
Beloved Ones,

As you go about your daily activities, it is important that you continue to stay grounded each and every day and that you devote some alone time to further your connection to your Higher Self. It is also very important to keep every thought focused on that which you want to become manifest in your personal world and upon your Planet. In this way, the Universe returns to you that which you give out and the Universe is totally impartial in its giving you all of that which is in resonance with your dominant thoughts. Discipline your minds, Dear Ones, for you are powerful Creators and you bring into creation what you dwell upon.


就 在你進行每日的活動時,很重要的一點就是你需要持續的在每天保持內在的根植,留些時間給自己獨處,讓自己更深遠的與高我連接。其中十分重要的一點就是你必 須聚焦每個想法在自己真正想要的事情上,以個人的力量去完全實現它,在你的世界和星球上成型。以這種方式,宇宙就會不斷的回饋給你送出的意圖之能量,宇宙 是全然公正的,給予你需要的一切來回應你處於支配地位的想法。所以請不斷訓導自己的意識想法,摯愛的親人們,因為你就是充滿力量的創造者,你給自己居住的 環境和一切帶來創造。

Try to devote as much of your free time to the glory of God in all your endeavors so that you think, breathe and live for God, with God, by God and as God manifest upon the Earth. You are walking a lonely Path as you hold to your vision for a better World and a better way but know that each day more and more Souls upon this Planet awaken in their awareness that there is much more to life on Earth than they ever dreamed was possible. This life you are living is one you chose voluntarily in order to prepare yourselves for these very times that are now taking place. You have honed your inner Being to diamond brightness and clarity and even though you are still working on clearing lower aspects within yourselves that still persist, you are not going backwards, you are progressing, you are moving forward.

請 嘗試貢獻自己的時間在神的榮耀中,以你的想法就是你所有努力的一切,像神一樣呼吸與生活,通過神的指引,同時你也是神顯化在地球上的範本。因為你持有著更 美好世界的觀點,所以使得你一直走在孤獨的道路上,而這個更好的道路卻也每天被越來越多地球上的靈魂們所瞭解,他們正在覺醒於自身的覺知,明白了在地球上 生活可以變得更美好,在過去都是從未想過的。這個生活就是你自願選擇的,為此你要為這些非常時刻不斷準備自己,而它現在正在發生。你已經拋光了自己粗糙的 表面,內心存在的本質閃爍出鑽石般的光芒,如此的清晰,雖然你依舊在工作于處理與清理較低面向的自我存在,它依舊是如此的固執,不過你並沒有因此倒退,你 在不斷發展自己,你大步向前。

As best you can, try to stay attuned to your heart and continue to make it your primary guidance system. Honor yourselves for having the incredible courage to leave behind old outdated systems and beliefs and hold to a higher perspective. You have the experience and the ability to be dwellers in more than one reality and each of you is working on all dimensions during these times. Many of you are feeling many aches and pains in various parts of your physical bodies and these are transitory and temporary in nature. Any long standing illnesses that have shown improvement recently may resurface in its old intensity once again and when this happens, listen to your heart and seek guidance there.

請 盡力做到最好,嘗試不斷與心靈調諧,持續讓它成為你主要的指引系統。請尊重自己,因為你擁有著難以置信的勇氣,把這腐朽的舊系統和信仰遠遠拋在身後,進入 一種更高的遠景之中。你擁有經驗,你也擁有著能力成為更好現實的居民,你們每個人在這些時刻都同時在所有的維度工作著。許多人正感受到不適和各種痛苦,這 發生在你肉體的各個部位,在本質上這些都是短暫的臨時現象。任何維持許久的病痛在最近都得到了改善,不過也會再次浮現出它在過去的強烈程度,當這種現象發 生的時候,請聆聽你的心靈指引,在這個地方尋求指引。

If you are feeling disheartened and tired with all the cleansing and releasing that you have been experiencing, find a substitute for your daily disciplines such as high frequency, harmonious music to help keep your energy levels high as you plod your way through the cleansing process. Every iota of dross must be released from within you and your physical bodies and this is an ongoing activity that ebbs and flows with the cycles of the moon and the flares of the sun. Allow this to be what it is for you without resistance and accept all that is happening without getting caught up in dramatic scenarios.

如 果在你進行任何清理和釋放的時候體驗到心灰意冷和沮喪的情緒,請馬上尋找一種替代方式來取代你當前的每日訓導,諸如更高頻率的,和諧的音樂來説明你保持自 身的高能量水準,在通過自我清理的過程時難免會遇到這種沉重的影響。每個細微的碎屑都必須從你的內在完全釋放,從你的肉體中釋放,而這也是一個持續不斷的 過程,它會隨著月亮週期和太陽耀斑而興衰迴旋。請允許這一切自然的發生,不要拒絕與抵抗,並接受所有正在發生的一切都不會陷入戲劇化的悲情局面。

Change any stories that you have been telling yourselves which have been keeping you stuck by re-writing the script of your experiences one day at a time. Focus on keeping your mind quiet and clear. We know this is a difficult task when there is so much that is occurring around you that diverts you from your intent to stay focused and empowered. The way before you IS clearing and much unseen assistance from your Family of Light is occurring for each of you in sure and steady ways. Trust that you are in the right place in divine timing and know that all is well and everything is perfect.

請 改變任何過去以來你一直在給自己訴說的故事,而它一直在你每日一次的重新書寫你體驗的時候卡住了你。集中注意力讓自己保持內心的清明與寧靜。我們知道這是 一個困難的任務,這個時候有這麼多的事情在圍繞著你發生,它們從你的意圖中猛然的闖入,妨礙著你精神專注和自我授權。你前方的道路正被不斷清掃著,許多看 不到的來自你光之家庭的幫助力量也在持續的輔助著你,確保你們每個人在確定和穩定的道路上。請相信自己就處在正確的道路上,處在神聖的時機內,一切都很 好,每件事情都是完美的。

Until next week
I AM Hilarion

譯者 U2覺醒

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