(The Aquarian Shift, or Anthropocene Radiation) 會帶出\發展出新的生命體就像五億八千萬年前的(寒武紀輻射?) (Cambrian Radiation)大爆炸的幅射所產生的作用一樣.

What is occurring is not unprecedented, although it is unrecorded and not as yet understood. What differentiates the current radiation influx is that it is now in symbiotic relationship to the Crystalline (Ascension) Grid. (Windows 2012 !)

所以現在發生的事並非沒有發生過. --- 雖然沒被紀錄下來, 而且人類也還不太了解那個過程. 而這次事件的不同之處在於 --- 目前的幅射匯聚與2012地球柵欄的揚升有一個 “共生性”的關系存在.

Higher dimensional life forms are becoming visible. These are new to the earth only in terms of being more 'tangible'. .. but they have been referenced in some of your religious texts. Ancient scribes have written in several of your sacred ideologies that life occurred in 3 formats: As clay ( Earth biology) , fire (devic electrical) and light (angelic) .

高維度生命體現在越來越容易被大家看見. --- 這些事對地球人類是個 ‘新鮮事’ 只是因為現在比較可以 “掌握”得到… 但事實上在你們的一些宗教性文件中早就提到過了\有紀錄了. 古籍中記載著你們的幾個神聖的思想理論 – 你們說 --- 生命發生在三種形式中: (如地球大地), (電子), (天使).

Within the synergy of the Aquarian -Cosmic Radiation and the Crystalline 144 Grid, parallel dimensions are now more accessible to you. The life forms, the beings referred to, exist in these dimensions as bio-plasmic, electrical and photonic. Does your bible not refer to Angels as Beings of Light ?

由於 “寶瓶座的宇宙幅射能量”與 “地球144柵欄的能量的匯聚 --- 現在 “平行維度”比較容易被接觸到了. 那些維度中的生命體\存有們, 是像 “生物離子漿”體, 電子體, 和 光子體的生命存有. 你們聖經不是有提到天使們是 “光的存有?

Certain of the orbs, lightning sprites, elves and photonic 'jellyfish' phenomena that began quickening in the past years are in fact conscious life forms of other dimensions and construct. Some of these have communicated to you in various means, including crop-circles.

一些 “圓的光球體”, “光體的搗蛋鬼”, “小精靈\小妖精”, 以及 “光子帶狀的果凍魚”式的現象 --- 在近年來出現的更多 --- 這些事實上是來自別的維度的有覺知的生命體的構造. 他們一些人試著用各種方式與你溝通, 其中包括了 ‘麥田圈’.

The more advanced extra terrestrials are nonphysical light beings.

比較進步的外星人 --- 是 ‘非物質’ 的 ‘光體存有’!

The Radiation Influx & Genesis


Two years after the 1987 Harmonic Convergence, a massive magnetic storm bombarded the Earth with billions of tons of charged plasma.

年的兩年之後1989年人類做了個 “合諧匯聚” (Harmonic Convergence)活動 --- 產生了一個大量電磁風暴轟炸地球 --- 帶來了幾十億噸帶電的離子漿.

Your scientists and geophysicists have noted the effect. They recorded over 200 solar flares in 36 Coronal Mass ejections over a 2 week period. Eleven of these were X-Class. The Earths Aura, the magnetosphere was flattened to half its normal size, appearing something like a plasmic jellyfish.

你們的科學家和地質學家們都注意到了這件事產生的效果. 他們記錄到了超過200次的太陽風暴在36次的日冕物質拋射當中 --- 時間超過兩個禮拜之久. 其中有11次都是 X級的. 地球的(大氣層?)(The Earths Aura), 電磁外層被打平了一半的正常尺寸. --- 看起來有點像一片 “離子漿果凍魚”.

The great magnetic storm created havoc. NASA lost track of space objects they were tracking, sophisticated computer systems crashed, oil platforms stopped drilling, global positioning systems failed, compasses failed, electrical grids shorted out leaving millions of people in Canada and North America without power. The MIR space station was abandoned.

