Since the recent Solar Flares, the Scribe is finding it difficult to receive a current update and has instead gone back through the archives one year ago to see what Master Hilarion told us then and has re-posted it here.
Beloved Ones,
There will be a greater influx of Cosmic energies flowing and spiraling down into the atmosphere of the Earth in the coming week or two and as these energies begin to assimilate within the auric fields of Humanity, there will be a period of adjustment to these higher frequencies within Humanity. This will take many forms in outer expression in the coming months as these energies begin to create changes in perception, attitudes and thoughts and many limiting concepts will simply fall away as though they never existed. Much will begin to change in the way Humanity interacts with each other and there will be a greater harmony and cooperation between all peoples as the Earth moves into a greater vibratory rate.
在 即將到來的一兩個星期裡,將會有更巨大的宇宙能量匯入到地球大氣中,同時這些高層能量在同化人類的金場,將會出現一段時期的調整,讓人類與這些更高頻率整 合。在前方的幾個月裡將會出現許多形式的外在表達,因為這些能量開始在洞察力,態度和想法中創造改變,許多限制性的概念將簡單的離去,就好像它從未存在過 一般。許多間剛開始以與人類互動的方式在彼此之間進行轉變,將會出現更多的合作與更大的和諧氛圍,在所有人之間蔓延開來,進入到一種更偉大的振動頻率中。
The weathermen on your news channels will be hard put to accurately predict tomorrow’s weather as the elements adjust to the new waves of Light coming in. All is in a state of flux and change is the only constant that can be relied upon. It is very important for you to stay centered within your heart space as you go about your daily existence and that you practice kindness and much patience with those around you, for people will be feeling the irritation of their nervous system trying to adjust and balance as these energies flow into their physical bodies. Remember that you have all been there and done that and you have all had the benefit of these and other messages to steer you in the right direction and most of those who are now being affected do not have the understanding of what is occurring.
新 聞頻道的氣象預報員將很難對第二天的氣候做出正確的預報,因為這些元素也在與新進入的光之能量調整。一切都處在不穩定和改變的狀態中,這是唯一可以描述的 情況。那麼對你們來說很重要的就是穩穩紮根於內心的空間裡,在你每日的體驗和生活中都表達出和藹與許多的耐心去對待你周圍的人,一些人會感覺自己受到自己 神經系統的刺激,嘗試調整與平衡這些進入他們身體中的能量。請記住你需要的一切都在這裡了,並都已完成,你也從所有這些和其他資訊中受益,驅使你進入正確 的方向,大多數人現在都在被影響著,卻不理解正在發生的是什麼。
The best way to help in these times is to consistently and persistently stay in the higher frequencies and try to maintain calm and equilibrium in all your thoughts, words, actions and deeds, for in these times a simple smile will go a long way to raising the energies in the people around you. You are now the Emissaries of Light, the Patternmakers and role models to the people around you and it is important to stay in your highest integrity as much as possible, given the fact that each of you is still in the end process of this cleansing also. Rest as much as possible and keep your bodies hydrated by drinking pure, clean water.
在 這些時刻最好的幫助就是堅定的,恒常的站立在更高的頻率中,不斷讓自己保持平靜和平衡,應用到你所有的想法,話語,行動和行為中,要知道在這些時刻裡,哪 怕是一個簡單的微笑都能夠帶來提升的能量,讓你周遭的人受益。你們現在都是聖光的使者,製圖師,和你周圍之人的榜樣,因此很重要的一點就是你要處於自身的 最高完整中,盡可能的去這麼做,而這個被給予的事實就是你們每個人依舊在清理過程的完結時刻。盡可能的多休息,保持你身體的充足水分,多飲用乾淨的水。
Keep intending each day to be in the highest Christ consciousness that is available on the Planet at this time and daily affirm your sovereignty to remind yourselves why you are here, which is to raise the frequency and consciousness of Humanity to Ascension levels. This is an ongoing task but you have all become much more proficient at this task, however, there is one area that you need to become more aware of, and that is the need to practice shielding of your auric fields from the thoughts and energy fluctuations of others. Just ask your Guides and Angels each morning to protect your entire energetic field and keep it clear from the energies of others. Many times, you are suffering because you have unknowingly picked up someone else’s worries, anxieties and concerns and this can hold you back from living your lives with the greater ease, joy and happiness that you deserve and intend.
在每一天都始終保持在最高的基督意識狀態是可能的,在星球的這個時刻每日都肯定你的主權意識,時刻提醒自己是為了什麼來到這裡---就 是為了提高頻率和人類的意識進入揚升的水準。這是一個持續不斷的工作,而且你們所有人變得更多的精通這項任務,不過,有個領域你們需要更多的瞭解,那就是 需要保護你的氣場,不要受到其他人能量波動和想法的影響。僅僅只需要在每天的清晨向你的指導靈和天使團體尋求説明,保護你全部的能量場,讓它在與其他人的 接觸中保持乾淨。許多次你都遭遇到傷害是因為你在無意識中攜帶了其他人的某些煩惱,焦慮和擔心,這會拖住你的後腿,把你從自己應得和意願的更高放鬆,喜悅 和幸福中帶離。
Take comfort in the knowledge that at some point in the raising of your frequency work, you will achieve a state of Being where your energy field cannot be infringed by others, knowingly or unknowingly. This will come as you begin to manifest as a fully realized Divine Human. Know that we are always with you and await your calls. You are loved beyond measure by your Family of Light.
請 對這些知識保持舒適的態度,在你不斷提升自我頻率的某個階段,你將會處於一個存在狀態,那時你將不再會受到其他人的能量場的干擾,不管是有意識還是無意 識。當你能夠全面的作為神聖人類而存在的時候就會開始顯現出來。請明白我們永遠陪伴著你們,等待著你們的請求。你們被光之家庭以超越你自身認知的情感所深 深愛著。
Until next week….
I AM Hilarion