這麼巨大的電子風暴制造了混亂. NASA 無法追蹤他們監控的東西, 複雜的計算機系統當機了, 鑽油平台停止了轉動, 全球定位系統全亂了, 指南針也失靈了, 許多電纜短路了, 加拿大和北美有幾百萬人沒有電可用. MIR太空站全被棄置了.

This influx continued. The largest flare ever recorded to date took place in 2001, followed by 150 storms in 2003. More X-Class flares have taken place in the past 2 decades than at any other time in recorded history.

能量不斷的進來. 被紀錄到的最大的一次日冕拋射是在2001 --- 造成了到2003年共150台風\颶風紀錄. 過去20年來更多的X級日冕拋射一直不斷發生 --- 遠超過所有歷史紀錄.

Unusual light phenomena began to occur. Rare red auroras were noted, auroras became visible during daylight, interesting phenomena of lightning called jellyfish, sprites and elves were reported more often than ever before. Crop circles evolved into far more complex designs, easily differentiated from the purported 'manmade' constructs.

不尋常的光的現象也被偵測到了. 很少見的紅光氣層被注意到了, 大氣層的光譜在大白天也可以被看到. 有趣的閃電現象被稱為 “果凍魚” “小精靈” “小妖怪”經常被報告出來--- 遠超過以前. “麥田圈” 也越來越複雜, 可以很容易與一般 “人造麥田圈”分辨出來.

The 6:1 Ratio Opens the Pineal

的比率 --- 打開了 “松果體”

The astonishing ionic influx is symbiotic with the dimensional shift, and works in synergy with the Crystalline Grid. The new ionic resonance will allow you to more easily open the pineal.

最令人咋舌的離子匯聚是與維度揚升所產生的 “共生匯聚”, --- 這能量在與地球柵欄能量相聚之後產生的能量. --- 這個新的離子能量共鳴將讓你更容易的打開你的松果體.

Your academics have been aware for some time that shifting the magnetics of the ionic ratio has a powerful effect on human consciousness. The French scientist, Mesmer, was the first to stumble across this knowledge. He found that by placing subjects in a strong anionic (magnetic) field, the subjects were able to achieve incredible states of consciousness which facilitate communication with the 'Universal Mind'. We tell you this was done by ionic induction that opened the pineal.

你們的學者早就發現只要改變離子的電磁比率就能對人類的覺知能力產生一個強大的效果. 法國科學家, Mesmer, 是第一個意外發現這個知識的人. --- 他發現只要將‘實驗者’ 放在一個很強的電離子狀態, 這‘被實驗對象’就會產生不可思議的覺知能力(超感能力) --- 而可以與 “宇宙心智”去溝通. --- 我現在告訴你 --- 這就是因為 “離子歸納能力” 引導出了 “松果體”的打開.

Your indigenous societies often were attracted to areas they termed 'Holy Ground' specifically because they discovered visions could occur more easily in certain powersites. The reason is the mineralogy and telluric energies in these rare and special locales create an ionic ratio that is different, and allows for the opening of the pineal.

你們的原住民團體常常要到他們叫做 “聖地”的地方去, 特別是當他們發現在這些高能量地方可以比較容易產生“透視”能力. 這原因就是因為這些不尋常而特別的地點的 “礦物學和碲的能量” 會創造出一種離子比率 --- 那是很特別的 --- 而可以用來打開 “松果體”.

In recent studies, some of your researchers in universities have discovered that by using ion generators to shift the ratio of anionic to cationic to 6:1 , test subjects have 'out of body' experiences. Again the induction opened the pineal.

在最近的研究中, 你們一些大學的研究員發現了使用離子發電機來改變 “比負離子對負離子比率到6:1 --- 就會產生 “靈魂出體”的經驗! 再一次解說 --- 這是 “離子歸納”的能量打開了 “松果體”.

Ratio & Theta Creation

比率與 Theta的創造

RL: 維基字典解釋 Theta: 數學中, Theta函數系多複變特殊函數一種。其應用兼阿貝爾簇同埋模空間、二次形式、孤立子理論﹔其格拉斯曼代數推廣亦見於量子場論,尤其超弦同D-膜理論。

The bombardment of anions onto your planet is shifting the ratio in the same way, and this is working with and through the Crystalline Grid to allow the shift in your consciousness and indeed your biology.Your scientists and biologists are becoming increasingly aware of this. The recent 'Human Genome' project contends that that human DNA will alter/mutate according to not only environmental conditions but also belief cultural 'programs'.

陰離子被轟炸到地球而改變了離子比率也是同樣的原理. --- 而且這是透過地球柵欄而達到的改變, 來改變你的覺知, 而且事實上改變了你的生物體. 你們的科學家和生物學家對這個現象的了解現在越來越清楚了. 最近的 “基因染色體”計劃認為人類DNA 會改變\突變 --- 不只是因為環境狀況, 而且還會因為 “文化\信仰”的思想軟件程序設計.

Last year an utterly astonishing experiment took place that has shaken main stream science. It is opening new levels of potential, and it was conducted by a main stream academic, a Nobel Prize recipient, Dr Luc Montagnier. Two hermetically sealed test tubes, one of which contained a tiny piece of DNA, the other pure sterilized distilled water were placed side by side. Both were surrounded by an electromagnetic field of 7Hz. In the test a fragment of the DNA appeared to teleport, spontaneously form in the tube of the distilled water. The test was repeated without projecting the 7 Hz field, and the 'teleportation did not take place.

去年一個完全跌破眼鏡的實驗震撼了你們的主流科學界. ---打開了新階段的可能性. --- 而這是一個主流學術單位所負責的實驗, --- 由諾貝爾獎學者Dr Luc Montagnier所做出的. 兩條嚴密密封的試管, 一管中有一小塊DNA, 另一管只是純粹的蒸餾水 --- 將它們放在一起. 兩個都用7個赫之的電磁場圍繞. 在這實驗結果中, DNA竟然主動 ‘遠距離傳物”的憑空成形在另一空水管中. 然後實驗又移開那七赫之的電磁場 --- 這‘隔空傳物’現象便沒發生了!

What does this mean? It means that the codes of life are coded in the 'Unified Harmonic Field' and can create life within a theta coherent vibration.

這代表什麼意思? --- 意思就是 --- 生命的密碼是被紀錄在一個 “共同的合諧場域”當中, 而在有 “theta磁場” 貫穿的地方就可以創造生命!!!

Take note of this. Study the nuances of theta and delta vibratory rates ! It is very important to note that creation occurs in coherent theta field.

注意這件事! 去研究這煩人的 Theta Delta頻率的數據比率! --- 研究在 “Theta 場域” 如何創造 --- 是非常重要的!!!

The objective world you see has ever been the end result of consciousness. But up until the present, it has been projected haphazardly; for humanity has not recognized nor mastered their divine potentials. Thoughts and images can indeed be utilized for the creation of a 'New World', a world of Peace, Harmony & Love. 'Coherent Theta', crystalline resonant thought, can be harmonically utilized to form physical reality and become physical fact. Your Ascension, that of humanity can be propelled mentally into manifestation from a frequencial state termed theta-coherency.

你看到的物質世界都一直是 “覺知” 的 “結果”. 但一直到現在, --- 這件事只是被 “隨意的” “影射性” 的說說而已 --- 因為人類還沒有理解到, 更沒有掌握到 --- 他們的神聖潛力!!! 思想與想象力真的可以被用來創造一個 “新世界”!!! ---一個 和平的\合諧的\充滿愛的世界! --- 'Coherent Theta'(連貫的 Theta電磁場)與 地球柵欄合諧共鳴的 “思想”, 可以被合諧的用來制造出物質世界, 而成為 “現實”!!! 你的揚升 --- 人類可以 “透過心理作用”就被提升到 “創造顯化現實”的能力 --- 這種 “頻率的電離子磁場” 就叫做 “ 'Coherent Theta'(連貫的 Theta電磁場)!!!

Exploring Theta Coherency

多了解 'Coherent Theta'(連貫的 Theta電磁場)!!!

Humanity in the present culture has placed great importance on the consciousness state of the 'Beta Frequency'. It is now time to begin exploring other states of mind. It is time to utilize the theta state for co creation of your reality. The Aquarian Radiation is the mechanism and indeed the result of the Planetary Ascension. It will offer to humanity the tools for the Ascension of Mankind.

人類目前的文化把許多重要性放在 “Beta 頻率”上. 現在該開始研究其它種的心態了. --- 時間到了! --- 你們現在該使用 “Theta電磁態”來協助創造你的現實了. “寶瓶座幅射”就是這個機制, --- 而這就是 “地球的揚升”!!! ---它提供了人類揚升的工具!!!

The benevolent mechanism of what has taken place, and what will continue to occur, especially through 2013 solar maximum, is the massive injection of Cosmic Plasma into and onto the Earth. Billions of tons of ionic energy has been projected into your plane, and it is an incredible energy.

已經發生在地球上的 “大愛的機制” --- 而且會持續發生的事 --- 特別是整個2013年的 “太陽最大值” (solar maximum)的發生 --- 就是這個大量的電離子漿被投射入地球之上和地球裡面. 幾十億噸的離子能量已經被投射進入地球了, 而這是一份不可思議的能量!

Your astrophysicists are now aware of collective jet streams of plasma that have begun in recent years to circle the Earth. This plasma is not only changing the ionic ratio, it is doing so in the theta coherent field. Theta is the doorway to divine creativity. Standing waves, standing pools of coherent theta energy are now being drawn to specific nodes on the planet. These can be utilized for 'creation centers', as the need for Spiritual Warriors to meditate in groups toward the manifestation of a harmonic planet becomes more viable !

你們的太空物理學家已經知道了這個集體的電離子漿能量被不斷噴射到地球, 並且幾年來不斷環繞住地球的事實. 這電離子漿不只改變了離子比率, 而是改變了'Coherent Theta'(連貫的 Theta電磁場)的比率. Theta就是上帝創造的密碼! 這些存在的光波, 整池的'Coherent Theta'(連貫的 Theta電磁場)的能量, 都被吸引到了地球上的特別傳輸連接點. --- 這些地點可以做為 “創造中心”. --- 特別是做為 “靈魂戰士”們集體冥想來創造顯化地球的合諧的地方 --- 這個需求與願望已經越來越可行, 可以成功了!

Your planet has always been charged body orbiting in a plasmic field. The recent influx of solar radiation is exponentially increasing the influence and interaction of this radiation with both the earth and humanity. You academics now have scientific data to take a deeper look into Earth and Cosmic changes occurring, and reconsider their extent and their role . We tell you that not only do these changes have an impact on virtually the entire volume of the Earth, from its core to the atmosphere and magnetosphere. But it does not stop there, the ionic shift changes frequencies at which humanity's minds operate. They provide the interface to higher dimensional access.

你們的地球本來就一直都是一個帶電的物質體運作在一個電離子場域中. 而最近的太陽幅射的能量匯聚已經呈指數性成長的增加了對地球以及人類的影響與互動. 你們學術界現在有科學數據來深入研究地球與宇宙的變化之發生, 並重新評估它們的內涵與角色. 讓我告訴你 --- 不止整個地球都受到這些改變的影響了--- 從地球核心, 到大氣層到地球之電磁場. --- 事情還不止這樣 --- 離子的提升改變了人類的心智作用的頻率. ---它提供了通往更高維度的 “界面”!!!

How does this work? The energy that comes from the coronal mass ejections is being absorbed into the tectonic plates of the earth and increasing the vibratory resonance of the earth through that method. These work uniquely with certain power points and sacred sites, particularly those of geometric crystalline overlay. These changes from Cosmic radiation move through the entire node systems of the earth. If the plasma from coronal mass ejections create such a vibration, then the entire electromagnetic flow of the earth is affected. The collective mind & paradigm of humanity is also affected, how humanity creates the reality in which it lives as well as the credibility of the verisimilitude it believes. All of this is affected by that which comes from the sun, that which comes from the solar wind.

這是怎麼做到的? --- 太陽日冕物質的拋射所產生的能量 --- 被吸入了地球的地殼構造版塊 --- 透過這方法 --- 提升了地球震動的頻率共鳴. --- 這是透過與一些特別的強力的神聖能量地點的連接, 特別是那些在地球柵欄在線的重迭的地點. 這些宇宙幅射能量透過這些地球傳輸點移動並制造出改變! 所以當太陽日冕物質拋射出能量下來時, 整個地球的電磁場之流動全受到影響. 而人類集體的意志與人類的 “實相” (paradigm ) 也被影響了 --- 意即 --- 人類創造出自己的生活的 “現實” 的方法, 以及他所相信的 “逼真” 的 信念 --- 都逐漸改變了! --- 這些都是因為來自太陽的能量所產生的改變. --- 由於太陽風所產生的改變.

Closing of Part One:

Effects of the Plasmic Shift:


* Changing ionic ratio which will allow for easier access into coherent theta state


'Coherent Theta'
(連貫的 Theta電磁場)

* Allows for easier opening of the pineal

就可以打開 ‘松果體’

* The tool for creative harmony manifestation


* Catalyst for shifting DNA and Biological Transition to Silicon Crystalline Biology (Quartz is silicon dioxide)

改變的催化劑, 以及生物體改變成 “生物硅質水晶體”(石英是二氧化硅)

In Correlation with the Crystalline Grid the Plasma Shift:


* Assists in the expansion of the planet into 12 dimensions


* Allows for greater access into multidimensionality ( Photonic & Plasmic Life)

打開進入多維度空間的偉大入口 (光子生命與離子漿生命維度)

* Key role in requisite earth-changes


* Coherency acceleration


* Key role in formation of the New Firmament


* Enhanced Vibrancy of Power nodes, Vortexial Portal Sites

增強 地球能量點, 渦輪星門地點的振動頻率.

* Ability of Humanity to co create the New Earth

人類協助創造 “新地球” 的能力

Dear Ones, we tell you again the Ascension of the Planet did occur, and humanity has made it so. Even if much of humanity does not recognize it in 3d consciousness, the Earth has indeed changed, graduated into a new paradigm. So it is time to let go of old energy, of FEAR. Our message is to tell you of your Divinity, and to tell you as a matter of fact, as a point of truth, that the planet is now in Year ONE of the New Earth.

親愛的一們, 我們再說一遍 --- ‘地球的揚升’有發生!!! 而人類也隨同揚升了!!! 雖然許多在3D意識的人並沒有察覺到這件事, 地球真的改變了, 被升級到了一個 “新實相” 當中. 所以大家要放棄舊的能量 --- 那些來自 ‘恐懼’的能量!!! 我們的訊息就是告訴你 --- 你的神聖性的層面!!! --- 而且告訴你 “事實” --- “真相” 是 --- 地球現在是在 “新地球” 的第一年了!!!

Indeed humanity will follow and in rapid time, will also Ascend. You are absolutely on track for that to happen.

事實是 --- 在很快的時間裡, 人類也會隨同揚升.你們目前就是在這條注定會發生的路上.

In this new era, it is incumbent upon the seekers to project joy, to project light, for in the expansion to Crystalline Harmonics, every photon of mental light you project is amplified. And this occurs more rapidly in the New Energy. So your roles take on a new benevolence, as your creation powers increase.

在這個新的時代 --- 尋求揚升的人負有義務要將喜悅放射出去, 要發射光, --- 因為在揚升入水晶的合諧作用當中時 (Crystalline Harmonics), 你心智能量所`發射出的每一個 “光子”都被放大. 而在新能量當中這現象發生得更是快速. 所以你的 “大愛角色” 也翻新了 --- 因為你的創造能量也增強了!!!

Many humans on the path of light contend that everything happens for reason. This is oft extrapolated to 'everything that happens is meant to happen....that all is as it should be.'

許多走在光明的路上的人們認為 “每件事情的發生都有個合理的理由”.這句話常常被解讀為 --- “每件事的發生都是應該發生的 …每件事都是在它既定的路上.

We tell you that from the higher stance, everything does lead to greater understanding, but the 'University of Earth' is purposed for learning responsible creativity. The leading professor is the doctor of 'cause and effect', and this doctor makes house calls.

我們可以告訴你 --- 從一個較高點來看 --- 每件事的發生都會制造出更大的理解力, 但是, “地球大學” 的主要教學巷目標是 --- “學習負責任的創造”!!!而首席教授就是 “因果法則”醫生, --- 而且這個醫生是親自到府醫病的!!!

If everything happened in the highest order on the first 'go-round' there would be no need for the learning and growth cycle of reincarnation. So there is indeed a learning curve and apprenticeship that allows for repeating the process. Humanity will continue to take the course until responsible creation is mastered.

假如每件事情的發生都是 “必需的” “第一順序的必要程序” --- 那就不需要 “輪回” 來學習與成長了!!! 所以學習是有 “學習曲線”的, 以及 “學徒實習期”! --- 所以學習程序是可以重修和重複的! --- 換言之, 人類會一直持續上課直到“負責任的創造能力\技術” 被學會為止!!!

Not every action, not every decision passes the test.

人生沒有一個行為, 沒有一個決定 --- 是在 ‘考驗’ 範圍之外!

Your new matrix of 2013 and beyond offers a more concentrated matriculation criteria for humanity. In this advanced regimen more action is required for graduation.

2013年的基體架構以及未來的日子的 --- 提供了一個更集中的人類大學入學許可條件. --- 在這個進階版的 “培植園”裡, 你們需要拿出更多行動來畢業.

It is now the time for focal co-creation. We tell you that individual and group coherent thought can and will change the reality of your planet. But you must understand that the most potent, most effective creative manifestation does not occur in 3-d brain, but in the theta frequency of higher dimensional mind.

現在是專注的 “協助創造” 的時候了! 我們告訴你們 – 個人以及集體的 “合諧思想”能夠而且也會創造你們地球的現實! 但你必需要了解 ---最有效的, 最有力的顯化創造能力不會發生在你的3D腦袋中, 而是在高維度心智的 Theta頻率中.

There are so many things that you realize must be changed. So many mindsets are still focused in the erroneous trappings of the 3-d plane, including greed, man's inhumanity to fellow beings, and the seeking of power over love. In 2013 you can begin to unite and create a harmonic earth. Effort is needed, the clarion calls !

你們該已經了解到有許多事你們必須改變. 許多根深柢固的觀念還卡在3D層面當中, 包括 “貪婪”, 不符合人性的對待同胞的方式, 以及追求 ‘權力’而不是 ‘愛’的習慣. 2013, 你們要開始聯合起來, 並創造一個合諧的地球. 努力是需要的! 號角已經被吹響了!

I am Metatron and I share with you these Truths. You Are Beloved.

我是Metatron, 而我分享這些真相給你們! 你們是被愛著的!

....And so it is...And it is So.

事實就是如此! 事實就是如此!

Stay Tuned for Part 2 of this Message - Coming Soon !

請期待此訊息 “第二部份”的出現 --- 很快了!

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附註:Radiation 係指能量以波或是次原子粒子移動的型態傳送,輻射之能量從輻射源向外所有方向直線放射,一般可依其能量的高低及游離物質的能力分類為游離輻射或非游離輻射。一般普遍將這個名詞用在游離輻射,游離輻射具有足夠的能量可以將原子或分子游離化,非游離輻射則否。輻射活性物質是指可放射出游離輻射之物質,游離輻射主要有三種:αβγ輻射(或稱射線)。游離輻射或非游離輻射皆對生物有害,而且可影響自然環境。

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